Bicycle Drive-By
Thread started by
G at 05.24.07 - 2:22 pm
I went on a bike from Hollywood to Redondo Beach and back to Hollywood last weekend. On my way back I had a couple guys honk and yell at me for riding my bike in the street. After letting them know that bikes are allowed on the road they drove beside me and threatened to shoot me. The passenger was reaching into the door when a cop car pulled out of the street we were approaching. Then they sped up ahead of me and turned down the street the cop was on. I road up and told the cop as the SUV was speeding away in his rear view mirror. The cop asked me the story and then said he would drive around and look for them. I continued to ride home in fear of being shot.
I have a feeling they were bluffing but it freaked me out at the time.
Maybe I should ride with a gun.
Glad you're ok G.
Shit that's scary. At least you represented well without a conflict. I think strapping is not my way. I guess I would just try to state my right to the road like you did and be as cool with folks as I can. I believe people will be affected if you just be real with them. Perhaps I'm wrong.
You didn't get the car info did you?
I still think bicycles are making statement / impact. And people are starting to notice...
Joe Borfo05.24.07 - 2:50 pm
Seriously, strapping is not the answer. The more guns out there the greater the likelihood that one of them gets used. Not Good!
You know, an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind....
As for protecting yourself, I wish I knew what to tell you. I typically ride on side streets so I don't have to deal with all the traffic, lights and buses.
420LaHaRR05.24.07 - 3:01 pm
there has to be some sort of invention that equalizes the lethality™ of cars................
Roadblock05.24.07 - 3:08 pm
I think the closest thing to that would be the trebuchet ( If I remember correctly, there was an experimental one built recently where a guy launched a buick about a hundred yards..
Anyway, I think that's about the closest thing to 3000 lbs of metal hurtling down the road at 60 miles an hour with an innatentive driver behind the wheel.
FuzzBeast05.24.07 - 3:38 pm
violence begets more violence
Only thing I have to offer anyone is a smile and a peace sign
Amor Y Paz
dannyzuko05.24.07 - 3:46 pm
"violence begets more violence
Only thing I have to offer anyone is a smile and a peace sign
Amor Y Paz"
very true...... incredibly disarming to just smile and be the bigger individual.
Roadblock05.24.07 - 4:00 pm
i say, i say, have a camera ready at all times, take their picture... i doubt they'd shoot you then search your body for the camera; and get away with it; i know there isn't usually enough time to take an actual picture a lot of the time, so just take your phone out and PRETEND you took a picture... it's just as effective i'd say.
if you don't have neither a phone nor a camera you still you can pretend you already took a photo. or sooomething! i don't know. but yeah just keep cool and knock em dead with a smile.
or hell, bulletproof vests!!!
neverclever05.24.07 - 4:13 pm
A Road Warrior Ride would be awesome.
Don't worry, I'm grounded from organizing any more rides.
Joe Borfo05.24.07 - 4:20 pm
Most of you already know this, but for those who don't--I got shot by a guy in a truck with a pellet gun about a month ago on the Badger Song. Sheesh.
tern05.24.07 - 4:24 pm
Thanks Joe and sorry to hear about your shooting Turn.
I have been riding for years and have had a few crazy things happen along the way.
I have been hit by 3 cars in my lifetime… twice on the same road and once in Greece. They were all minor injuries due to my skills at bailing over the bars. Now I have clip-in pedals and live in fear. ;-)
I had my front wheel come off while racing down a hill. I flipped over the bars and was knocked unconscious. I was like 14 years old and had a piece of shit bike that needed work. Always check your nuts!
I was shot at once in the South while riding my BMX bike 100 miles on an old highway. I do not recommend riding in the South on old highways or riding a BMX bike 100 miles.
And now two guys threatened to shot me on a ride in LA. It is just part of riding. The gun idea was just a joke and should not be taken seriously. It is just part of my sense of humor.
Live to ride and ride to live!
G05.24.07 - 4:33 pm
oops... Tern
G05.24.07 - 4:34 pm
"Don't worry, I'm grounded from organizing any more rides."
who did that?? the wifey? Borfo rides RULE
Roadblock05.24.07 - 4:34 pm
I grew up here in LB and have been chased, jumped, shot at, jacked for my bike its just a part of life growing up here, I have friends I've lost to violence and it sucks to hear people going through the same shit,
Thats why I ride,
some of the best moments of my early days were riding my bike with my homies, we would ride from 8th street to the beach and to Silverado Park on the West Side, those where the good old days when you would jet jumped and not shot.
Ride today because your not promised tomorrow
dannyzuko05.24.07 - 4:45 pm
WORD dannyzuko!
G05.24.07 - 4:48 pm
"Always check your nuts! "
...good advice, and on the same vein, check you seat angle to make sure your other nuts keep doing as they should.
FuzzBeast05.24.07 - 5:17 pm