Choppercabras 10th Annual Spring Thing

Thread started by
rev106 at 04.15.11 - 7:42 am

Choppercabras 10th Annual Spring Thing!!
Before we get into details I’d like to explain a few things.
Respect my hood.
I’ve been dealing with some angry neighbors in the last few years, if you want the events to continue it’s up to you to self-police and be on good behavior.
1. No tagging. This includes chalk. Leave the chalk and paint at home.
2. Please throw out your trash in a trashcan, not in someone’s yard. Do I really even need to bring this up? I guess I do because it’s been a problem.
3. Don’t go messing with the neighbors houses or yards, don’t sit on their grass etc, it’s not a park.
4. No offence but when the event is over, please go home or go to the bar that shares a parking lot with me.
I have to work here all the rest of the time the events are not going on, and if you weren’t aware, I’m running a business. I’ve been doing this event before most of you were off your training wheels and I’d like to keep doing it, please be respectful when you show up and we can all have a good time.
Where: Atomic Cycles 17322 Saticoy st. Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 609-0113
When: Sunday, May 29th, Noon Sharp!
Choppercabras 9th annual Spring Thing is a bicycle event unparalleled in all of Los Angeles, perhaps all the globe! Bicycles bashed, blood spilled, hot dogs eaten, 2 wheeled mayhem unlike anything you’ve ever seen! (unless you’ve been to one of these before.) And it’s all free! Did I mention hot dogs?
What you will need:
1. You ready to have fun
2. A bicycle in good working order
3. You dressed up as your favorite white trash charcater. Dress up, it’s more fun.
A note on the time. Do your best to arrive on time or you’ll miss out on all the fun, we don’t wait for you, as there will be hundreds of people there on time ready to ride. We start at Noon, not hipster time, but real time.
How to get here:
By Car:
101 Exit Balboa, head North until you hit Saticoy, make a left go till you see Louise, park. The event location is ½ block west of Louise in the south side of Saticoy. Parking in the back will be taken up by event stuff, best to park on the street.
From 118 as above but south on Balboa, make a right on Saticoy.
From 405 exit Sherman Way go West until you hit Louise, North on Louise as above.
By Bike:
Take Orange line to Louise, North on Louise until you are at Saticoy, go west on Saticoy, follow the noise and smells, you’re there!
By Plane:
Look for mess of bikes, parachute into Ralph’s parking lot, and watch out for Coldstone patrons, they may eat you.
As always you get some free shwag at Choppercabras events.
Spoke Cards
Route Maps
Monster Truck madness.
Drag races with pedal powered monster trucks. Stupid. You may get hurt.
Evol Kenivel Jump the Jump:
A ramp. A bike. You jump it. The longest jump wins. You will get hurt. Any questions?
Figure 8 Race:
Using 20 bmx bikes for maximum carnage. Expect to get hurt, expect to have fun. You will bleed, you will laugh, you’ll wonder why you did it the next day.
The Demo Derby:
Bicycles with metal rams on them, the only rule: win. Super violent, super fun. A Choppercabras Staple.
*Special bikes will be provided for these events. You still need a bicycle for the ride on the ride.
The Ride:
We will do a few miles at a leisurely pace through the mean streets of the San Fernando Valley. We ride a few miles, we go slowly, and we try and keep the ride together. We like to see all riders occupy the right lane only of the street so we can co-exist with traffic and maximize our fun. The cause if fun, pick fights with people in cars on your ride, not ours. This is a cruise, a put, a crawl, not a race just so you know. When we get done we will be back at Atomic Cycles for the bb-q. Did I mention free hot dogs?
The BB-Q:
Back to base for some dogs and conversation, now time to relax. Dogs are free until they run out. There is a bar in the same parking lot, a liquor store and grocery across the street just so you know.
The End:
Hang out as much as you like, but the show is over folks! Help cleaning up is always appreciated.
Show up with a bike ready to ride, any kind of bike is welcome. Do not show up with a basket case or a bike that needs major repairs, you may not get them.
I do not loan bicycles for the ride. Bring a bike that is rideable to the ride, save yourself the embarrassment and be ready.
Dress up in costume. It’s ok; you’ll still be “cool” if you dress up.
Show up on time. Noon. I recommend not partying until 5 am the night before if you want to make it on time. I’ve heard all the excuses and I don’t care because it is you who will miss out.
I want copies. Feel free to photograph for personal use. Professional use, get in touch first. I want copies.
The Ring of Death.
The Ring of Death or “ROD” is the ring of car tires/cones that the events take place in. Entering the ring of death means you are accepting that you may get hurt, will most likely get hurt, and are not going to cry to me later about your injuries. If you jump in the ring to take a picture, you may get hurt, you may damage your gear. If you find this too dangerous, then by all means: STAY ON THE SAFE SIDE OF THE ROD! You have been duly warned.
Audience Participation of aforementioned events.
If you want to participate in an event you may understand that you may (well, for sure) come under some form of bodily harm. There have never been more serious injures than some cuts and bruises but just so you know, these events are a bit rough. No kids may do an event but the ride. Sorry.
If you are a spectator and interfere with any of the events, you are accepting the fact that the event participants can and may hurt you. In other words: if you want to join in, then do so. If not, watch, but not both.
Do not throw the car tires. Don’t. It breaks up the action.
The list of Yes!
Can anyone come?
Is it ok for kids?
Can I help?
Can I bring some drinks, food for everyone?
Can I have some fun?
The list of NO’S!
Can I borrow a bike?
Can we ride scooters, vespas, mini bikes on your ride?
Do we need to belong to the Choppercabras to ride?
Can I film your event without asking first?
Any other questions can be directed to Paul (818) 609-0113
This sounds fucking EPIC, I am so there.
Zboy04.15.11 - 7:50 am
yeeehawww!!! spring thing is awesome, i've been doing it for the past 3 years
66604.15.11 - 9:13 am
Team Eat Shit is looking for recruits.
gado_gado04.15.11 - 9:45 am
LOL. Team Eat Shit? Doesn't sound to promising.
Zboy responding to a
comment by gado_gado
04.15.11 - 9:49 am
Oh hell yeah, I'm gathering my team:
The Hepatitis G's.
We're gonna take your team out... in a few ways.
markd responding to a
comment by gado_gado
04.15.11 - 10:54 am
Is that your website? Cuz you and your buddy mike molina need to quit that gay bashing shit.
Satan on a Tricycle responding to a
comment by rev106
04.25.11 - 8:45 pm
So stoked on the costume I'm wearing to this. If you're being lazy about dressing up, I will personally make you white trash costumes.
Rosiekins04.26.11 - 7:27 am
Nice one atomic. Epic fail for being douchy. You should have used a proxy when you register a domain.
Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 20-Nov-10
Expires on: 20-Nov-12
Last Updated on: 20-Nov-10
Administrative Contact:
de Valera, Paul
Atomic Cycles
17322 Saticoy
Van Nuys, California 91406
United States
(818) 609-0113
sack or crack you choose responding to a
comment by Satan on a Tricycle
04.26.11 - 8:20 am
took you long enough to figure that one out.
rev106 responding to a
comment by sack or crack you choose
04.26.11 - 8:43 am
I go just for the free crappy food. Nom nom nomz...
So stoked for this!
July04.26.11 - 9:59 am
'These shits look like a tomato, but not on top if your burger' LOL fucken Paul talkin bout aerospokes haha
JOKER04.26.11 - 10:10 am
I was reading the postings last night and i must say that you guys are pretty rough on some people. I noticed that you also posted up a picture of an infant and said that he was going to be gay or commit suicide? Was that really necessary? You guys have to understand that some people will go to the extreme and do something if they are pushed too far. I read all of the posts and the banter was going back and forth until someone called him a douch and then it escalated from there. I work with mentally disabled people and some of them seem normal but when you say the wrong thing, they do indeed snap.I just thought that putting up this guys (mike) address and pictures of his baby was a "chickenshit" move on your part. I think if you are man enough to put that up, you should be man enough to face him and stop hiding behind a computer screen. Just my opinion and i'm sure that some people will agree.
Lakalaka responding to a
comment by Satan on a Tricycle
04.26.11 - 11:29 am
That website is funny as hell!! Thanks for making me pee myself Atomic Cycles. I'm going to check out your event this Sunday, I'm getting me some stickers!
Lakalaka04.26.11 - 11:57 am
Im not missing this... i was so bummed i missed halloween.
SnapperS04.26.11 - 2:15 pm
Wow, I was starting to think sacks new cougar friend was having a good effect on sacks behavior here. Apparently sack is back to business as usual and after posting some positive posts this week the sack we all know and hate is back.
Anyways, I thought of a couple things as far as the Choppercabras.
1> we need a piñata.
2> sack should be the piñata.
Unoriginal douche bag 4 life responding to a
comment by sack or crack you choose
04.26.11 - 4:04 pm
Ditto...but throw in "Satan on a tricycle" as well for being a total loser.
Lakalaka responding to a
comment by Unoriginal douche bag 4 life
04.26.11 - 4:23 pm
Why do some cowardly people think it's ok to post up Names, addresses and phone numbers. This guy "sack or crack you choose" and "Satan on a tricycle" are cowards in my eyes. If you're going to put up an address name and phone number, add YOUR face pic address and number as well so the person you offend can see who you are and where YOU live. I was investigating why mikem1919 was booted off here and what i found out was that the police contacted him because "Satan on a tricycle" reported that there was a $3000.00 reward out on information where he could be found after he (satan on a tricycle) posted up mikem1919's address, and phone number, not to mention that he also put up a picture of mikem1919's baby and called the baby gay and that the baby was going to commit suicide. I'm sure that's not the end we hear of this situation. Mr.Mikem1919, i read your posts and i don't agree with some of what you said but if the $3000.00 is still valid for information on Satan on a tricycle, i wish you all the luck. If you have any information on "Satan on a tricycle" there is a 3k reward......let the games begin!!!
Lakalaka04.26.11 - 4:47 pm
i just need 10 moar posts... sorry guys for trolling but i must reach 1000
godmode responding to a
comment by Unoriginal douche bag 4 life
04.26.11 - 5:12 pm
First, that IS NOT your ass.
Second, YOU, are an ass.
Third, this might not be the message board for you.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by Lakalaka
04.27.11 - 6:37 am
First of all, YOU'RE the ass
Second, yes it is!
Third, why do you hate women?
Fourth, If you do hate women, go home and beat up your wife and get off MY back...DICK!!
Lakalaka responding to a
comment by Bikekowski
04.27.11 - 9:42 am
I posted information that is public. I did a domain search on that website and copied the information here. Get mad at GODaddy or in fact the person who registered the domain. He could have used a proxy if he wanted that information to be private.
IN any event It is Atomic Cycles address so I am sure they won't mind the publicity.
sack or crack you choose responding to a
comment by Lakalaka
04.27.11 - 9:48 am
Yeah but what gives YOU the right to post it up? Knowing that there are some pretty sick people out there, you're just giving them something to do like property damage, assault and in the worst case, murder. People like you need to do something better with your time instead of searching the internet for bullshit info.
Lakalaka responding to a
comment by sack or crack you choose
04.27.11 - 11:55 am
What was this thread about? Oh, right.
I'm psyched for this. I love Spring Thing, three years running. Each year I bring new faces and it's awesome.
outerspace04.27.11 - 11:59 am
Read the first post in this thread and now compare the address in that post to the address in my post. It is the same. Duh.....
sack or crack you choose responding to a
comment by Lakalaka
04.27.11 - 11:59 am
Yeah but you took it upon yourself to let people know that he was the webmaster for that website. He has a perfect right to his own opinion. BTW, he's the owner of a bike shop and that website, what do you have huh? DUH!
Lakalaka responding to a
comment by sack or crack you choose
04.27.11 - 1:08 pm
Please leave the forumz.
You're wack.
July responding to a
comment by Lakalaka
04.27.11 - 1:11 pm
Hey Retard! Where does it say I hate women? Quite the opposite really. We don't need Cyber Police around these parts, we've got a couple lurking these threads already. BIIIIIZZZNATTTCCHHH!!
Fuck around catch a poop ass dick.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by Lakalaka
04.27.11 - 1:14 pm
I'm not cyber police idiot! And your momma's a dumb ass bitch for raising such a fucking moron...BEEEOTCH!!!
Lakalaka responding to a
comment by Bikekowski
04.27.11 - 1:39 pm
I'm not wack! You could tell my boyfriend that i'm wack at the Atomic Cycles event. He now knows what you look like.
Take care : )
Lakalaka responding to a
comment by July
04.27.11 - 1:42 pm
I suggest a LAKALAKA vs MIKE1919 ultimate deathmatch. They can just cancel eachother out.
sancho104.27.11 - 1:52 pm
So he's gonna try to beat me up cus I called you wack? Grow up.
And I don't give a fuck. There's a reason why my picture is up.
July responding to a
comment by Lakalaka
04.27.11 - 1:55 pm
Oh wow (rolls eyes). Get the fuck outta here you drama filled cunt. Go suck on your man's dick. And by the looks of it... tell 'im to lay off the roids, 'fore his balls shrink into nonexistence.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by Lakalaka
04.27.11 - 1:59 pm
DON'T GO YET. Let me hit it first yeah? KTHNXBAI!
TK421 responding to a
comment by Lakalaka
04.27.11 - 2:01 pm
why are you on here making threats again?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Lakalaka
04.27.11 - 2:12 pm
why are you on here making threats again?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Lakalaka
04.27.11 - 2:12 pm
Check out MY budonkudonk -

FBI04.27.11 - 2:38 pm
cant wait for all the fights at this years spring thing, its about time someone brought message board drama into the real world.
newarkhouse04.27.11 - 2:42 pm
This is planet Earth, people!! Most of ya'll missed the bus to hardcore.
markd04.27.11 - 3:13 pm
jesus. they spent a good deal of money on that shit.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by markd
04.27.11 - 6:10 pm
LIKE turtles?!
I fucking LOVE turtles!!!!
lackflag04.28.11 - 12:06 am
I made two of these things...are you ready?
rev106 responding to a
comment by lackflag
05.9.11 - 4:04 pm
Ready to be a man or woman of daring? Ready to jump the jump? Will the bike survive? Doubtful.

rev10605.15.11 - 10:30 am
Shameless self-promotion.
rev10605.18.11 - 7:59 am
ahhh so much funn
66605.23.11 - 8:46 am
On a downer note:
I've already had complaints by the neighbors about the last one and people throwing beer bottles/can in people's back yards.
This is unacceptable.
I will have trash cans out all over the place for you to throw out your empties, please be a responsible and proactive bicycle scene person and throw out your trash in the right place.
rev106 responding to a
comment by 666
05.27.11 - 7:37 am
better get to bed early tonight kiddiesss, dont want to miss all the freak bike fun tomorrows
newarkhouse05.28.11 - 12:19 pm
Thanks for everyone that came out and helped keep things nice and fun.
If anyone has pictures, please send them to me.
rev106 responding to a
comment by mr rollers
05.29.11 - 9:40 pm
It was a way cool time. Every year it gets better............
genuine406.1.11 - 4:26 pm
Thnx for spoiling us again Paul. Another thrilling event, well attended and hard fought. This year seemed more aggresive and violent than in the past... And that includes the spectators! Seriously I wanna see smore vids of what went on during the demolition derby! Much props to those who had the cojones to compete. Angelopes yall looked strong; that first heat of the monster truck race was a shameful beatdown for the other guy, and yall were definitely contenders in evrything else... Lil Sarah way to rep it hard for Polo, Im surprised no one called the cops on you. Thanx a lot Paul, my bloodlust was quenched, lookin forward to the next one very much..
JOKER06.2.11 - 10:18 pm
Looked Awesome again Paul, sorry I missed it. I was out of town.
the reverend dak06.6.11 - 11:56 am
cool, I'll look forward to getting them.
rev106 responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
06.6.11 - 7:04 pm