shangri-la showdown part 4

Thread started by
ruinedbyidiots at 11.14.07 - 12:33 pm
in three weeks. now with more camping! get your groups together for carpooling.
sounds good to me. is this a camping trip this time?
studiodrome11.14.07 - 12:54 pm
yes. the meeting point is at the top of the parking structure in the middle of downtown. bring all your camping gear and throw it in my car. jordan will drive it to the campsite for us while we ride there. i will make a flyer and post it in the calendar later.
ruinedbyidiots11.14.07 - 12:58 pm
boy this sound hella , more info ,also i got a great camping destination in mind,,i;ve been trying to organize something simi;lar get at me...
skano11.14.07 - 5:17 pm
the campsite has already been chosen. most of the route is flexible, depending on who comes and what their cycling levels are. it certainly wont be a wolfpack hustle, so dont let this veiled threat deter you from coming up to hang out in shangri-la.
ruinedbyidiots11.14.07 - 5:54 pm
also, round two of ojai pins. different design. second press is the first loser.
ruinedbyidiots11.14.07 - 7:56 pm
This sounds great! I'll be there fo sho unless work won't let me go. Is this the camping trip tern just mentioned in the La 2 sd thread, or are there two rida-related camping trips in mid-december (ok I just answered my own question)?
Lance K11.14.07 - 8:17 pm
What's the date? I'll be gone on 12-2-07 weekend
I AM Traffic11.14.07 - 9:01 pm
it was gonna be the first to the second, but if cole cant make it we can push it to the week after. bundle up!
ruinedbyidiots11.16.07 - 3:37 pm
why does everything have to revolve around Cole?
studiodrome11.16.07 - 3:40 pm
hes my southern brethren, and, i didnt get to see his race when he was up here because some family things came up. maybe it should still be the first and second and ill just buy that fool a tecate...
ruinedbyidiots11.16.07 - 3:43 pm
I set Massacre tomorrow so Cole could make it. we'll see if he shows up... doubtful
i think Cole is just one of those people that everyone goes out of there way for and its starting to get pretty pathetic...
but umm second weekend is better for me as well...
studiodrome11.16.07 - 3:47 pm
Cole's the worst. There's this guy who shall remain nameless, a mutual acquaintance, who we both openly hated on all the time. Then one day Cole found out that said guy once lived in Memphis, and Cole immediately changed his tune to "[guy] is totally cool, he's a good guy."
Fuck you Cole.
City Hobgoblin11.16.07 - 3:50 pm
i should probably put VENTURA CALIFORNIA in there somewhere as to not confuse those not already in the know.
ruinedbyidiots11.16.07 - 4:21 pm
Why does everything gotta be about Cole. I know we all learned about diversity but enough is enough, the foreigner needs to adapt and assimilate.
Thanks for the light and I owe you 15 dollars. Welcome to California, now go home.
sc_nomad11.16.07 - 5:05 pm
sorry guys I'm doing the Bangri-la Showup that day. have fun though.
Roadblock11.16.07 - 5:08 pm
What's going on now? Is the ride still happening? Is Cole moving back to TN so we can all stop pandering to him and get on with our lives?
City Hobgoblin11.20.07 - 9:55 am
coles gonna move back to the homeland?!?!?!?!
its still on but its gonna be the week after wifebikes thing since her ride has spilled out into the daytime as well as the nighttime and i would rather do that than my ride. sooooooooo yeah. i am so not organized.
ruinedbyidiots11.20.07 - 10:13 am