BikeWinter LA 2007
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SoapBoxLA at 02.5.07 - 12:24 am
On Friday, February 2nd, just hours before the Eastside/Westside departure for the SM Critical Mass, the LA City Council and the Mayor issued this Resolution commending Bike Summer 2007.
This Resolution and validation was an interesting counterpoint to the phone call I received on Thursday night from a member of the Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee asking me to cancel the "Take Me To Your Leader" ride because it might be inappropriate. (It's a public meeting with public comment on the agenda. They advise the City Council. We are the public.)
All the more reason to join us on Tuesday night. We ride from Silver Lake to the LABAC meeting and we advise those who purport to speak on our behalf. (Then we ride to the Echo Park Film Center for the Ride-In-Movie)
I don't get it... was there a reason given as to why the ride would be inappropriate? I don't understand why the LACBC would discourage people from attending the meeting.
I'm not missing it now, that's for sure.
angle02.5.07 - 2:41 am
At the risk of misinterpreting the second-hand info, could it be the LACBC doesn't want us riff-raff to dillute the purity of their meaning and mission!?
Soemthing about that just ain't right.
Agent Orange02.5.07 - 7:21 am
LABAC, Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee
NOT the
LACBC, Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
dave02.5.07 - 8:09 am
Deomcracy starts to get real scary when it starts to become democratic. The beauty of this ride is that the same way group rides are a great way to learn the streets of the city. This ride shows us how and when to get off our asses and make ourselves known to forces that are organizing on our behalf.
I don't think i can miss it.
trickmilla02.5.07 - 8:34 am
i think our most important task is to get to the root of this stigma against bicyclists in this town.
i am racking my brain to figure out a way to respond without anger or tears. the idea "fighting" to get safe streets is so overwhelming.
we are human beings, worthy of respect and safe roads!
wherever this idea of riders beings hooligans and n'ere do wells is coming from MUST be understood. we have got to find a way to use our power to create safer roads.
we can also find a way to disarm the city officials who use these and other types of fear based arguments to stymie our progress.
1. i accept responsibility for my actions, but not the for actions of all other cyclists.
2. i admit my mistakes as a rider and ask for compassion and understanding when i get angry with a motorist. when someone tries to kill you, a natural and necessary response is *ANGER*
the motorists are already raging, so the anger is only compounded by a confrontational cyclists
3. i do think that knocking on the windows of the car and explaining in calm diplomatic terms why i deserve the right to a safe street is a productive step. the knock jostles the motorist out of their safe complacent box for a moment. also, the motorist can choose whether or not to open their window to engage with you. smile and be peaceful. you know that you are smarter than them anyway!!
ingipet02.5.07 - 1:01 pm
it's all about winning hearts and minds..... if you make it fun to ride a bike, people will join in. we are the thousands of neighbors and compatriots of the city that those in cars are less than 6 degrees removed from.... soon they will join the party... if it indeed IS a party.
Roadblock02.5.07 - 1:05 pm
We also have an obligation to advocate on our own behalf and to engage those in power and insist that we are treated as members of the community with all of the same rights and responsibilities.
The Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee has been around since 1974 and yet...
How do we contact them?
Do they speak for us when they advise the City Council?
How do they know our concerns?
Cyclists are an under-represented constituent group and BikeWinterLA 2007 is a great opportunity for us to capitalize on the momentum of the cycling community, specifically drawing attention to the positive impact we have on our community and even more specifically, stepping up and asserting our right to participate in the "process."
I hope to see you all on the "Take Me To Your Leader" ride tomorrow night!
SoapBoxLA02.5.07 - 1:35 pm
did someone say party?
Anyway, I might come down, havent decided yet, I'm not actually a Los Angeles resident, however, I do much of my riding on those roads (I mean the metrolink takes bikes with the supposed purpose of supporting alternative transportation...) and I don't think I have too much going on tomorrow afternoon.
FuzzBeast02.5.07 - 1:38 pm
After the "Take Me To Your Leader" ride and the LABAC meeting we head over to the Echo Park Film Center for the Ride In Movie. (bike films, tacos & beer) so includes a party!
SoapBoxLA02.5.07 - 1:58 pm
I'm told that Paul from Atomic Cycles and DJ Chicken Leather will be "pounding out bike film shorts. Be prepared for violence plus a documentary on biking in la."
In other words, I don't know what films we will be watching.
But be sure that at 11 pm we'll be watching NBC for the "Road Wars" piece on the motorist vs. cyclist conflict.
Be safe out there and we look forward to seeing you on the "Take Me To Your Leader!" ride.
SoapBoxLA02.6.07 - 12:17 am
damn, something came up and I can't make the ride....
FuzzBeast02.6.07 - 6:13 pm