Going CAR-less

Thread started by
Roadblock at 09.11.06 - 11:59 pm

Who done it? I just put my car in a galaxy far far away (pop's crib in butt fuck egypt) I dont feel naked. I barely drove anyway except to avoid a parking ticket on my street.... anyone else make the switch?
I have'nt been able to make the full crossover, due to my child living in the other side of the city....(excuses, excuses)...
good for you getting rid of that gas guzzler.. I hope you have a large parking space for that big ass hummer limo of yours...
panic09.12.06 - 7:21 am
I can't wait till the day bikes rule the road, and cars are subjected to the seldom little lane to the right....
panic09.12.06 - 7:50 am
honestly I would love to see gas prices soar to $10 a gallon. that would prolly be the only way to nudge people from their bubbles... it would have to be a sudden price increase for it to happen and it would prolly destroy the economy but I'm not much of a consumer anyway. unless it's chrills.
Roadblock09.12.06 - 8:06 am
I'm down with that.. As long as it does'nt effect chronic prices...
panic09.12.06 - 8:08 am
That's why I like the idea of imposing a high tax on gasoline. It would create the economic incentive for alternative transportation and new engine types without shattering the rest of the economy. By artificially raising the price of gas, we could figure out the solutions before we have no choice. The extra revenue could also then be invested in centralized solar arrays and bike paths.
DuckLionDog09.12.06 - 1:29 pm
yup... but the majority of people arent enlightened in that way...
Too Tall Jahmal09.12.06 - 1:36 pm
Well, I have to say I went car-less. It was a kinda forced situation though. Parking tickets! Argh! I put my money twards a new bike rather than this money hungry city. Car was not worth the fine. I was going top sell it anyways, they just made me switch sooner.
Rogue Rida09.13.06 - 3:53 pm
I totalled my car (unintentionally) a mere hour before the Swarm The Pier ride last Friday.
Between basic maintenance, parking tickets, registration, insurance (AKA legalized extortion) and $3.00 a gallon for petrol I'm relieved in a way.
Sir Terrence Tuppins09.13.06 - 7:16 pm
I'm giiving it my best effort. I live Downtown and work in Simi Valley and am applying to school in Culver City, so it's a project let's say.
My roomate does it. She bikes everywhere and gets rides from friends when she has to go to the grocery store or something.
anonymitytheif09.18.06 - 7:26 pm
I think everyone should at least give it a shot for a week.
I haven't owned a car in a year and i've gotten by just fine.
brassknuckle09.27.06 - 2:58 pm
I am semi-carless and have been completely carless before. If my daughter was as enthusiastic as I am about riding, it would be easy for me to go back. As far as grocery shpooing, I do that on my bike as well. Thief, I have an extra handlebar basket if you want one for grocery getting.
Jeronimo09.27.06 - 4:11 pm
It's been a couple weeks for me.... my life is pretty local so I havent noticed. but damn today is another story. I could use a car today.
Roadblock09.27.06 - 5:08 pm
I know what you mean Roadblock, but tomorrow will be better. I do have those days where I could really use a car, but then i think about the days when I would be in my car thinking, damn I would get there so much quicker if I were on my bike.
brassknuckle09.27.06 - 9:50 pm
I moved out here from Chicago where i biked 365, through sleet, snow, rain and the beautiful muggy summers. After being here with the intention to bike everywhere, which i pretty much do, sometimes you need some sort of vehicle to get places (like outta la) so i bought a motorcycle and a 49cc scooter.
So i'm still only running on 2 wheels and can park anywhere and I haven't needed a car yet. I look at it like, if i do need a car for some reason or another i can always rent one for a day or 2.
plastik09.28.06 - 3:26 pm