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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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Cyclist hit, LAPD do nothing
Thread started by brassknuckle at 10.31.06 - 11:22 am

This was posted somewhere else by Lars Lehtonen and I thought it was appropriate to post here.



Really disturbing . . . even more because it happened right in my 'hood.

mr rollers
10.31.06 - 1:56 pm


a) Very important to take down the name and serial # of every officer you deal with and when. If the officer doesn't do his or her job, file a personnel complaint.

b) leaving the scene of an accident that causes an injury is a clear felony violation of CA vehicle code section 20001.

10.31.06 - 2:14 pm


that's some serious bullshit. they have a license plate number what more do they need to get on it.

10.31.06 - 2:27 pm


That sucks.. The L.A.P.D. blows...
I wish that poor girl a speedy recovery...

10.31.06 - 2:35 pm


it would only be a cause for them if she had died (thank goodness she's alive)...

otherwise...it's just another accident to them

10.31.06 - 2:55 pm


nope. this is far worse than an accident. it's a hit and run! the guy didnt stop and that's a felony I believe....

10.31.06 - 2:56 pm


post the license plate number please. there are other methods than ineffectual authorities.

10.31.06 - 3:17 pm


go to that surly dude on either channel 2 or channel 4 (i cant remember which) that takes public complaints and goes and rights them and saves the day. hed either get the ball rolling or at least put media pressure on the lapd to maybe get their shit together.

10.31.06 - 3:19 pm


damn maybe we need a section for hit and run info?

10.31.06 - 3:21 pm


a lot of people get hit and drivers just think they can jet. gotta be a way to stop em.... on Friday some jackass almost hit a Rida. got his license plate in that incident too... maybe send a lil friendly note informing them to drive safer.

10.31.06 - 3:22 pm


it does take some time from the time of the event until there is a criminal filing.

first the cop takes the collission report.

the report goes to a detective who runs the plate and tracks down the owner of the car.

once the detective completes the investigation, a case may be taken to the DA for filing.

ridazz should definitely be encouraged to photograph, film, identify perpetrators and otherwise document these types of crimes against cyclists.

10.31.06 - 3:23 pm


really important to be able to ID the driver (unless he confesses), otherwise these criminals will claim their car was stolen, or their cousin borrowed it or their dog ate their homework etc.

10.31.06 - 3:25 pm


man that's fucked up

and its in my neck of the woods as well

make that lic # public and paste it all over town

10.31.06 - 4:16 pm



wow good news
looks like some action has begun?

11.1.06 - 4:56 pm


"District 13 is a bike friendly community and as such our governance and infrastructure should reflect that."


11.1.06 - 6:11 pm


Glad to hear that the calls worked.

Mr. Raymond
11.1.06 - 6:49 pm


what happened with this? did they find the driver...?

11.7.06 - 1:46 pm


Time for another round of inquiries?

case number 061125924
Council District 13
Councilman Eric Garcetti's field office: (323) 957-4500
The office of LAPD Chief Bratton: (213) 485-3202

11.7.06 - 3:35 pm


i called garcetti's office and was referred to Ms. Shane (sp?) Goldsmith's voicemail. message left, return call awaited.

we can't sleep on this, people- our lives depend on how we voice our concern for our safety and that of our fellow cyclists. make some noise and let garcetti know we're following how he handles this (or doesn't handle it).

11.7.06 - 4:55 pm


what's the latest news on this. was the person caught yet?

12.2.06 - 4:22 pm


I spoke to a lady named Shane a couple weeks ago and she told me at that time that they located the car but the owner denies it was him and that the description given by the witness doesn't fit the owner.

12.4.06 - 9:53 am


wow. so where does it go from here? did they say what the next steps are? this can't be let go. this is for our lives. let's keep on making the calls.

12.4.06 - 12:53 pm


The Sr. Officer in charge of this case according to Garcetti's office is

(213) 793 0763
case number 061125924

Let's make the calls y'alls....

12.4.06 - 12:59 pm


pronounced Al Po long kee

12.4.06 - 1:11 pm


Even if the owner wasn't driving (doubful), she might have civil case against the owner if he or she lent the car to someone. She should definitely get a lawyer.

12.4.06 - 5:55 pm


"pronounced Al Po long kee"

Aww man, I wanted to pronounce it Al Pole Hon Ky. Your ruined it!

12.5.06 - 2:31 pm


how are we doing on this particular incident? any closure? did they catch the person responsible?

02.7.07 - 11:44 am


what is the final say so on this case?

anyone hear anything?

04.8.07 - 7:01 pm


Councilmember Garcetti made a formal motion for a $50,000 reward for the perp. The cops know who did it but there was no positive id, so this kid is claming that he passed out drunk at a party and sombody joy rode in his car. His friends are backing him up saying that he passed out drunk at their house.

I'm not sure the status of the reward right now, last i heard through the grapevine, it got held up in some city red tape but is still pending.

Meanwhile jen and lars have been mum about the thing because they have a civil suit pending.

When the reward flyers are done I know for a fact that some people are putting together a ride to flyer the perp's neighborhood so everybody will know that the guy is a menace. And hopefully sombody will come forward to claim the $50k and call the little cowardly bastard out for being an irresponsible fuckhead who at best was a drunken idiot and at worst is an attempted murderer.

We need to see this through. I recently wrote a letter to councilmember Garcetti to see what the status of this situation is. When I hear back I'll transmit the info.

If there is no movement on this we need to make some noise because its bullshit for this fuckhead to go free just because the police were too lazy, unconcerned, or preoccupied to investigate the crime when it happened.

04.9.07 - 1:45 am


I admire, truly I do, your force in this. You make me happy to be riding on the same roads as you do. Thanks.

04.9.07 - 2:12 am


fuck yes. now this motion was put forth in November.... what do we need to do, who do we need to call to agitate, lobby, harang to proper people to get this motion ratified???

on top of shit trickmills you rock

04.9.07 - 2:18 pm


Should we be contacting Garcetti's office about this motion?

I'm assuming the motion number (or whatever number it's called) is 06-0010-S45 CD13

LAPD case number 061125924
Council District 13
Councilman Eric Garcetti's field office: (323) 957-4500
The office of LAPD Chief Bratton: (213) 485-3202

this is fucking VERY important that we lobby the shit outta these people to ACT.

04.9.07 - 2:25 pm


Garcetti's office is located at 5500 hollywood blvd. 4rth floor. I think we will be stopping there on Friday.

I left a friendly message, I encourage all who care about cyclist safety do so as well.

FAX # is 323 957 6841

04.9.07 - 2:31 pm


massive props to trickmilla.

04.9.07 - 3:09 pm


Thats just the info i've cobbled together over the weeks from talking to brassknuckle, soapbox, and jen.

04.9.07 - 6:41 pm


make calls. leave messages. also mention the fact the in the last week we've had two hit and runs.

04.9.07 - 6:43 pm


today, i was in front of the left turn lane about to turn and a cop pulls up to me and says "can't you hear me?!" and he then proceeds to tell me that i should be on the side of the road or sidewalks, and crossing at the crosswalks. i said "california vehicle code 21202 states blah, blah,blah..." he then says: 'i could site you!' and i repeated myself and said that i'm allowed and that he doesn't know the laws. he couldn't say shit, so he drove off. i was actually yelling at him too, so i'm almost shocked that he didn't give me a ticket for trying to be a know-it-all.

04.11.07 - 4:35 pm


The City Council authorized a reward of $50K and reward flyers were made up and we were about to hit the three neighborhoods that the suspect frequents.

The reward had expired!

We are currently working to get the original reward of $50K reinstated for the Jen Diamond case and we are also working to get an additional reward of $50K authorized for the Adam Authier case.

The two Detectives will both be available for a press conference and we would also like Council President Garcetti and Council Member LaBonge to go on record that they will do all in their power to apprehend these criminals.

We'll post news as we get it.

04.11.07 - 10:09 pm


sorry. posted in wrong topic.

04.11.07 - 10:50 pm


Soapbox. YOU RULE.
Thanks for bringin' the facts.

04.12.07 - 2:41 am


good shit soapbox

04.12.07 - 1:51 pm


Just received this email from Eric Garcetti's office.

Hi Patrick,
Thank you for writing to the Council Member.
I can't remember if we have already spoken regarding this issue, but I wanted to let you know that the reward motion will be renewed in the next couple of weeks in Council.

Thank you for the information regarding the other bicyclists. Our office knows well that this is not always the most bicyle friendly city.

Were you a part of the Midnight Riders this weekend? I saw the ride- it was totally amazing.


Kabira Stokes Hochberg
Field Deputy
Office of Council President Eric Garcetti

04.17.07 - 6:21 pm


have they reinstated the reward yet?

04.23.07 - 9:44 am


how are we doing with this reward situation. did these lazy fucks re-instate it?

05.1.07 - 11:46 am


When you take down a cop's badge number, rank, and last name down and write it down in front of them or have them write it down for you.They'll have to do they're job "right" or "by the book" because if you file a complaint it bites them in the ass when the next pay raise or promotion in rank come up.And they strongly feel underpaid so yeah you get it.

05.1.07 - 3:47 pm


Bad news to add to this dialogue. I just spoke to Ilia Pankin's mother the other night. It's been over 7 months since Ilia was killed at Santa Monica & Wilshire and his mother, Irena, is still waiting to receive a police report or any detailed information from the police investigation. She was originally told the investigation could take up to 6 months. That deadline came and went - nothing. Now that 6 months has passed, her lawyer is taking steps to file a suit against the City of Beverly Hills. I haven't done any formal research on this. I can only relay what she told me. I've invited Irena to attend the upcoming Ride of Silence. She said she'd be there. Please come and show your support. I'm hoping the Ride of Silence will generate some media attention so the larger public can see a pattern of nonresponsiveness when a collision involves a cyclist.

05.4.07 - 5:32 pm


ok so according to the comments on
this page the reward has been extended?

any ideas on how to get the word out to the suspect's friends and neighborhood area??

05.23.07 - 12:40 pm


Enci is working with Mitch O'Farrell in Garcetti's office to get the paperwork through City Council. We will then schedule the REWARD RIDE in sync with the LAPD and flyer the three neighborhoods that the Lead Detective believes will yield a witness or friend of the suspect. ($50K for information)

There will also be a publicity push so that we can remind the community that if a cyclist gets hit the cycling community will respond.

05.23.07 - 2:14 pm


oh that is fucking GREAT. cant wait.

05.23.07 - 2:19 pm


what would it take to get a law enacted that would basically automatically trigger a reward like this everytime a cyclist is hit and run?

05.23.07 - 2:20 pm


Political Will!

We ARE Political Will.

I tried to get Councilmember LaBonge to issue the same reward for Adam Authier and was told by his Chief of Staff, Rory Fitzpatrick, "Not unless he dies."

We must keep on our leadership and keep banging the drum.

There is an opportunity to put this subject on the table at the upcoming Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting.

Storm The Bastille!.

June 5 we meet @ 5:30, ride @ 6:00, LABAC meeting @ 7:00

05.23.07 - 2:32 pm


OK, for the drum-banging, Bastille-storming event on the 5th of June, is the meeting point going to be the usual (Sunset and Benton by the Happy/Sad), or the Santa Monica/Vermont Red Line Station? Better make that clear, or people are going to show up at one or another of those locations and wonder where everybody is...

05.23.07 - 2:43 pm


Good question. Thanks for bringing it up.

We are meeting at Santa Monica and Vermont Red line at 5:30 pm, we ride at 6 pm.

We will ride past Happy Foot/Sad Foot to pick up any wayward cyclists.

As always, great to have San Pedro representing! :-)

05.23.07 - 3:24 pm


Another thing that might help is to make investigating bike hit and runs a higher priority with LAPD. There are a number of ways to do this, from simple "squeaky wheel" calls to draw attention to a particular case all the way to getting the City Council or somebody else to fund a full time detective tasked to investigate bike crimes. Consider this - for the cost of 2 or 3 rewards, you could have a full time detective investigating nothing but bike hit and runs for a whole year.

Also, keep in mind that lots of LAPD's funding is grants tied to specific crimes (i.e., grants for terrorism response drills, etc.). Getting the Legislature, a foundation, or one of the studios to throw $100k at this issue shouldn't be too hard.

05.24.07 - 12:48 pm


good points. also reward money is more than just a pay out to someone who provides the info it's a strong deterrant for people to commit hit and runs in the first place. If some asswipe car driver hits a cyclist it might make it a little scarier to flee knowing that people will be on the hunt for substantial reward money.

05.24.07 - 2:31 pm



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