Friday Aug. 11, 2006... Los Feliz??

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digablesoul at 08.9.06 - 8:24 pm
So is this for sure? I know it says it on the website but I gotta make sure. We're going to meet up at the fountain at Los Feliz @ Riverside Dr.??? No Pioneer Chicken right? I wouldn't want to be chillen at the fountain by myself. Pe@ce!
- Dig out
no doubt there will be a few people chillen at the Pioneer Chicken as well.
Bait and switch so that the original 8 can go for a quiet ride by themselves again?
shiver me timbers.
just start riding at 10, where ever you are. so what, its the ride right? Or is it the company?
dave08.9.06 - 8:41 pm
i just go there for the spoke card myself.
dave08.9.06 - 8:43 pm
It will be at the fountain... actually sounds like a great place to start.
the reason the locations are now changing is because the cops are on the hunt and switching locations promotes riding in whole new areas.
Roadblock08.9.06 - 9:00 pm
Awesome... 1st ride was last month and man when people ask, "How was it?", all I could tell them is that they gotta do it... It's been two years now that I've been waiting to do this and after the last ride... I'm hooked... not only on the rides but cycling itself. So much you see that you wouldn't while in a car. I've commuted to work from Glendale to Van Nuys and it's just addicting. I just picked up an old beat up Nikishi and I want to turn it into a commuter... learning to fix everything myself to make it work. Any other rides in the week that you guys would recommend like maybe 30+ people? Nothing wrong with just two people but the more the merrier. I see rides posted on Bikeboom Calendar and I'm interested in riding but don't know if they are active rides... Thanks in advance and see you guys @ The Fountain.
- Dig out
digablesoul08.9.06 - 9:29 pm
yeah it sure has taken on a life of its own....
Roadblock08.9.06 - 9:55 pm
Time flies when you are having fun.
Joe Borfo06.15.12 - 10:35 pm
if you kill time, it does in fact make you immortal
MoM RIDAZ42006.15.12 - 11:27 pm
you cant waist time if you spend time waisted
MoM RIDAZ42006.15.12 - 11:27 pm
Check out al the virgin rida!!....i still feel that excitement do on 2nd fridays ....
barleye06.16.12 - 6:16 am