East End Ridazz: the whatever ride
Thread started by
FuzzBeast at 05.16.07 - 3:50 pm
No route, no spoke cards, just meet up and we'll ride bikes and maybe return to the taco place from the last ride. This ride has been dwindling madly over the last few months, so we're going to do it real casual, and have a nice easy ride.
Well, To anyone who wanted to go, the time was in the ride post.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that that was going to be the last East End Ridazz.
Our numbers have been dwindling on each ride, pretty much halving almost every ride.
Tonite, I went to the start, arrived at 8 o clock on the dot (the posted time, the same time it always has been) I waited until about 8 50, and when no one showed up, I rode home.
To anyone who has done an East Enderzz ride, Thanks for coming in the past, we had some good rides, I'll see you all around on other rides, and I will try to put any skills I have learned from organizing this thing into some other aspect of the community. Thanks for 4 really great rides.
FuzzBeast05.19.07 - 9:25 pm
Hey Fuzz...I would have been there. You know this. Its just that today was the last possible time to scout a century I'm planning. I wish I had been there to take a ride with you, man. Thanks for all of the fun rides. Tell me if you need help organizing, scouting or spoke-card-making in the future.
tern05.20.07 - 4:36 am