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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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UFO Ride Crash?
Thread started by mr rollers at 01.13.07 - 11:21 am

I saw a pretty scary one last night: towards the end of the ride (2nd time down Orange Grove), a rider just to my left got his front wheel clipped by a guy weaving in & out of traffic. He was going at a good clip and out of the corner of my eye I saw him go over the handlebars . . . the guy who hit him didn't even look back.

Any reports on the downed rider?

I was dealing with my own set of problems at the time, as a result of a crash earlier in the evening that happened when I got tangled up with someone who passed me and cut it a little too close. This morning I've got various scrapes and a sore, swollen wrist.

I don't want to point an accusing finger against any particular type of rider, but I think some people need to show a little more respect for the fact that Midnight Ridazz is meant to be a fun ride that attracts cyclists of all abilities . . . it ain't an alleycat, people!


Speak the word Mr. Rollers! I was scooted past by numerous speedsters inf various fucking hurries throughout the route who failed to respect my personal space and are now dead and buried at various spots around the Rose Bowl (at least they are in my devious mind). Thankfully I never got tangled up with any of them and I'm sorry you suffered such a fate.

Agent Orange
01.13.07 - 11:48 am


Izzat so?

I rode around the Rose Bowl parking lot last night thinking about that for quite a while.

"I don't want to point an accusing finger against any particular type of rider, but I think some people need to show a little more respect for the fact that Midnight Ridazz is meant to be a fun ride that attracts cyclists of all abilities . . . it ain't an alleycat, people!"

01.13.07 - 11:55 am


i think i heard 4 crashes so far .... we need to slow down...more lights...

01.13.07 - 12:07 pm


I agree...slow down.
It seems like each ride gets a little faster than the last...we just end up losing people...and crashing.

Eric Hair
01.13.07 - 2:13 pm


I like how the CICLE gals did it with a pacemaker person/people in the front. The only problem is the enforcement of the rules for a ride this big........ no one wants to be the one yelling at people.......

I still can't believe my eyes when I see Ridazz riding directly in the way of cars in the LEFT lane. I saw people doing it last night with fellow Ridazz practically pleading for everyone to GET TO THE RIGHT. very frustrating when people don't follow that simple little guideline. it could help so much with traffic and cops and safety.

01.13.07 - 3:02 pm


The crash on Orange Grove happened right in front of me and I had to swerve to avoid it. It was a bit scary since it was so dark and I might have eaten shit myself I didn't hear it. Hope everyone is all right and keeps ridin'.

01.13.07 - 4:04 pm


this ride fucking RULED! VIVAN LOS RIDAZZZZ!

01.13.07 - 4:05 pm


still can't believe my eyes when I see Ridazz riding directly in the way of cars in the LEFT lane. I saw people doing it last night with fellow Ridazz practically pleading for everyone to GET TO THE RIGHT. very frustrating when people don't follow that simple little guideline. it could help so much with traffic and cops and safety.


have a shepherd theme ride

a few riders are "shepherds", give them fake beards and staffs (if they can ride with one)

all the riders can be the sheep

i think there may even be a need for some riders as shepherd dogs since there are "wolves" about on these rides

01.13.07 - 5:04 pm


i don't get the taking-up-both-lanes thing either, but maybe i'm not punk enough.

as for the crashes...i got lucky, didn't even see one.

01.13.07 - 5:31 pm


that's epic! SHEEP! i want to see people in kilts!!! and i want to look up them! that's a good idea... BAA!

Also, I crashed myself with no one around, i was in front of Paseo Colorado (right!? where was i?!!?) and I went up a curb to avoid a red light and fell (while on the phone *stupidly* trying to locate the main pack) off the curb in front of like 20 black dudes laughing (i'm fine thanks! no sun dried tomatoes!). it was pretty funny and they were nice enough to tell me my light fell off. i tried to get the front riders back on track but they took off beyond my yells (i hope they didn't go to covina) and i gathered as many stragglers around old town/performance bicycle as i could on the way to the north east corner of the rose bowl better known as the aquatic center.

another question that might need it's own subject, should we have a bit of walkie talkie action? you know, just a few of us? put the freq on the spoke cards?! i don't know. forget it. sheep sheep sheep! BAA!

01.13.07 - 5:45 pm


I often think the problem is not speed alone but "speed differential". There's a time & place to go fast, just do it when you have the room, without endangering fellow ridazz. If I crash by myself I take responsibility, but I don't want to be taken out by someone else.

My comments on the crash thread are in no means a refelction on the planners of the route. There's only so much anyone can do, it's up to us as individuals to function in a way that insures the well being of the group.

mr rollers
01.13.07 - 8:45 pm


Hi all,

I'm fairly certain that I am the one that caused the crash mentioned in mr roller's first post. Long story short, I got in over my head with some booze, and I definitely shouldn't have been riding at that point. I totally fucked up, and I'm really embarassed about it. I've felt like shit about it all weekend, and I really want to apologize to the rider who crashed on account of my irresponsibility.

To the rider who went down, if there was any damage to your bike or anything, post back -- I ain't rich but I want to do what I can to cover repairs or replacements (god I hope you weren't on a vintage Masi or something.)


01.15.07 - 10:19 am


The crashed went slow mo in front of me. Man.. I always see at least one crash on the Ridazz rides. I was worried for the people in back of him too. Dude got up quick though. Hope all is well.

01.15.07 - 1:58 pm


Man, I am glad to hear that you think he's ok. I've been playing that one over in my mind more than my own crash, maybe "feeling his pain" a little and regretting that I couldn't help in some way.

mr rollers
01.15.07 - 2:21 pm


Let me repost my apology. That last remark came out wrong -- and I want to say that above all I really hope no one was hurt. Again, sorry, I'm really embarassed that this happened, and I'm very sorry to the rider who crashed.

Hi all,

I'm fairly certain that I am the one that caused the crash mentioned in mr roller's first post. Long story short, I got in over my head with some booze, and I definitely shouldn't have been riding at that point. I totally fucked up, and I'm really embarassed about it. I've felt like shit about it all weekend, and I really want to apologize to the rider who crashed on account of my irresponsibility.

To the rider who went down, if there was any damage to your bike or anything, post back -- I want to do what I can to cover repairs or replacements.


01.15.07 - 3:00 pm


hey errbody. i'm pretty sure i'm the one who ate it this past friday. i guess it looked pretty bad and i was kinda embarrased cause it my first ride and i didn't really know anyone. i'm really glad though that two trailing riders slowed down to ask me if i was alright and needed water.
the posts are pretty accurate- i was goin a steady pace, had pretty good control, but never saw the swerve comin in front of me as it was totally unexpected and quick. anyways- got clipped, went over, scraped my knuckles, and broke a spoke. kind of a bummer, but i'm not they type to dwell. had a good time, met some cool folks on the ride back to the city, enjoyed the music. apologies accepted, but please next time, pull over and offer a hand to a brother. see yall next month.

01.15.07 - 5:10 pm


em, oh man I'm glad to hear you're OK. Thanks for accepting the apology. Yeah, it was total bullshit that I didn't stop. Send me an e-mail at tinfoil1980@yahoo.com and I'd like to get that wheel fixed for you.

Glad you're in one piece, and glad you posted.

01.15.07 - 5:27 pm


oh yea, speaking of crashes....can ridazz not spit in front of ridazz...cause the sprayage goes onto the people following you...haha...come on now...think of everybody around you...thanks!

01.15.07 - 5:29 pm


all good bro. no sweat. its a good time for me to learn how to fix a spoke anyways- battle scars for my beat up nishiki. i'm sure after a visit to the kitchen it'll be fine. thanks though.

01.15.07 - 5:53 pm


em, I admire your positive attitude. My offer still stands and will continue to stand if you change your mind about the repairs.

best wishes.

01.15.07 - 6:03 pm


spitting is definitely a learned skill, especially in a pack...

NEVER spit straight on the ground, or anywhere in the pathway of another cyclist...because that cyclist will run it over, and spray it UP

you need to make sure you are the FURTHEST on the right or left edge of said pack...usually this means getting close to the second lane on the left, or close to riding the gutter on the right...

then you need to make sure no one is speeding up on you, or trying to pass you (spitting on someone really kind of sucks!)...

then you should spit at either 9 to 10 o' clock on the left...or 2 to 3 o' clock on the right...and you need to spit HARD...and you need to make sure no one gets sprayed...no crazy splatter spitting...just a confident hunk o spit...people would rather have you dribble on yourself, than being sprayed or spit at, so please use discretion

you should practice this before trying it in a pack...

either that, or drop off to the back and spit out the back...

or better yet, recycle (no one will notice)

01.15.07 - 6:20 pm


HAHAHAaaÓaHAHahAHhA...how funny..nice analysis..and good instructions...this made my day..hahaha

01.15.07 - 6:24 pm


Maybe Road Block should post proper spit etiquette on the rulez?...

Joe Borfo
01.15.07 - 7:29 pm


Well, excuse if this sounds a little like a "group hug", but I'm feeling really good that I started this thread and that people told their sides of the story . . . em, I glad you're OK and hope you'll give Ridazz another chance; Apology, thanks for coming forward and being a big human.

I hope we can all learn a little from this (and not just about spitting).

mr rollers
01.15.07 - 7:37 pm


a group hug would've been nice at the ride....you know..body heat...

01.15.07 - 7:46 pm


Props to "apology" for fessing up and I nominate "em" for sainthood, the congressional medal of honor and a star on Hollywood Boulevard. Such an amazing ability to forgive and ride on is something I should learn from, because if I'd been struck down by an inebriant I'd be nursing a grudge of hellacious proportions and plotting an effing mideval revenge... or at least making a shirt for the next ride emblazoned wiith CROWD ME AND CRY DOWN ME AND DIE.

Other than that I'm a pretty nice guy.

Agent Orange
01.16.07 - 8:57 am


I'm with Orange.

Group hug? ... pfft.


Joe Borfo
01.16.07 - 9:42 am



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