For the Strava Bragging Rights, on Sunday January 10th, we'll ride every street within Downtown LA bordered by the 101, 110 & 10. More details to come. Join us for the full century, or a portion of it!
Meetup Time: 8:00AM at Grand Park (North Broadway, btwn 1st & Temple)
Leave Time: 8:30 AM (gives roughly 8 hours of day light for those who plan to ride every street!)
Hey Everyone, very excited for those who plan to show up on Sunday morning. The goal is to do a chill Century Ride (100 miles) within DTLA, and you are free to do that however you want! You may follow someone, your group of friends and utilize our routes (Strava maps coming tonight), or feel free to do any route you please.
Again, this is not a race, you join at your own risk - let’s show LA how amazing cycling can be, enjoy the diversity of DTLA, and I look forward to seeing those completed Strava Maps!
Please keep the following in mind:
This is not a race. There is no finish line. No winners. No Losers. No awards. You do get a pretty sweet Strava Map though! #StravaProveIt And we’ll have spoke cards!
Make this ride safe and fun, downtown is filled with obstacles (trains, trucks, pedestrians, animals, pot holes, hills, stop lights, stop signs). Be aware of yourself, your surroundings, obey the rules of the road, and wear a helmet! Signal your turns, yell out obstacles to fellow riders and be courteous to others.
Keep in mind what you will need for this ride (this list is not exhaustive by any means, just a few highlights):
1. Water (stay hydrated), Food / Gels
2. External Battery Pack (this is for the Strava, you don’t want that phone dying on you)
3. Spare Tubes, tire levers, multi-tool, etc
4. Helmet
5. Friends, buddy system if you want to make it to 100
6. A bike lock incase you plan on going to any establishments during or after
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.