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Metro trains
Thread started by KiMS1 at 01.15.09 - 1:11 pm

are they still running till 3 am on weekends or was that only a holiday thing?


they havent implemented the 3am schedule for 2009 yet. so youre riding back to the valley.

01.15.09 - 1:14 pm


better get my coyote spray ready.

dude, reading that shit spooked me out.

01.15.09 - 1:15 pm


i think we are going to take los feliz to san fernando instead of cutting through the park. but if theres a big group of us who all want to ride back, then we could cut through the park and have safety in numbers. the coyotes dont bother me as much as reading about the mountain lion thats apparently back there. fuck that shit.

01.15.09 - 1:17 pm


RBI is correct - they stopped the 3 am trains. I found out when I had to ride back after Wolfpack.

01.15.09 - 1:17 pm


I was riding in the Burbank Hills once, and I saw a Mt. Lion. I just prayed it had already eaten lunch, and hauled ass off the mountain. I see coyotes all the time up there, and they've never bothered me.

01.15.09 - 1:19 pm


mountain lions? nice.

01.15.09 - 1:20 pm



01.15.09 - 1:21 pm


Is everyone still scared shitless of wild dogs?

If I see one, kick it, and end up as it's dinner, then I owe someone $50!!!

01.15.09 - 1:22 pm


They should of the had the
No-ho sprints up at griffith
Park at 2 a.m or so!
How about 200 yards of peer
Sprinting for your life?

And at the 200 yard mark
We'll have someone there
With the animal repellant spray!

01.15.09 - 7:07 pm



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