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HLP to Down Town AM, Anyone?
Thread started by MOM_RIDAZ420 at 06.30.08 - 10:27 am

I ride from Highland park to Down town (3rd & hope near the messanger wall) everyday...leave at about 730am....it kidna sucks after riding the weekend with everyone then doing it alone all week....so is there anyone else out there that wants to do the "go to work ride" with me M-F? I will hook up my little speaker so we have some AM tunes....


i guess that means i am on my own... :(

06.30.08 - 1:07 pm


We'll be with you in spirit. Sleeping spirits.

06.30.08 - 1:46 pm


and that works for me :)

06.30.08 - 1:55 pm


Actually I might be down to ride to DTLA in the mornings. I'm in Glassell Park and my office is by 9th and Fig. I've ridden to work on "casual" Fridays before. Unfortunately I can't ride to work every day yet. I've got one them lawyer jobs that require me to lug documents around and go to different courthouses in the monkey suit and blah blah. Nonetheless, I'm trying to find the right balance to get to the office on my bike more often. Riding with other people would be great motivation.

06.30.08 - 2:07 pm


man, in a suit, on a bike = pure awesomeness

06.30.08 - 2:10 pm


Trust me I've thought about it all ready. One of these days....THE SUIT RIDE!

06.30.08 - 2:22 pm


i have a laywer job too! i just throw everything in the backpack and change when i get here...on my way to and from work i wear the mom ridaz vest if i am on my bike then i have it on...i just don't feel right if i don't....

06.30.08 - 2:24 pm


the SUIT RIDE sounds like fun...people really wouldn't know what to think!

06.30.08 - 2:24 pm


I ride to downtown from venice beach every day and sometimes I rock a suit and tie when I do it. Other times, I can dress casual because I'm not meeting with clients. It's kinda fun to see the way people stare at you while you trackstand at stoplights in formalwear.

Undercover Bob
06.30.08 - 2:31 pm


Wow. from Venice....in a suit? That's the motivation I'm talking about.

06.30.08 - 2:42 pm


I saw someone in a suit ONCE and I'll NEVER forget that day. They had their briefcase and everything.
There needs to be a suit ride!!!! Or a businessman ride.

06.30.08 - 2:45 pm


You know that guy you saw.....well, he ended up skipping work that day...

He's still out there somewhere...

06.30.08 - 6:03 pm


suit ride sounds AMAZING.

ben dangel
06.30.08 - 6:04 pm



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