Member since: 10.1.10
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coffee, tree frogs, cats, books, writing, music, walking, biking, hiking, laughing, me time, travel, farmer's markets, volunteer work, parks, beaches, bubble baths, night time, porches, snow, my brother, my friends, street lamps, good poetry, bad poetry, small parties, cheesy 80's clubs, film, theater, museums, shows, drinking wine, driving long distances, camping, painting, orange soda, orange slice candy, making cards, cooking, thrift store hunting, gardens, sleeping in, waking up early, clamy hands, awkward jokes, bad first impressions, swimming, majong, funny clothes, the way I trip over everything, anything yellow, the smell of lemon soap and Apricots
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.