question re: ticket

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dash at 11.27.06 - 3:26 pm
hey yall.......
i just got a ticket for riding on the sidewalk anyone beat this kinda ticket before?
That depends what city you were in. Each city has their own rules about it. Some prohibit it, while most (like LA) allow it if you are not going so fast as to endanger pedestrians.
liquidpremium11.27.06 - 3:28 pm
hey yea santa monica cop gave me the i am assuming they have a penal code for it........
dash11.27.06 - 3:32 pm
The penal code probably won't have the answer. The penal code is state law and is silent re. bikes. You want to look at the section cited on your ticket itself. That's the violation you are being accused of. I'm guessing that it is a violation of some type of Santa Monica Municipal Code or the CA Vehicle Code.
liquidpremium11.27.06 - 4:31 pm
I don't know if this is accurate, but I found this online:
Section 3.12.540 Bicycle riding or coasting restricted.
(a) It shall be unlawful to ride a bicycle or to coast in any vehicle upon any public sidewalk, except as provided for in Section 3.12.550. It shall be ... 12/540.html -
liquidpremium11.27.06 - 4:43 pm
hey thanks but that web site didnt open........
what a dick this cop was too.........had me on the curb right in front of my house and like three patrol cars pulled up it was a big ol scene for a sidewalk coasting ticket hahahaha........lord
dash11.27.06 - 5:09 pm
I got one from a Santa Monica cop as well. I'm pretty sure I only got pulled over in the first place because I had a mohawk. They searched all my shit, and were surprised to find that my bag contained only cheez-its and a hockey puck. They were definitely assholes. It happened in like june, and the date on it is for like june of 07. I don't think I even know where the ticket is anymore. Oh well.
monovsstereo11.27.06 - 6:11 pm
We should compile a list of local bike laws in each city, so that we don't get tickets when we go from Santa Monica to Beverly Hills to West Hollywood to Los Angeles etc.
liquidpremium11.27.06 - 6:15 pm
Not a bad idea, or at lesast a list of the ones that enforece em.
FuzzBeast11.27.06 - 9:04 pm