Accident in studio city

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steel wheels at 10.6.11 - 10:01 pm
hey riddaz i hate to inform you that on my way home today i had to ride past a car and bike accedent. not sure how many bikes were involved but i saw atleast 4 pulled to the side, i asked about the rider/s and the police said it didnt look good. just letting everone know, if you have peeps riding in that area check to make sure they are ok. i really hope i dont have to see a ghost bike on my way to and from work from now on. the accident occured at alameda and north hollywood way. sorry i dont have more info.
thats in burbank but thanks for letting us know... thats a shame....
superblueman310.6.11 - 11:37 pm
hey guys, the Rida is Old man Jim. he rides the blue Pinarello. he is pretty beat up. broken bones, collapsed lung. not doing good. in a lot of pain. they are not able to give him pain meds. he is at LAC USC. building 5B rm 130. he could use some positive thoughts his way.
Rogue Rida10.7.11 - 12:28 pm
Thanks Rouge. Will be contacting you.
Prayer's are with you Jim!!!!
parlorbikes10.7.11 - 12:42 pm
Damn ... thats right by the WB .. Hope this dude pulls through and makes a speedy recovery.
OsnapsonJC10.7.11 - 2:09 pm
yeah. she actually stopped. her windshield is destroyed.
a buddy got word back from the detective. she clearly ran a red light. they have video.
Rogue Rida10.7.11 - 5:06 pm
Ah, man, that's right by my work and I can't tell you how many close calls I get around here.
Burbank cops are more focused on writing jaywalking tickets than watching for motor vehicle infractions.
I hope he heals quickly!
toweliesbong10.7.11 - 6:13 pm
Well I'm glad to hear he has made it this far. Hope he pulls through. Seeing that accident has had me spooked all day. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
steel wheels10.7.11 - 11:03 pm
My friend was actually on this ride.. He is roomates with Jim. He told me that he was riding two bikes back from Jim and he just saw the SUV T-bone him and he flipped into her winshield and ragdolled across the intersection. The lady stopped as Jims body landed in front of her damaged cage... Luckily there was a police car waiting to turn left a few cars back, so they were immediately on the scene. My friend said the lady didn't even check on him to see if he was okay, but immediately started dealing with reporting the accident. The driver said she had the green, a witness even said the driver had the green, but thank God the gas station across the way had footage of the driver running a red (cyclists had green the whole time)
Keep Jim in your prayers/best wishes, thoughts...
FIXMYLIFE10.10.11 - 4:40 pm
Thanks for the update. Heal up, Jim.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by FIXMYLIFE
10.10.11 - 4:51 pm
<< the gas station across the way had footage of the driver running a red (cyclists had green the whole time)>>
Wow. That's a stark reminder to be on the lookout for evidence when involved in or witness to a collision--even in less-than-likely places.
Gas stations are good for something, I suppose.
dudeonabike responding to a
comment by FIXMYLIFE
10.10.11 - 4:52 pm
Jeez that gave me chills. Jim is a real cool guy, my thoughts and prayers are with him.
JOKER responding to a
comment by FIXMYLIFE
10.10.11 - 4:54 pm
Indeed...It's a scary place out there...the worst part is timing. :/
FIXMYLIFE10.10.11 - 5:05 pm
Is there any update on visiting Jim in the Hospital. I called Sunday and immediate family only.
Rouge? Mike(roomate)? Fix? anyone know status of Jim?
Thanks in advance. I would really like to visit him.
parlorbikes10.10.11 - 6:28 pm
I'll see if I can get an update from Mike...
FIXMYLIFE10.11.11 - 9:39 am
Even though I don't believe in "positive vibes" for their obvious hippy connotations, Every time I read one of these posts I get deeply upset. I as much as my wishing for Jim to heal up, I hope we get to see him back on the bike again as getting hit by cars unfortunately intrinsic to riding a bicycle.
Heal up.
rev106 responding to a
comment by FIXMYLIFE
10.11.11 - 10:03 am
Mike says there are a lot of broken bones and there was a cut artery. Jim is going to surgery today. He's at USC. I'd like to visit him too. Let me know when you are going.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by parlorbikes
10.11.11 - 10:21 am
He's at USC County, currently in ICU. He is on floor 5. Section 5B, room 130.
I'm coming by Friday after the Wolfpack award thingy at city hall.
Joe Borfo10.11.11 - 10:54 am
Good update man!! Yeah I think his femoral artery got nicked or something... His pelvis splintered :(
FIXMYLIFE10.11.11 - 3:35 pm