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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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SB Ridazz Presents: Cinco De Mayo Ride
Thread started by Chato at 05.1.07 - 6:37 pm

Oh hell yes we're doin' it again y'all, this time it's the Cinco de Mayo ride! That means 5 of May (que onda Guero?) and that's Saturday night 5/5 at 9PM (and we ride out at 9:10 sharp cause it's gonna be that kind of party y'all). This is a decent ride mostly all flat so get whatever set of two wheels you got that get's you going, we're gonna be gettin' our gettin' in on. That's right I said that. All bike are absolutely welcome and applauded. We are just a rolling party of bicycle insanity called the SB Ridazz!!! We don't judge. Come dressed as a Mariachi. Come as Speedy Gonzales. Come dressed as your favorite tequilla. Come on a skateboard. Straight Edge?? Lush? It's all good. We don't care we just want you there! We're about bonding together as a community and taking over the mean streets of SB on our bikes to show the world it's ok to love your bike and share that love with your fellow brothers and sisters who feel the same. Anyone and everyone is invited so bring all your crazy friends, even the ones who don't feel so comfortable yet on a bike, we'll go slow and wait for 'em. Remember the SB Ridazz are all about spreading love and bicycle awareness in SB. You know this shit rocks!

Meet up at De La Guerra Plaza 9PM (ride out 9:10)

A light is mandatory

Route to follow (chill, flat 20 miler, plenty of catch up spots).

See you then and Viva La Ridazz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyone thinking of heading up for this ride? I was thinking about it. There's a whole day of bicycle activities going on. This is from Chato:

Riding from downtown and looking for some company? Meet at 12 noon at the Presidio hotel downtown on State and Valerio and at 12:30 we will roll out to the Mercury Lounge.

Of course the details are subject to change as needed and be on the lookout for a group ride from Isla Vista. Interested in leading the ride from IV? Let me know.

We're Baaaaacck!

It's the beginning of the bullfighting season which means time for the Matadors to wash their capotes and sharpen their estoques.

Join us for the Cico De Mayo Mercury Lounge Bike Show

The Mercury Lounge and Matadors Bici Club invite/challenge/dare you to a bicycle show and party like you've never experienced.

Doors Open and the beer starts flowing @ 1PM. Competitions start @ 3PM but get there early to signup.

Bring your purdiest bike and enter it in the following categories:

Smooth jazziest
and more...

Bike competitions will be held throughout the day:

Skid Contest
Figure 8 of Death Derby
Balance Beam
Bike Toss
Track Stand
King of the Pile
and more...

Bike movie will be shown at sundown.

Come out and join for an afternoon and evening full of bicycles, beer, and good times.

Mercury Lounge
5871 Hollister Ave. in Goleta
May 5th 2007
Doors open @ 1pm

05.2.07 - 8:29 am


ill be up there during the day. not sure about the ride at night, but def during the day.

05.2.07 - 8:33 am



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