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Roomates Needed
Thread started by riss at 02.26.08 - 9:36 am

what happened to the other thread....


No one is trying to move to tha OC...Riss,,,But if you're down with Hollywood, I got the hook up my omie Gerards fam owns all of the apt. building around fairfax/the grove..

Regular Mike
02.26.08 - 9:46 am


Nope no OC for me. LA it is.

02.26.08 - 9:49 am


down with the oc.

02.26.08 - 9:49 am


I tried...the rides are nice and so are the people but...just not the same.

02.26.08 - 9:50 am


i was trying to move too costa mesa a few months ago. im glad that didnt pan out.

02.26.08 - 9:54 am


I hear ya^^

02.26.08 - 9:59 am


so yeah now I need an LA roomate or mates.

02.26.08 - 10:01 am


hey riss,
there are some really nice studios and singles in downtown los angeles for less than 600bux.

02.26.08 - 10:54 am


Oh that right!! I need to check those out.

02.26.08 - 11:15 am


check out craigslist. thats where i found my new home!

02.26.08 - 2:02 pm


This sounds nice.
I'm actually thinking about moving down into at least, the IE area once I revamp the trucking career.

02.26.08 - 2:10 pm


hit me up for listings mike underscore mashes at yahoo...
I need to know what kinda budget you're working , dont worry about credit checks, just need a deposit suitible to one months rent. These are real nice places or least real convinent around the fairfax district. Lates, get at me....

02.26.08 - 2:56 pm


Oh yeah I forgot to imply who i was directing myself at...RISS...

02.26.08 - 3:03 pm


still looking...

02.28.08 - 7:05 am


The building I just moved out of in Echo Park has apartments open, and the 4 years that I lived there, I could never find a better deal for the area. It's on Coronado/Sunset, you will probably see a sign.

Fuck craigslist, as everything on there is inflated. Remember when looking for an apartment, YOU set the market value of a unit, not the land lord. Most times you can sweet talk quite a bit off the asking price, as the last guy to live there probably paid much less then what the super is asking.


02.28.08 - 9:09 pm



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