cyclist killed!

Thread started by
Americanspeed at 02.21.11 - 11:23 pm
saw this just now, we hear stuff like this all the time but i thought id share it just to remind everyone to stay as safe as possible, wear a helmet, and always always be watching every car.
She deserves the chair. Check out her driving record...
revolution02.22.11 - 8:05 am
Is it just me, or is there a lot of action going on in the OC more than LA related to crime and deaths and other stuff?
^olsko*jr702.22.11 - 9:08 am
This will be the FOURTH ghost bike we have installed in O.C. since December.
4 in two months.
Creative Thing02.22.11 - 5:31 pm
probably partially because the OC doesn't have many of the other urban crime problems that LA has, and partially because LA media doesn't focus on bike-related incidents as much as the OCregister.
tfunk408 responding to a
comment by ^olsko*jr7
02.22.11 - 7:05 pm
Get your facts strait.
OC has Santa Ana and Garden Grove which have some of the highest crime rates
in the state. Not to mention a major illegal alien problem also.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by tfunk408
02.22.11 - 10:47 pm
Bike lanes are on high speed streets in south OC.
You might as well be riding on the Freeway.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
02.22.11 - 10:50 pm
"Bike lanes are on high speed streets in south OC. "
One of the few things he's said that I agree with.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
02.23.11 - 9:53 am
The US is not the netherlands, as you could see by the video the ratio of cars t o bikes is about 1:1. That is in my opinion a major factor in why they get respect and we don't. Is there a solution? I would say when we have numbers to rival cars then we'll have a voice, until then watch out. I drive (hell, I own 4 cars) but most of my traveling is done on the bike, I just assume I'm a target but don't let it freak me out. I've been hit 7 or 8 times now and I'm not daunted. I guess my point is you can be angry but I feel it's not very constructive, nor are the "give them 3 feet" signs. I'll look for the study I read on bicycle saftey related to numbers...but that's the real answer. I don't think I 've even seen a car run into a large group of cyclists, at least localy. Not counting mishaps during races etc.
It's a bummer for sure, but don't be surprised if this driver just gets a slap on the wrist.
rev106 responding to a
comment by jericho1ne
02.24.11 - 9:59 am
Yeah, it's the same thing where I live in oceanside. A little strip of white paint isn't much comfort when the dualie blowing by you at the standard 65-in-a-55-zone drifts into it three feet just as they pass...
Lance K responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
02.24.11 - 11:01 am
Cycling in Oceanside (on the way to S.D.) is one of the worst spots I have ever traversed!
Ed and I will be installing a Ghost Bike at the Newport Beach crash site tomorrow.
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by Lance K
02.24.11 - 12:07 pm
The general public really doesn't care how many cyclists are killed on the roads. When they read stories like this (if they read them) they just figure that cyclists assume the risk and anyone stupid enough to ride a bike on busy streets deserves what they get.
It will take a velorucion before any of this changes!
liquidpremium02.24.11 - 3:24 pm
actually I don't think it's a numbers game...people here in our society don't particularly care about other people... it's not a car vs. bicycle thing, it's an insensitive human population thing
adrian02.24.11 - 3:28 pm
Second cyclists to be hit and killed in the OC in the last nine months. They have a big problem down there.
Girl Power02.24.11 - 6:06 pm
Actually, Amine is the FORTH cyclist to be hit and killed in O.C. since December 22, 2010.
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by Girl Power
02.24.11 - 7:13 pm
This update is on the O.C. Register's web site today:
NEWPORT BEACH – A 22-year-old woman suspected of driving under the influence when a bicyclist was hit and killed this week has received at least 11 traffic citations.
Of those citations, five of them are speeding tickets, according to court records.
Danae Marie Miller was driving a white Volkswagen Jetta when she is believed to have hit 41-year-old Amine Britel on Monday night, authorities said. Britel was riding a bicycle and headed east on San Joaquin Hills Road, near Spyglass Road, when he was hit at about 6 p.m. Monday.
Creative Thing02.24.11 - 7:39 pm
This is why we need systems that are idiot proof, like bike lanes that are physically separated from car lanes.
Even if 99% of motorists will be cautious and considerate, all it takes is one DUI bitch like this to ruin a cyclist's life!
liquidpremium responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
02.24.11 - 7:55 pm
I saw my favorite solution to bike lanes on some streets in Milan - the bike lanes were on the side walk. So instead of bikes and cars side by side, it was bikes and pedestrians. Seems safer all around..
kiwikiwi responding to a
comment by liquidpremium
02.24.11 - 10:36 pm
my dream is to have an elevated and seperate bicycle highway that spans the valley to LA. There was one in Pasadena in the 1920's but it had problems and was town down. Building one next to the freeway would be ideal. Of course it would cost billions and it's too radical of an idea but I can dream can't I?
718 701 772 786 727 629 665 732 693 754 760 814 765 833 (1994)802
those are the death totals from 1994 (last) and the most current is 2009, which you can see, in spite of a boom in cycling, the death rate has at least until 2009 gone down. So there are more people riding bikes and less getting killed one could argue that the ratio of death to cyclists as gone down in the last few years. So more bikes on the street could mean less carnage. Of course there are other factors not cover by a simple stat.
My point is getting more people on bikes is the solution. Will it make us death free? No, but it will make a positive difference for sure.
rev106 responding to a
comment by kiwikiwi
02.25.11 - 9:52 am
Rejoice Comrads the "Change" you voted for is near,
soon just like Communist China the streets will be flooded with bikes and scooters.
As the economic colapse unfolds and oil prices soar, only the elite will be driving.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by rev106
02.25.11 - 11:21 am
Libya failure = rising gas prices = more cyclists
adrian02.25.11 - 5:05 pm
what do you mean a major illegal alien problem, wtf dies that have to do with anything huh you need to stop being fuckin racist, what your not Hispanic right, cause it would be a shame if you were you dumb ignorant shit.
d@NIEL responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
02.26.11 - 8:53 am
So your saying that Hispanic illegal aliens are exempt from following the laws
of this country, and if you mention or address this issue you a Racist ?
Is it also Racist to mention the OTM illegals in Garden Grove ?
Seems to be a double standard, if you're a US citizen you must follow the law
and have a Drivers licence,insurance, and registration or face jail time and fines.
On the other hand if your an illegal, it's ok to drive a unregistered beater with
no licence and no insurance. Then when you cause a accident or kill someone
you simply flee the scene.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by d@NIEL
02.26.11 - 10:23 am