Naked Ride?
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FuzzBeast at 11.22.06 - 1:55 pm
I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, and he was kinda thinking that a Naked Ride might be fun to do on say, New Years eve.
I was just kind of thinking, has anyone attempted one of these in LA before? I know they've done a few up the coast, but I havent heard of any down here.
Organize it! I'll be there. Others will do it - I have faith.
I'm just trying to figure out how to deal with shrinkage in the cold...
Joe Borfo11.22.06 - 2:01 pm
Yeah, only problem for me is that I'm gonna be out of town until like maybe the day before newyears...
Yeah, my main question about it was going to be what kind of heat woud it draw... I know that at events like the WeHo Halloween party they can be pretty lax about public nudity... But I don't know about something like a large group of naked people on bicycles rolling through town, that might bring down the popo, more than rides already do.
FuzzBeast11.22.06 - 2:44 pm
Yeah, but I like having my bike, I'd rather not have it impounded. That and I'd rather not have my first mugshot taken whilst wearing nothing but the number tag.
FuzzBeast11.22.06 - 3:10 pm
I'm not sure I want to see girls naked on bikes let alone the squadron of ugly hairly balding dude-festival this ride would inevitably attract yeech!! my balls drap off the left side of my seat and my yanger shrinks up for the lack of blood circulation bleech!
Mr.PotatoHed11.22.06 - 3:30 pm
yeah good point. well, it sounded interesting. oh well.
Joe Borfo11.22.06 - 3:43 pm
Quote Joe Borfo: "I'm just trying to figure out how to deal with shrinkage in the cold..."
Making excuses already? LOL!
Seriously though, all of the wrong people show up to clothing optional events.
BillyB11.25.06 - 12:53 am