6th Annual MoM Ridaz b.c Sock The Homeless Charity Ride
MoM Ridaz Bicycle Club was established in 2008 by a group of friends in echo park. MoM Ridaz has long believed in an all inclusive motto
as well as wanting to give back to the community they ride in. With members spanning across the united states, France and Canada.
Currently MoM Ridaz are the leading front in giving back to los Angeles by being the founders of the adopt an intersection program of
cicLAvia with volunteers numbering up to 50 per cicLAvia.
While riding around los angeles MoM Ridaz saw a need in the cold, wet, winter months to warm up the homeless, who as we all know have
little to nothing to rely on.
MoM Ridaz began distributing socks, gloves, beanie and scarves to the less fortunate on the first day of each year. Distributing on the first
allows the less fortunate to start off thw year in a positive way and a good way to feel respected and loved by those they've never met.
Years later the skid row population expects and count on this bicycle club to start off the year a little bit better than the last year ended.
Please feel free to donate thru PayPal and or in person to any MoM Ridaz member
Meet at echo park at 11:00
Ride out close to 1:00p
Feel free to bring more things to distribute to the less fortunate.
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.