cbs radio vs. cyclists

Thread started by
j3r3my at 02.7.07 - 9:57 pm

Some radio talk show hosts on 97.1 FM @ night were making some anti-cyclist / pro violence-road-rage comments on the air a few weeks ago. I sent the letter below to them & cbs radio and have not heard anything back. anyone care to send an email?
Dear Conway and Whitman,
I have been a listener of your show since it began and 97.1 FM since its inception way back when it first changed over to talk radio format. About two weeks ago I stopped listening to 97.1 completely and have taken it off the presets of all my radios. This was after you both commented that cyclists belong on the sidewalk or in a park and that they do not belong on the street. You said they especially don't belong on the street during rush hour. You also commented that you would really like to run over the cyclists that get in front of you in the left hand turn lane. You said, "If you want to be Lance Armstrong do it somewhere else -- not on the road." Basically you were advocating lethal violence against cyclists using the road legally.
For your information cyclists and cars are supposed to share the road. CVC 2102 simply states that cyclists are entitled full use of a lane and that cars and/or faster vehicles are required to change lanes in order to pass. Cyclists are also required to follow the law as it applies to automobiles -- so cyclists are required to use the left hand turn lane when needed. Finally any adult cyclist is required to ride in the street and prohibited from riding on the sidewalk as it is unsafe for pedestrians and automobiles. I suggest that you read up on the law and safety issues regarding cyclists on the road before you go off and advocate violence against cyclists that have full legal rights to use the road.
As an avid cyclist and bike commuter I was appalled at your comments that night. We as cyclists are confronted everyday with misinformed, angry and distracted automobile drivers and do not need your radio show to encourage or escalate violence against cyclists. Riding a bike instead of driving a car during rush hour relieves congestion and saves the world from pollution -- not to mention -- it improves your health.
I suggest that you retract your comments on the air, apologize and contact one of the many cycling advocacy groups to inform you and your listeners of the rights that cyclists have.
Jeremy G*****
awesome man awesome. keep it going I'll hit em up too.
Roadblock02.8.07 - 1:04 am
very nicely stated letter you got there. i like 97.1 too as i used to listen to Adam Corolla in the morning on my way to thru traffic hell. hopefully these guys rethink what they said, very unprofessional.
t.bone02.8.07 - 9:01 am
I remember a couple years ago some talk radio jock in the bay area was bitching about lanesplitting motorcyclists and basically encouraging cagers to door a motorcyclist if you see him aproaching between lanes. Of course lanesplitting is totally legal in this state for motorcycles and the guy was basically advocating murder (or attempted murder) so the motorcycle community was enraged and they all called or wrote in their views on the subject. Anyway, the jock not only apologized to the motorcyclist community but also to ALL his listeners as he retracted the statement. So the point is if the community bans together, you can certainly make things happen. Good work. Do you have a link to the original broadcast maybe?
onethirtynine02.8.07 - 3:08 pm
is the studio in range of a bike-swarming?
same question for the NBC studio
bicigol02.8.07 - 3:41 pm
The podcast is under "Idiot Pedestrians, If you're dumb enough to cross the street without looking both ways, you deserve to get hit by a truck!" the comments are at minute 9.
I edited the comments out to a file about 1.5 mb but my domain is down today so i cant upload it. If you want it shoot me an message.
I'm not sure where they broadcast from; but a swarm sounds like a good idea.
j3r3my02.8.07 - 11:37 pm
is it just me or....does a piece of sh*t have better things to say than these two douche bags...
superfish02.8.07 - 11:51 pm
commercial media is the decay of our society.
Roadblock02.9.07 - 12:19 am
PROFIT is and will always be the greatest threat to life on this planet !!!
420LaHaRR02.9.07 - 12:52 pm
wow. they really are infuriating. lol. but they are the type of dickheads who are saying that becasue they want the response. fuck them. hmmmmm pranks? any ideas
Roadblock02.10.07 - 3:37 am