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Fuck Arnold!!!
Thread started by turbodropshop25 at 02.12.09 - 10:25 am

I love it how the working class gets fucked when these bureaucratic assholes start loosing their shit. Lets punish the poor with higher taxes and fees. ALL THE MORE REASON TO RIDE!!! Check it out:

Vehicle license fees would nearly double, going from the current rate of 0.65% to 1.15% of the value of a car or truck. The sales tax would increase by 1 cent, raising the rate in Los Angeles County to 9.75%. Gasoline taxes would increase by 12 cents a gallon. And residents would pay a new surcharge on personal income taxes, amounting to 2.5% to 5% of their total tax bills, depending on how much federal money California gets. (Copyright 2009 LA Times) Fuck them too.


Not the LA Times

02.12.09 - 10:33 am


Was'nt that his platform to get elected, to lower the taxes and vehical registration ?

What happened to helping the local movie industry ?

Nazi mother fucker

02.12.09 - 10:36 am


Dude, I think you're going to have a hard time getting much sympathy for higher GAS and CAR taxes on this particular forum.

I think a lot of folks here would be happy with a price FLOOR of $4 a gallon for gasoline.

02.12.09 - 10:50 am


The sales tax increase is bunk and indeed does put a disproportionate burden on the working class and poor.

Though I'm all for increasing taxes on dirty energy consumers. Arnold basically BOUGHT his way into the governorship by promising to reduce the car regsitration fees. Fuckin idiots. He could also have allowed an increase on docking fees for cargo ships that would have gone towards reducing pollution in the cancer corridor of long beach along the 710.

This state needs to grow a pair and raise the gas tax by 50 cents. People can handle it, they handled it last summer at $2 extra a gallon. Less people drove cars and that money can go right into public transit and education.

02.12.09 - 10:56 am


Yes sir. A FLOOR of $4 a gallon would be great. $2 tax baby. I'm with it. Politically impossible but still....

02.12.09 - 11:00 am


"This state needs to grow a pair and raise the gas tax by 50 cents."


02.12.09 - 11:34 am


I'm still appalled by the fact that people actually voted an un-educated movie-star into public office!!!

02.12.09 - 11:54 am


car free for 2 and1/2 years. yaaaaaaaaa

robert stanfield
02.12.09 - 11:56 am


I heard on NPR that the lady who started Ebay is running for governor when Arnie's term is up. she's a jackal. I mean republican.

la duderina
02.12.09 - 12:05 pm


Repub, Demoncrat, Indie, as long as any replacement has actual political, or military experience, they've got my vote.

02.12.09 - 12:11 pm


I'm re-registering. Going GREEN. or peace & freedom? hmm

la duderina
02.12.09 - 12:14 pm


Arnold wants to know, what's your beef?

02.12.09 - 1:18 pm



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