Bikeway Projects?
Thread started by
SoapBoxLA at 01.10.07 - 2:07 am
On Wednesday, January 10, 2007, the LADOT will present their "Final Project List" for the Metro's Call for Projects to the LA City Council Transportation Committee for approval. The total value of the list is 1.2 Billion Dollars.
1.2 Billion Dollars!
Included in this list are approximately a dozen "Bikeways Improvement" projects valued at approximately 65 Million Dollars.
With only 16 days until the Metro's deadline for submission, the LADOT is asking the City to approve the "Final Project List" with haste.
What are the projects? Who asked for them? What are the specifics? How can the public participate if we have no details?
All of this is taking place with minimal, if any, public participation. This is your opportunity to weigh in on these projects and the manner in which the LADOT is conducting the process.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 @ 2:00 pm
Los Angeles City Hall
Room 1010
200 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
If you can make it, great. I'll see you there. If you can't make it call and/or email the Transportation Committee Members. (List below) Give them your opinion and let them know that the community should be included in the process. If you don't have enough information to have an opinion, tell them the public should be informed, not excluded!
Council File Number:06-1080-S2 - "Report from Department of Transportation"
Thank you,
Stephen Box
LA City Council Transportation Committee:
Councilmember Wendy Greuel - Chair
213-473-7002 (opens 8:30 am)
Councilmember Bill Rosendahl
Councilmember Bernard C. Parks
213-473-7008 (opens 8:00 am)
Councilmember Herb J. Wesson, Jr.
Councilmember Tom LaBonge
You know, all the details can be found via that like you posted. I scrolled trough a very long document and found the proposed bike projects without too much trouble.
At first blush they all seem to really make sense and would really be an asset to the community. I didn't have a chance to bust out the Casiotron to do the math but it looks like there will be some money left over for future projects- maybe even some involving the public's input. I seem to remember reading something about a mad scramble by the city/county to simply lock down funds.
One thing that really struck me though were the amount of projects that weren't bike related. It really shows you there's a lot of stuff out there that needs fixing. I really think we should feel lucky as cyclists to be a part of the plan. A lot of those projects look like they can double as both recreational and transportational and that's a good thing that cyclists can double dip like that.
Don't worry Mr. Box, some day the all the bike routes in Los Angeles will be lined with soft protective pillows of cotton candy and all the pot holes will be filled with jelly beans.
chunk01.10.07 - 12:00 pm
the only way things happen is when people make noise...... unfortunately there is no system in place that forces "the powers that be" into contacting the community about issues like this..... logically speaking, TPTB should be asking themselves "ok so let's contact the cycling community about their needs and see about putting this money to the best use possible" they should be scouring the internet for cycing organizations and getting them involved.
but of course all the public participation shit is a pandora's box as they see it. it's a lot of work and it's a lot of cooks in the kitchen scenarios and committees which lead to a lot of talking and arguing... it also opens up their agendas to scrutiny and it threatens their jobs when new people get involved.... that's one reason I can think of as to why they seem to not want to engage the public. so what's left? just ride more. be more visible contact the people running the show and make them hear you. ride.
question. why does there not seem to be a strong cyclist's union in this city yet? the city is ripe for one.
Roadblock01.10.07 - 12:43 pm
I agree on the making noise... we need to be heard. Only thing is... sometimes we need that one person to start it then people will follow. Just like setting up rides. We know a lot of people like to ride but a ride isn't going to happen until someone says they want to ride... "Who's gonna join me?" LA has a great bike culture and it's nice to see all these rides on the ride calendar. I haven't read up on the Bikeway Projects but I'd like know more. I'll check it out.
digablesoul01.10.07 - 1:12 pm
The meeting went well. There were 15 cyclists there to testify.
We spoke of complete streets and putting people first.
We protested the lack of process and the absence of public participation.
We spoke of the lack of innovation in the Department of Transportation.
We quoted Enrique, Barbara Boxer and Dr. Phil. (Whatever it takes!)
We spoke of the lack of Vision in the City of Los Angeles.
We protested the liberal use of the word "widen" when discussing congestion solutions.
We spoke of cyclists as a transportation solution.
We spoke of cyclists wanting the same things that motorists wanted. Well maintained streets that go somewhere meaningful. We want to get along with motorists, not get segregated to a bike path that leads to Sylmar. (Apologies to Sylmar! I hear it's lovely this time of year.)
We proposed less cement and more education, encouragement, enforcement and advocacy.
The LADOT's Final Project List will go to the City Council for approval.
We left with three things.
The Transpo Committee instructed the LADOT to come up with a process for establishing a STRATEGIC TRANSPORTATION PLAN for the City of Los Angeles and for involving the public in the process.
The Transpo Committee repeated its instruction to the LADOT that the public would be involved in the formation of the new Bicycle Master Plan. (Most of the Bikeways projects come from this Plan. The current BMP was created in 1996 with an update in 2003.)
The Transpo Committee acknowledged that now is the time for the LADOT to begin planning for the 2009 Call for Projects and that now is the time for the community to begin the input process.
SoapBoxLA01.11.07 - 12:28 am