Wednesday Night Polo

Thread started by
danya at 08.2.11 - 3:22 pm
It's rookie night! We play in the tennis courts at Sycamore Park in Highland Park. All you need is a bike, we've got the mallets and we'll teach you the rules of the game. So come check us out! At least stop by to say hi, even if you don't want to play.
I particularly recommend coming out tomorrow night, since the two biggest & baddest polo players in LA will be out of town.
See you on the court!
At 49th Ave. and Figueroa, 7pmish start, goes til midnite
JOKER08.2.11 - 7:05 pm
!!!!!!!!!!!! I think we had equal numbers of rookies and regulars last night. Crazy. Polo til 1 am is the best!
danya08.18.11 - 11:35 am
Polo, dancing, swing sets/playgrounds, crafting, To-killa and the denial of Guy's magic. An incredibly successful Wednesday night.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by danya
08.22.11 - 2:58 pm
Thanx LA bike polo. I love my NELA wednesdays!
JOKER08.25.11 - 10:51 am