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LA RIver to Long Beach
Thread started by ironboy at 05.4.07 - 4:01 pm

Can any one tell me how to get from Hollywood to Long Beach on the LA river bike path. I went to the LA river bike path website and it looks like it doesn't go the whole way. Thanks.


The path doesn't go through downtown. It starts where Atlantic Blvd. crosses the LA River in Vernon, southeast of downtown. Then it goes all the way to Long Beach. You have to switch from the west bank to the East bank at Imperial or Rosecrans (either one).

05.4.07 - 4:39 pm


any suggestions on how to get there from Hollywood?

05.4.07 - 4:55 pm


The way I know is from marking the route for the LACBC River Ride each year. It's a little detailed. I'm looking online at a map. Take Sunset east until it turns into Cesar Chavez. Turn right at Boyle. Take Boyle south to Olympic, turn left. Take Olympic east to Grande Vista. Turn right at Grande Vista which becomes South Downey. Turn left at District. District will eventually curve right. Cross Atlantic and look for the bike path entrance on your left. Guess I could have told you to Mapquest District and Atlantic, but I couldn't remember District until I looked it up...

05.4.07 - 5:11 pm



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