Knight Riders: BB&K Feeder to The Ride With No Name
Knight Riders: Bikes, Brews, & Kush!
Theme: The Ride WIth No Name
Meet & Greet: 8:00 PM
Spinning Spokes: 9:00 PM
Another week of BB&K, this week we will join The Ride With No Name remember to meet on 3rd St. & Traction
Come out and ride with the Knight Riders we are here to have a fun and great bike ride, meet new riders,
make new friends/see old friends.
Stay safe by riding safe! Stay to the right! Stay behind the leader!
CALL OUT: Cars, Holes, Cracks, Dips, & bumps. If a rider falls call it out "Rider down" or if there is a
flat call it out "Flat"
Bike friendly / Beer friendly / 420 friendly
Lets make more memories together!
Knight Riders L.A.!!!
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.