NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
I enjoy drinking...I even drink and ride occasionally, so trust me I'm not judging when I say this was fucking stupid!! I don't know how this went down, so I guess I'm looking for other peoples take on what happened.
Also I'd like to urge those of you who want to drink/blaze..lets be a lil more fucking discreet and keep it out the street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you REALLY believe the bullshit of the LA Times???? We stopped at the Sand Dunes Liqueur Store and MOST of us were in the back parking lot, but yes a few peeps were on the sidewalk and in front of the store since the back door was closed. Come on now can't you read BETWEEN the lines that this was just a ploy of LAPD and the LA Times to attack the new policy that protects cyclists on the roadways. Think.
@newark REALLY??? The van was a guy who was nice enough to be a support vehicle for the ride in case of any breakdowns or crashes. Our friendly LAPD impounded his van when he STOPPED, NOT PARKED, in a no parking zone near airplane park. He was stopped less than a minute before LAPD came up with some bullshit about STOPPED=PARKING on PCH. They were just trying to cause drama and negativity for the ride.
Such Yellow Journalism, I expect more from the LA Times. LAPD did not even talk with any of the cyclists at the "the situation, which was "still unfolding." LOL, everyone was in the parking lot of the Sand Dune Liquor Store (with maybe some people in front or waiting on the sidewalk. LAPD just parked across the street with 4 car units. Such a shame that LA Times would even consider posting an article like this just to try to hurt the new protection policy of cyclists.
X-Large responding to a comment by newarkhouse
08.10.11 - 10:49 am
@XL - I thought it funny that given the number of photo/video professionals that ride with us to have a 'film-van' following yall. smelled like some jared leto shit, but youre right I shouldn't have believed the sensationalists at the LA times.
I think TT and all Ridazz should be able to explore and interact with the streets of LA whatever way they want. Even if something like a 'circle of death' did happen at the spot in Playa Vista the article mentions, the worst thing that would happen is a couple of drunk surfers trying to drive home from the bars are made more aware of cyclists using the streets after dark.
Its' crazy how this is all unfolding, how angry people can get about people riding bikes, and how people in cars kill people on bikes and details are sketchy but the media is on top of the "Group of cyclist stop for twenty min. somewhere and may be drinking" story.
What's up did you guys forget the condoms?
MAXX responding to a comment by X-Large
08.10.11 - 11:10 am
lol, no jared leto shit, the van was a mobile stereo installation van and the dude was just doing a video on his cell phone for his own personal memories of the night. He didn't have a bike to ride that night and thought he could help us out by being a support vehicle in case of any breakdowns or flats. We didn't even do a "circle of death" last night and the ride was pretty chill except for the bullshit and drama from LA Times and the LAPD.
Don't believe the propaganda of yellow journalists. BUT I did hear that condoms and beer cans were found on the scene. hahhahhahahahahaah
X-Large responding to a comment by newarkhouse
08.10.11 - 11:14 am
Haha, we just missed all this fun. Van Dude definitely cool - asked if we were ok after turning around at Lincoln to leave early - sucks that he was the one who needed a ride at the end of the night. All is relative tho - still nowhere near the level of good-natured police harASSment SMCM saw in 08.
supersano responding to a comment by X-Large
08.10.11 - 12:33 pm
100% in agreement. Each story contains a link to the cyclist anti harassment ordinance. This is what happens when a mangey un-monied group of people get political recognition. the powers that be start chripin and creepin.
HAHA Thanks for the clear up!! Yeah I can read between the lines..and I know that they are just looking for a reason to relax on the Dahab prosecution well as make us look un-deserving of the new law.
Like I suspected, there was much more to the story...
Either way..everybody be careful and don't give the LAPD/Corporate media/all other assholes any easy reason to hate us.
NOw back to the fight video....HAHAHAHA That's awesome!! Ira guey!!
doest take long and they will freak the fuck out and stop what they are doing to tend to the motorbikes when they hear that sound.
Steal the keys and put them in the sewer drain / on a roof. Motorcycles are easy game.
Was that x-ray? WTF
I thought people knew how to fight still? WHERE WERE THE U LOCKS. BRING ON THE KNEE SWEEPS. Grab onto a dude's throat if you have to.
If someone makes an active threat towards me I make all efforts to ensure they will never be able to do so ever again. In any way. That includes not fighting fair. /dontgiveafuck
TheDude responding to a comment by the reverend dak
08.10.11 - 5:27 pm
I love are rides especially TT , But its sad that the bluntness of some riders ,disrespect with open drinking and "partying" does make us look undeserving of the new law :(
Media has found a way to blast these rides very sad times..
Is there a back story to this video or are you advocating cyclists assaulting people and vandalizing property based on what looks like some trash talking? All I see is some angry-looking conversation, then some ridazz HITTING PEOPLE with bikes, then kicking people while they're down.
Excuse me, but just to keep things consistent I would like to see the book thrown at these cyclists assaulting pedestrians with their vehicles.
In the absence of a back story I'm going to assume the motorcyclists, vulnerable road users on two wheels whose lives are in danger every time they ride, felt threatened by the erratic behavior of cyclists on the road and went to have a talk with them, only to be met with fists and frames flying.
you can assume all you want. I see cyclists getting in to it with some motorcycle riders. I don't know the back story but it looks like the motorcycle riders are the ons who start the madness... not sure though. the comments from the filmakers are hilarious.
Roadblock responding to a comment by outerspace
08.11.11 - 5:29 pm
All assumption aside, the first punch (and bike) thrown came from the cyclists, and I don't think it's cool to beat someone who's already on the ground. I'm kind of surprised I need to have this debate with the same Roadblock who has chastised my fight-back attitude before on here and actually had a calming effect on me.
These ridazz were obviously ready to brawl before the moto riders even lifted a hand, just watch the video. Of course the moto riders look agitated but the correct reaction would have been to say "chill out" not to whack them over the head with a bicycle, tackle them to the ground and start kicking them.
What's wrong is that the moto guys kept their helmets on, the cyclist should not have used their bikes. No helmets, no bikes, no sticks or gloves. Man up and try not to fight. But if you have to fight, fight straight.
I guarantee you guys: from now on EVERY time there is an "incident" involving group rides, LAPD will see to it that the local media are informed about the threat that we purportedly pose to the rest of society. They have been playing this game much longer than we have.
To the best of my knowledge, Andrew Blankstein...the person who first reported the incident...was advised via Twitter by a cyclist or a bystander....but not LAPD. I left a message for him but he has not yet responded.
Says the publisher of the gleefully hate filled comic zine / named after chicks who suck dicks in exchange for drugs.
Part of your awesome is that you look that the world through hate tinted glasses.
But understand "media" is just a thing. Like air, water, or food.
It can be good, decent, or bad. Positive or negative.
Inherently flawed as work of humans, but nor more positive or negative than anything else.
And of course the corporate fast food version of media, is just as lip smacking, addictive and shitty as anything you can find on the shelves at 7-11