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Bike-In Sunday Night
Thread started by frumble at 05.16.08 - 3:33 pm

Posted By:
Madex Guerilla Drive In, RAD 5/18

Hosted By::
Guerrilla Movie NIght

Sunday May 18, 2008
at 9:00 PM

Parking Lot
2nd / Beaudry
los angeles, 90017
United States
View Map

Guerrilla Drive In invades downtown to bring everyone RAD, the Bike cult classic film about HELLTRACK. 9pm 2nd and Beaudry.


The is drive in style, so carpool, or bring a bike crew. everyone is welcome, always free.

FM radio is needed to hear the film.


I'm sorry my bike doesn't have an fm radio...haha

No speakers?


05.16.08 - 3:55 pm


No speakers. This is Guerilla drive-in. The sound is broadcast on F.M. but one boombox would do the trick. No seats either. Does your bike have a blanket? Okay. So it's not the perfect bike event but it is a fringe/illegal/outdoor/free thing happening near downtown. He's showing a bike movie and has invited bike crews. I thought it worth mentioning. Peace.

05.16.08 - 4:13 pm


nah man. I'm actually really into the idea....

Was just bein a smartass.

I'm sure we can bring a boombox.


05.16.08 - 4:15 pm


Next time they should show my current favorite bike movie, Legs of Gold!!! I don't understand much more than uno mas cerveza por favor but it was such a captivating movie that I watched the entire thing at work yesterday.

05.16.08 - 4:39 pm


Or my favorite, The Loaded Warrior !!

05.16.08 - 5:14 pm


Oh yeah, break out your Vans

05.17.08 - 11:06 pm



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