RevoLights... Are AMAZING

Thread started by
SocialSoundSystem at 08.11.11 - 1:51 pm
This is a kickstarter project... Don't know how to embed on this forum... But it's amazing...
$200 for some badass lights and safety!
True... They are pricey. But they are also dope and I would think that the awe factor would keep cars from hitting me.
It looks like a TRON Bike!
SocialSoundSystem responding to a
comment by gado_gado
08.11.11 - 2:08 pm
200 bucks is cheap compared to ambulance, doctor and emergency room bills (been there).
Meanwhile, I'm happy with my $80 Magic Shine!
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by SocialSoundSystem
08.11.11 - 3:06 pm
Agreed. Ambulance ride... $1000 minimum... BOOM!
MagicShine is front only?
I mean... I have 4 knog lights (from 2 different bikes)... That's roughly $120-150 already... And those things are so hit/miss.
That and you'll look like a TRON bike...
SocialSoundSystem responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
08.11.11 - 3:17 pm
$200... I mean, really... that seems way too much. I bought 100 coin batteries for $20. From there, you just tape LEDs to them and then stick/ziptie them places. I could get 1000 coin batteries for $200. I mean, I support the idea... but again, we are living in rough times. Why buy something when you can build it for an order of magnitude less? Be a builder, not a consumer.
jeshii08.11.11 - 3:17 pm
Your point has been made. I agree about comparison. but the consumerism aspect of fancy-pants lighting compared to something affordable and safe lights is pretty blatant in the world of bike accessories. Its just the way it goes, I know. 99c store lights ftw....
Who knows what the markup is on that thing. LED lighting shouldn't be that expensive.
gado_gado responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
08.11.11 - 3:27 pm
Point taken... But to say that you're paying for LED lights is one thing and that 99 store lights work the same is comparing apples and oranges... 99 cent store lights don't have front back lights, rechargable battery, sensors powering the lights by the direction of your wheel rotation, front/back/side visibility for cars, etc.
Yes... It's expensive... Innovation and invention costs money sometimes. Doing so drives down the costs in the long run. Early adoption and investment help.
Or you could just zip tie a bunch of lights to your bike.
SocialSoundSystem responding to a
comment by gado_gado
08.11.11 - 3:53 pm
Fair enough.
Good luck with your thing.
gado_gado responding to a
comment by SocialSoundSystem
08.11.11 - 4:07 pm
I think it's awesome. Visibility with these lights would be much better than a 99c store little blinky.
Comparing it to Magic Shine is fair. I have a Magic Shine I got for $80, so this cost $20 more for the front and you get some style points. Then the same price for the rear = $200.
Of course it's not for everyone, you buy within your means; but if this is within your means, and you think it looks great, why not get it?
You can tape LEDs with coin batteries to your wheel but it is not going to look like Tron, it's going to look like LEDs taped to your wheel. That's what you're paying for.
I would if I could.
outerspace08.11.11 - 7:14 pm