Ktown Driver Court Date Tomorrow
Thread started by
Ninja biker at 07.10.11 - 9:25 pm
Does anyone know which Court she's going to be at?
Metro Court in Dtla. As far as the time, I do not know.
mechazawa07.10.11 - 9:44 pm
i got the info from the main forum posting about the collision.
mechazawa responding to a
comment by Ninja biker
07.10.11 - 10:40 pm
Thanks Mech.
If anyone wants to ride out with me to the courthouse,
I'll be at the vermont/wilshire station around 7:45 and I'll roll out at 8.
I'll be on a black & red Fuji.
Ninja biker07.11.11 - 2:52 am
According to the Sheriff's inmate locator page, the original court date was scheduled for today in Dept. 60 at the Metro courthouse on Hill off Washington. This was probably just a promise to appear date, like you get when you are cited for an infraction.
HOWEVER, Friday when I checked with the criminal clerk at that courthouse, they still had NO court case #, meaning criminal charges haven't been filed, and the name did NOT appear on the calendar for today.
It's very likely that the police report still hasn't been completed and handed over to the City Attorney so that may be why no court case # exists yet.
DJwheels07.11.11 - 6:52 am
I called Dept. 60 right now. They say her name is not on calendar for today.
DJwheels responding to a
comment by Ninja biker
07.11.11 - 9:29 am
I hope they throw the book at this lousy driver!
JOKER07.11.11 - 10:43 am
Thanks for the info DJ.
Is there another date set though?
Ninja biker responding to a
comment by DJwheels
07.11.11 - 1:26 pm
NVM I just got Info that the court date will be on August and at Culver City Court.
It's under their Jurisdiction.
Ninja biker07.11.11 - 1:31 pm
I don't think Culver City has a criminal court. Do you mean LAX - Airport Courthouse? I think that's the closest one to Culver City.
Do you have a case number at all?
DJwheels responding to a
comment by Ninja biker
07.11.11 - 1:53 pm
I've been checking with the criminal clerk at the courthouse and nothing's been filed yet.
Investigation may still be on-going.
DJwheels07.20.11 - 6:26 pm
Does it really take this long to bring charges against someone who's committed a crime?
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by DJwheels
07.22.11 - 12:03 am
the bigger the crime the longer the investigation...
trickmilla responding to a
comment by Bikekowski
07.22.11 - 8:20 am
i GUESS... but if they don't do something and just let this fade away, that'd be a fuckin shame..
FIXMYLIFE07.22.11 - 9:06 am
trust me.. there are plenty of us that make sure this or any other case will ever just faded away...
Aktive_420 responding to a
comment by FIXMYLIFE
07.22.11 - 11:26 am
Any updates on the case?
July responding to a
comment by Aktive_420
08.19.11 - 6:00 pm
Yeah, I'd like to know what's going on as well.
R@WKIT08.20.11 - 4:13 pm
I'm still waiting to hear back from anyone with any information on this case. I really hope this girl is not just going to get away with this.
July08.21.11 - 4:37 pm
heard some stuff about this case last night but don't really believe it, anyone got some updated facts on this case and if that driver has agreed to some kinda of plea bargain??????
X-Large responding to a
comment by July
08.24.11 - 2:21 pm