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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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The Mother of All Rides
Thread started by Roadblock at 02.21.08 - 2:35 pm

This March = 4 years of Ridazz wreaking havoc on the streets and for the 4 year anniversary we are celebrating the birth of this growing disfunctional frankenstein family of rides going on in this city.

This is the mother of all rides... this ride will penetrate the city and ejaculate onto the streets.... immaculate conception will occur... the hot steamy slimey birth will take place... we will eat the umbilical cord... with tapatio

sperm seeks the egg
all rides converge
blood everywhere
god dammit if only we'd have used body condoms we wouldnt be in this mess....

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NSFW, and a bit nausea-inducing!

02.21.08 - 2:38 pm


I wasn't born,
I was hatched from a giant egg

02.21.08 - 2:40 pm


i have my title 22 certification for the state of california, so i am trained in birthing children! now who wants to make a baby?

02.21.08 - 2:41 pm


Awesome. I was going to propose the Prehistoric Ride, but this is much-much-much better. The next day is the Post-Apocalypse ride in San Diego... nothing better than celebrating the birth of it all... (no offense to CM.) then rolling to SD for the end of it all...

the reverend dak
02.21.08 - 2:44 pm


the prehistoric ride!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!! post for april!!

02.21.08 - 2:45 pm


I love it Roadblock. It's about damn time!

Joe Borfo
02.21.08 - 2:46 pm


good stuffs...

02.21.08 - 2:48 pm


Planet of the Apes ride?

02.21.08 - 5:14 pm


Only in LA
on this date
in this costume
on these bikes
does this ride make PERFECT sense.


02.22.08 - 11:22 am


sperms seeking eggs...

a giant game of hide and go seek.

all rides converge... and make love.... messy love.... but we will see this thing all the way through like the good mommas and poppas that we are... there will be birth.

02.22.08 - 11:28 am


Again with the brilliant concept!

Commemorative patch, anyone?

mr rollers
02.22.08 - 11:36 am


mommy? why is daddy holding a gun to his head?

02.22.08 - 11:38 am


mommy, when I was a fetus all warm and protected, daddy hit me over the head with his one eyed wonder worm.

02.22.08 - 11:40 am


Bad Mama Jamma...

Regular Mike
02.22.08 - 11:41 am


I bet he did, I bet he did..

Regular Mike
02.22.08 - 11:42 am


Mommy told me that the worse thing in the world is a theif, and the worse kind of thief, is an identity thief. If you is smart enough to hack my password, you should be smart enough to come up with your own screen name. Nah, probably not. The tgubg you have written up here is so stupid, that you don't seem to have much of a creative bone in you. You probably stoled the program, to steal the password.

Just think a little bit, you can come up with something creative and witty if you try. Sorry but CryBaby has been created already. TRY!

You can do it, like tuggy the tug boat.

02.22.08 - 12:19 pm


mommy told me to share! waaaaaaa

Lil Baby Leg
02.22.08 - 12:50 pm


someone gave birth to a monster

02.22.08 - 1:02 pm


mommy mommy I go boomboom on crybaby head make poopoo stain

Lil Baby Leg
02.22.08 - 1:07 pm


RB what's this lil monster's name?

02.22.08 - 1:16 pm


very good! little poopy makers, thrive under boundaries.

02.22.08 - 1:18 pm


now you just need to learn to wipe your ass

02.22.08 - 1:19 pm


eeee yeah with yur face...sucka lil monsta

Regular Mike
02.22.08 - 1:24 pm


"sucka lil monsta"
HAHHAHHAHA these three words keep making me laugh...

02.25.08 - 10:33 am


I've been wondering.. where are the start points and endpoint? I haven't seen anything about that in the forum or event info link =[

03.6.08 - 4:02 am


The ride is a massive "Ride and Seek" game. I'm working on the details and will post them soon.

03.6.08 - 9:46 am


03.6.08 - 10:01 am


Let's spew it on the streets

Wipe it on the buildings

Slick up the parks

Do it upside down

make a hottie a mommy

a playa a daddy

Ridazz get ready

03.6.08 - 10:17 am



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