L.A. number 4 ...
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trickmilla at 05.15.07 - 10:12 am
for the rudest drivers in then country
More than 2,500 drivers who regularly commute in 25 major metropolitan areas were asked to rate road rage and rude driving in telephone surveys between January and March. The survey was conducted by Prince Market Research has a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.
The list, ranked from those reporting the most incidents of road rage to the fewest:
1. Miami
2. New York
3. Boston
4. Los Angeles
5. Washington, D.C.
6. Phoenix
7. Chicago
8. Sacramento, Calif.
9. Philadelphia
10. San Francisco
11. Houston
12. Atlanta
13. Detroit
14. Minneapolis-St. Paul
15. Baltimore
16. Tampa, Fla.
17. San Diego
18. Cincinnati
19. Cleveland
20. Denver
21. Dallas-Ft. Worth
22. St. Louis
23. Seattle-Tacoma
24. Pittsburgh
25. Portland, Ore.
People invariably say how L.A. has the worst drivers etc but I've always thought Miami was the worst driving experience I've known.
Bootlegger05.15.07 - 10:32 am
Santa Ana needs to be in that list somewhere.
sc_nomad05.15.07 - 10:50 am
Almost all major CA metropolitan area made it on that list.
sc_nomad05.15.07 - 10:57 am
although this being only a study of road rage, it doesnt necessarily equate to shitty drivers, as what it takes to cause road rage takes different circumstances.
From what I've seen, it takes a lot more to cause people to get pissed in the north east than it does in LA when it comes to cars.
If you combine this with the study mentioned here: http://travel.families.com/blog/sharing-the-road-with-the-nations-worst-drivers
(i couldn't find the list of results in my, oh, 30 seconds of searching, the msn link is dead)
but if you combine it, it would probably change the ranking a bit, with boston at number one, new york at number two then probably miami.
Having driven in miami, i'd say that while road rage is prevalent there, it is more to do with shorter fuses than with the amount of crap drivers.
FuzzBeast05.15.07 - 1:52 pm
Yeah, if it was about crappy drivers in a per capita sense, Grand Junction, Colorado would be #1. What a bunch of tools. I almost got killed riding there more on a daily basis than here in SoCal. Being on a motorcycle there was even worse.
Rude, how about we take a local vote on who are the most rude in SoCal? Dennis appears to have voted for Santa Ana, which is a fine choice for many reasons. My vote goes to Anaheim because a lot of the problems I see in SA are based on cluelessness more than just plain rudeness. Anaheim has more tweakers and mullets.
Jeronimo05.15.07 - 4:32 pm
I actually meant; Miami has some of the shittiest drivers (sans 'road rage') I've ever seen, and I've lived in NYC, CA, FL and having lived in the N. Miami area for about 4 yr.
Bootlegger05.15.07 - 4:55 pm