Thread started by
sstrak at 09.9.06 - 2:27 pm
I rolled out of the pier as the entire SMPD rolled in. Anything end up happening?
That was my cue to head out..
The smpd did a little swarming of their own...
panic09.9.06 - 2:54 pm
Nothing while I was there (up on top); they seemed more curious than anything else; I got the feeling they mainly didn't want any trouble or to have to work too hard. They asked Big Bike Dan to turn down a bit. One cop said, "I hope they don't smash anything up" and another one said, "We heard there were a bunch of bikers on La Brea and we thought they meant motorcyclists!". The crowd was beginning to thin already and we left shortly thereafter, probably around midnight.
mr rollers09.9.06 - 4:08 pm
From atop the pier I saw several officers move through the assembly down at sand level and witnessed one unfortunate rider get escorted off after an aluminum container was confiscated from him. Other than that the officers were mostly just observing. Mostly.
Agent Orange09.10.06 - 9:45 am
the flatland jam was awesome!! give it up to the new skool and old!!!
fixxed109.10.06 - 1:09 pm
Fun ride back to Griffith Park. Got into a Drag Race in West Hollywood. Raced Two Ferraris on Santa Monica from Doheny to La Cienega (smoked 'em). 43 year old legs and a 25 year old Raleigh beat two brand new Italians.
Madd Dogg!09.10.06 - 7:52 pm
The cops were being kind of rude. they looked angry and confused about what was going on.... Someone started cutting down a banner ad on the pier which of course upset them because it was a SMPD recruitment ad.... thanks to the person(s) who put is back up... other than that there wasnt much that could be done. we were lawful in riding our bicycles.
Roadblock09.11.06 - 5:33 am
You are welcome.
Wild Bill
Wildness Coordinator
Wild Bill09.11.06 - 10:02 am
The SMPD cop that ran through the crowd to get his petty MIP (Minor In Posession) "bust" was pretty comical. Looking at him, one might have thought he was Batman in hot pursuit of The Joker. High Dramadey at its finest.
Jeronimo09.11.06 - 2:11 pm
Does anyone know the total numbers for the ride?
tavis09.11.06 - 5:44 pm
hahaha! we need a Wildness Coordinator on our next ride.... a lot of wildness out there
Roadblock09.11.06 - 8:49 pm
Hey, I lost my Swarm the Pier spoke card, does anyone have an extra?
DuckLionDog09.13.06 - 4:59 pm