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Nasty Pothole
Thread started by FuzzBeast at 02.9.07 - 5:11 am

Just so y'all know, there's a really nasty pothole on vermont ave just before you get to the intersection with wilshire going south (right before the top of the hill), it's about mid way across the right lane about as wide as your hand and maybe twice as long, and fugging deep. Oh yeah, and it is well hidden in the shadows at night (how I found it). I wasnt moving too fast (maybe 10-12 mph) and still managed to hit it hard enough to produce an audible twang from my front wheel... I inspected it, don't think it's damaged, but I'll have to run it through my truing stand once I get it set up.

Anyway, Sorry I didnt get a picture, it was late, and I was kinda just in the mood to get home, but yeah, watch for this one, it's just big enough that hitting it at an angle could easily send someone down.


Funny you posted about that -- I think I cased that motherfucker a few days ago too.

There's some nasty ones on Wilshire that I repeatedly hit right around there. It's pretty much a minefield, with all the busses they run 24/7 tearing the shit outta the joint. I'm so glad Waxman stopped that evil subway back in the 80s. Life would totally suck without the endless stream of busses barreling down Wilshire.

City Hobgoblin
02.9.07 - 12:05 pm


can you fucking imagine the supreme ignorance of actually passing a law to stop the subway from reaching the beach? jesus h fucking christ on a popsicle stick! I would love to see an investigation into how that whole deal went down.... Henry Waxman all all the rich people who lobbied and suported his decision.... what fucking douchebags!

02.9.07 - 1:28 pm


aw hell yeah Roadblock, that's my favorite legislation of all time! I love it when a few rich assholes get together with a strawman politician and push through a policy which stands in direct opposition to the greatest public good so they can maintain optimum personal comfort! But here's the best part: the subway wouldn't have even affected them, it would have actually served to make the lives of their lower class gardeners and maids easier oh snap! But they don't give a fuck because they are the baddest motherfuckers in the world! Hell yeah bitches that legislation is the SHIT!!

In fact that legislation is so bomb that the LA Weekly did a 13-page story about it last year. I don't know if they have an archive somewhere, but check it yo!

City Hobgoblin
02.9.07 - 1:54 pm


summed up perfectly.

02.9.07 - 2:01 pm


so i went searching for facts...

In 1985, Waxman sponsored a bill to ban federal funding for the Red Line subway in his district supported by affluent homeowners groups in response to a methane gas explosion in the Fairfax District. In 2005, a robust real estate market, multi-dwelling construction boom, and lack of public mass transit planning on the westside caused by Waxman's bill resulted in gridlock throughout Waxman's district.[1] At the request of Los Angeles Mayor and LACMTA Board President Antonio Villaraigosa, Waxman agreed to lift the ban if a panel of five engineers found tunneling under the Miracle Mile stretch of Wilshire Boulevard to be safe. In October 2005, the panel decided that tunneling was possible, and on December 16, Waxman responded by announcing he would introduce a bill to the U.S. House which would lift the ban on federal money for subway tunneling in the district. This bill passed the House via unanimous vote on September 20, 2006.[2]

so he lefted the ban last year..and it seems like the line to the beach might just happen....

02.9.07 - 2:32 pm


here's the la weekly article...


02.9.07 - 2:37 pm


May I add that there's a pretty nasty pothole in Eagle Rock. Eagle Rock Blvd at York Blvd. The southbound bike lane in front of the LIttle Ceasar's Pizza.

02.9.07 - 2:56 pm


that LA weekly article was funny. basically Waxman trying to talk himself out of people viewing him as a moron. LOL. didn't work for me....

02.9.07 - 3:30 pm


Hey Superfish, nice work! I had heard that the legislation was up for review (I think it initially came with a timeline -- like 20 years or so when it was first passed) but I didn't hear what became of it.

That's actually not the Weekly piece I was talking about... I'll try to find it. It was a huge investigative piece which went through the nuts and bolts of 20 years of corruption and mismanagement that existed at the MTA, and the Waxman/midWilshire consitituency.

Nice interview though! Waxman is the shit! They're like "you killed public transportation and now traffic sucks, but that might hurt you in this election, so now you're cool with public transportation?" And he's all "Do you you know who I am? You must not know who I am. I'm Henry-motherfuckin-Waxman and I do what the fuck I want! Now vote for me bitches!"

City Hobgoblin
02.9.07 - 3:30 pm


it's amazing how potholes spawn political discussions!

02.9.07 - 4:27 pm


Duh, Waxman made that pothole. Himself. Cuz he's so bad ass.

City Hobgoblin
02.9.07 - 4:29 pm


your momma so fat. when she fell off her bike onthe street....she made potholes...

02.9.07 - 4:32 pm


"jesus h fucking christ on a popsicle stick!"

For years I wondered what the "H" stood for and as of late my money's on "Hank".

02.9.07 - 4:46 pm


hmm, maybe we shouldn't complain about LA potholes.... this one's from new orleans..

02.13.07 - 6:06 pm


uhh crap here it is.

02.13.07 - 6:06 pm



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