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Bicycle FIlm Festival!!
Thread started by redridinghood at 06.13.07 - 10:57 am

The Bicycle Film Festival is coming back to LA - June 28th to July 1st!!!

So hold the date!!

We are loaded up with new films, and we're super excited to be back here!

LA really came out with movie submissions and we can't wait to show you the line up!

Complete details to follow inthe next couple days!

also - I've said it before but I just wanna say:



rad ... la loves you too RRH

06.13.07 - 11:31 am


hey.. might BBE wanna come out for the Block Party??

06.13.07 - 11:37 am


(grinning) Just say the word Patrick.

Joe Borfo
06.13.07 - 3:24 pm


belive it or not
i actually emailed you about that possiblity this morning and the email from your site got bounced!!!

< ahref="http://bicyclebellensemble.org/contact.html">hit me up and we can discuss it

infos ((at)) bicyclebellensemble ((dot)) org

06.13.07 - 4:29 pm


hhmmm.. thanks for letting me know.. I thought I worked that one out.. (darn website stuff) I'll send you an email now though..


06.13.07 - 5:21 pm


Here's a great video:

Joe Borfo
06.13.07 - 6:37 pm


Been looking forward to this for months!

If the BBE is making a showing, I'll be there with bells on.

06.13.07 - 6:38 pm


that is a big phat YES for the Bicycle Bell Ensemble to play the Bicycle Film Fest block party!!!

(I'm SOOO excited - and I'm not gonna bother hiding it :)

06.14.07 - 3:22 pm


eat!sleep?bikes! is playing at the Bicycle Film Fest and includes footage of Midnight Ridazz and Santa Monica Critical Mass.


06.14.07 - 4:31 pm


Show times are up. Tickets are on sale...


06.17.07 - 4:06 pm


Multiple films from Los Angeles. Represent!
Wolfpack, LA Burrito Project, Team Bonobo and the Furnace Creek 508, La Grange...

bike punk
06.20.07 - 8:22 am



+ Orange 20 Bikes is hosting the Bicycle Film Festival BLOCK PARTY on Sun July 1st!! It is gonna be really great - bike games and competitions, Burrito's from Burrito Project, race by the wildest dawgs around, mucho music, and lots more!!
Heliotrope and Melrose, same block as the Bicycle Kitchen

+ Bike Art Exibit at Antai Gallery at Scoops (best ice cream shop on the face of the planet!) (712 N Heliotrope Dr. - same block as the BK)

06.21.07 - 2:45 am


mucho music including THE BICYCLE BELL ENSEMBLE!

06.21.07 - 9:50 am


what time does all this good stuff start on Sunday?

06.21.07 - 10:34 am


There is going to be a kick off Ride and Race to the Block Party that will meet at 12:00 p.m. and leave promptly at 1:00 p.m.

I'm pretty sure it will start in Echo Park. This will be a short 5 to 7 mile ordeal. More Info to come!

I AM Traffic
06.21.07 - 3:47 pm


I'm relatively new to the bike community but very supportive.

I am trying to use my influences to get a write up in The Hollywood Reporter. More as the situation develops.


06.21.07 - 6:06 pm


^^^awesome!! lets talk very soon (tonight?) was !lovely! to meet you last night!!

06.22.07 - 5:01 pm


Our film Ayamye* is screening Saturday the 30th in the 7:30 program. It's about used bikes shipped from Boston to Ghana, where most of them are used by The Village Bicycle Project in rural villages, where they help solve transportation problems in a sustainable way. The participants who get the bikes learn basic mechanical skills to maintain the bikes. It's a great example of a simple idea well executed, sustainability that works.

More info-

Thanks - it's going to be an awesome Fest!!!!

06.22.07 - 6:01 pm


I can't wait to see Ayamye*!!!!


certain shows will certainly sell out early!

06.23.07 - 11:12 am


thanks red. we can't wait to see as many of the films as possible - the line up this year is pretty stupendous. I would certainly recommend on merit alone (haven't seen it yet) the short on velo club lagrange that plays in Program 6 with us. Klunkers, Monkey Warfare and a host of other long-form films, tons of killer shorts - or, the cool thing about shorts - if you don't like one, the next one will be killer!

06.23.07 - 2:31 pm


get your tickets online!!

06.25.07 - 10:01 am


Just bought my tickets for the first 2 programs

06.25.07 - 11:14 am


I'm buying mine right now.

I AM Traffic
06.25.07 - 11:19 am


the Re-Bike bicycles will be on display at the theatre!!

The proceeds from the auctions of all these bicycles are going to local bicycle charities. The proceeds from the bike that Wolfpack built are going to the Kitchen!!

Also - Gary Fisher and Joe Breeze will be at the 5pm screening of Klunkerz and will do a q&a after!!!

06.28.07 - 8:59 am


who's coming to which movies???

06.29.07 - 10:43 am


I'll be there for program 1 and program 2

06.29.07 - 10:51 am


Mr. & Mrs. Thing will be attending the Klunkerz screening.

Creative Thing
06.29.07 - 10:54 am


I got a festival pass. I will be going to as many movies as I can until my eyes glaze over. By the time this is over I will never want to see another bicycle again.

06.29.07 - 11:46 am


"Klunkerz" for sure, and maybe some shorts. I'll be on the valet shift from 10-12 tonight.

mr rollers
06.29.07 - 1:05 pm


I have all kinds of birthday parties and weddings to attend this weekend, but I'm going to try to catch the shorts on Saturday. That Ko Masuda short looks rad. I'm bummed that I have to miss all the Friday movies and "Klunkerz."

Hope to see most of you on Sunday, too!

06.29.07 - 3:13 pm



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