PURE FIX PRESENTS: Encino Omnium 2
Hey Everyone!
I'll be organizing the Encino Omnium 2 race which will be on June 5th, 2016. I hope everyone is excited about
this event as much as I am.
If any of you are looking to get certified at the Encino Velodrome or know of anyone who is interested in
learning how to ride the track please let me know! Im looking to get 25 MEN and WOMEN on the track so we
can have a mix of 50 new velodrome hopefuls. We will be charging a one time fee of $10 dollars, thats 35
dollars off the actual registration price.
After certifications are over we will be throwing a C/B/A/W category style of race. This is when the omnium will
begin. Please let me know if you are interested in this as well and ill forward you the PREREG LINK once its
created. Quick note, you must be certified at the velodrome to race the track!
Facebook Event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/763521887116837/
My mission is to give you guys and girls an experience of a lifetime, one where you understand track cycling as
an art form, and two where man and women can build upon this beautiful sport together.
Hope to see some passion in your eyes when you're on the track.
Jason Rivera
Pure Fix Cycles
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.