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C.I.C.L.E. Car Free Commuting
Thread started by agclimber at 02.26.07 - 10:47 am

Tomorrow, Tues. Feb. 27, is a car-free commuting kickoff event at Patagonia in Old Town Pasadena. We need a big turnout as the Mayor of Pasadena will be there as we discuss car free commuting and start a month long event series focused on getting people out of their cars. C.I.C.L.E., local LA bike non-profit, is a co-sponsor of the events series called One Mile at a Time with Patagonia. And… those that live in Pasadena (and beyond), please do come out to support the events. A large attendance at any of these events will clearly communicate to the City of Pasadena (and neighboring cities) that other transportation options, such as bicycling, walking, and public transit, are really valued. This is an easy and fun way to demonstrate your support for these issues, and to encourage our cities to make a greater investment into truly sustainable forms of transportation.

Lots of other interesting and fun rides are on the calendar for the month of March. Check it out and get the details.
Go to the link http://www.cicle.org/cicle_content/pivot/entry.php?id=1298#comm for more info.


As with most of these "come and show your support" commuter events, they start while I'm still at work and wouldn't be able to make it there until close to the end time.

they should hold these things at times convenient for the working class...otherwise only the non-working can attend

idealists, politician, and their photo ops i guess.

same grumpy ol' dave.

02.26.07 - 12:57 pm


yo dave,
I agree with you. I'd like to attend, but I finish work at 5:30...
total bummer for many like us who work 9to5

02.26.07 - 1:22 pm


besides, we live in the SFV

02.26.07 - 1:23 pm


I hear you. I think most of us are working class.
You might not be able to go to every ride or every event, but you can spread the word if you think the ride/cause is valid or important.

02.26.07 - 2:10 pm


Not me, I'm a spoiled little biatch and I do whatever I want when I want!

Just kidding, I'm going to try to bust outta the slave pen right around 5 and hustle up to Pasadena from downtown. If anyone wants to join me holla. Although I know it's a stretch for most. Hopefully there will be time to stop at BevMo and get sauced before the event and maybe even do some shoplifting.

City Hobgoblin
02.26.07 - 2:55 pm


i might try to stop by the event.

02.26.07 - 3:41 pm


I'm skippin my lunch to take off from work early. We're rolling out from the Chinatown Metro station @ 5:00 sharp. If anyone wants to roll together, that's where we'll be. I think this will be a pretty chill event and our cycling numbers are needed!

I AM Traffic
02.26.07 - 7:43 pm


Props to CICLE for continuing to put on creative, timely events. They've been active since Critical Mass met at 5th & Flower and at 15 deep was the largest ride in Los Angeles. Way to go.

bike punk
02.26.07 - 9:07 pm


Givin' strong thought to making it . . . I'll join you at the Chinatown Station if I can.

mr rollers
02.26.07 - 9:10 pm


yah im going to try to make it out today too. if u see an asian on a black fixie, HOLLA!

02.27.07 - 8:54 am


Rollers, what time are you guys meeting up at the chinatown station?
I only had like 2 hrs of sleep last night, but if I'm still conscious I'll try and make it.

02.27.07 - 10:27 am


come on out today Tom. bring the Cal Trans bike if it's done. i'll meet u up there.

02.27.07 - 11:27 am


"what time are you guys meeting up at the chinatown station?"

Looks like I AM Traffic says 5pm sharp. If I hustle I can make it.

Somebody know a good route to Pasadena?

mr rollers
02.27.07 - 11:37 am


I am going to try to make Chinatown too.

A good route: Broadway out through Lincoln Heights, over the hill, left on (I think it's Mission) this turns into Huntington Drive, left on Fair Oaks, and that will take us all the way up to Old Town Pas. I commuted that route for 6 months, it ain't too bad, pretty much a steady uphill.

And if anyone doesn't feel like riding or shows up late or whatever, just hop the gold line and get off at Memorial Park in Old Town.

City Hobgoblin
02.27.07 - 12:39 pm


Hey Cole what's with the psychedelic beagle graphic? Take drugs and ride your dog to work?

City Hobgoblin
02.27.07 - 12:42 pm


shit. I aint gonna make it, I am so fucking beat, I need some sleep.

02.27.07 - 3:29 pm


Fine event last night; great turnout, nice to see folks coming out to support this thing.

Enjoyed riding with you guys up to Pasadena at a little faster than my usual pace, but maybe I ain't ready for Wolfpack just yet, ha ha.

mr rollers
02.28.07 - 8:51 am



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