50 cm Frame
Thread started by
iggycortes at 09.27.07 - 1:29 pm
Oi, I'm looking for a 50 cm road/track frame. If ya'll see one or know of one let me know.
I take it you didn't recover the Bianchi, Iggy??
dammit, I hate those $%($&@(& that steal bikes...
adrian09.27.07 - 2:21 pm
This was spotted on Craigslist: http://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/bik/433383381.html
the reverend dak09.27.07 - 2:25 pm
No I did not recover my Bianchi and I have been checking Craig's List regularly. I even went to check out a bike that was posted the day after it happened but it was not it.
Now I'm looking to build something not so flashy.
iggycortes09.27.07 - 9:27 pm