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Fix it ticket
Thread started by CHALIE MURPHY at 05.4.07 - 11:52 am

Im just gonna throw this out there maybe one the vast gearheads/bicycle outlaws in here could help me out. Bottom line is I got a fix it ticket while rolling to the truck one night drunk(expensive ass tacos). Question is what the fastest easiest way to pay this shit??? a homie told me I could do it at a sherriffs station, I really dont wanna go to Hill st. fucking hate that dump. If i do go to hill St. do i gotta wait in that long ass line to grab a sherrif take him to my bike show him my lamp then bounce? Any help duly appreciated


I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure you have to stand in the line and show them your receipt for the light... I hate that crap.

Joe Borfo
05.4.07 - 12:05 pm


I had a fix-it ticket last year (no front license plate) and I dealt with it (or as they say, had it "certified") at the Police station in Burbank. I was in & out in about 15 minutes.

mr rollers
05.4.07 - 1:59 pm


I'm pretty sure any "peace officer" can inspect and sign it. Just make sure that the ticket only requires a badge number and officer name, and doesn't stipulate needing any other additional info. And from my experience, it doesn't necessarily have to be done at a sheriff's station or in a court. I've had a cop friend sign my fix it ticket for something on a car (saving the $ I would have had to pay)....

If you happen to see a bicycle cop, stop them and ask them to sign off! It would be appropos...

05.4.07 - 5:13 pm


Nah, forget about all that "pay for it stuff". Just wait 6 months until you get a collection agency after your ass for something like $600.

Then notice that the name on the ticket is nearly illegible, and that the name the agency is going after is kinda like yours, but not your name, and ignore it.

At least, that is what I did.

05.6.07 - 11:24 pm


Thanks to all I got it taken care of...You have to go to either a CHP or Sheriifs office I went to the one in DT off of Washington took a minute to inspect and I was on my way the headlamp needs to be white...10 bones mail in fee.. peace

hey Borfo were you at the Christmas ride dressed as Santa Clause? You layed down in the middle of the dance floor and I poured beer down your throat you fucking rock!!

05.10.07 - 11:50 am


Awesome! My nickname that night was SANTA BUKAKKE!

Joe Borfo
05.10.07 - 12:07 pm


Yeah, I threw a cup of beer at your back that night Borfo. You were bumping into people and I thought it would be funny to hit you with my beer.

Ha ha.

05.11.07 - 1:39 pm


yup thats my black hand!!! hahaha sick!!! See you tonight brotha....1
Chuck Murphy

05.11.07 - 6:52 pm



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