MRIE #2 The Starbucks Ride

Thread started by
Inland Empire Midnight Ridazz at 07.4.07 - 1:32 pm

July Friday the 13th 2007
-Haven and Baseline Starbucks, Rancho Cucamonga
-Meet at 9:30pm. Flee at 10pm.
We will ride to most the Starbucks Coffee shops in the area to spread our bicycle cheer to all the lonely late nite coffee drinkers. Bring whistles, bike bells and your party hat. This will be a fairly long ride, that might even be tough on more experianced riders. We will happily wait without annoyance for slower riders at stop lights. All are welcome!
PC07.4.07 - 3:57 pm
yea im not a fan of overpriced coffee, although those cold girly drinks sure are good, and full of delicious caffiene. it just so happens make a good route. im changing the name of the ride so people wont think we are promoting starbucks or something.
Inland Empire Midnight Ridazz07.4.07 - 7:37 pm
You've got me scratchin my head on this one. I mean, I'm all for a good route, but...!?!?
I don't live in the IE though, so maybe I'm just ign'ant.
Happy riding!
Eric Hair07.4.07 - 11:40 pm
Is it really that different than the
7-11 Ride? Except of course, for the fact that 7-11 has blueberry coffee and beer ... ok ok I guess I answered my own question.
trickmilla07.5.07 - 12:35 am
Fuck novelty. Ride on, Inland Empire Starbucks Ride guy!
PC07.5.07 - 12:37 pm
lets just work on the graphics a bit. we gotta get that IE out of the middle of the skull logo it looks like it got dissed. I know that wasnt your intention.... here lemme see something here....
Roadblock07.5.07 - 1:43 pm

howzz about we go with this instead....
Roadblock07.5.07 - 2:18 pm
okay. i had this ride in mind for a couple reasons. i have a tiny feeling in my heart that some lonely people go to starbucks, overpay for mediocre coffee and wait to socialize with someone. What kinda life is that? haha why not go make some noise and spread our bicycle cheer, show people there is somthing better to do at nite. Second, the fact the there are 9 starbucks in a 15 mile diameter astonishes me. With the mass growth of these big chains, there is no way mom and pop stores can stand a chance. You already see it with bike stores down here, local shops dont carry shit in stock-its like you go there to order stuff online. There isnt enough business for them to keep stuff in stock like the bigger stores. That blows! Anywhoo, i didnt intend to say that ridazz are promoting starbucks, or affiliated in anyway. Its a damn good route and im sure some people will get the theme. Roadblock, your awesome for taking the time to make an alt flyer. I will post that one as well. I didn't change the name of the ride the 3rd time. I have been calling our rides "Midnight Ridazz IE" not IE Ridazz. Although it does not matter to me, keeping the name the same helps people remember stuff. Eithier way, thanks for letting use the site to post rides.
So The Starbucks ride, The Coffee Ride, and The Starbuckzz ride, whatever you wanna call it, hope everyone can make it!
p.s. while i spent hours making that retarded flyer- i noticed that starbucks does do alot of shit for local communities,charities, etc. but that's another topic for another day.
Inland Empire Midnight Ridazz07.5.07 - 2:45 pm
sounds like good reasoning to me, just looked too much like it was promoting starbucks. about the name, calling it Inland Empire Ridazz seemed to make it clearer that this ride was happening in the IE. Thus having a distinct name for your ride... like Hollywood Ridazz or Cruzz With Us does...
Roadblock07.5.07 - 2:54 pm
nice work on the graphicz RB!
IE Ridazz! Ride On!
trickmilla07.5.07 - 3:26 pm
I can't remember a lot of details, but years ago I heard about a society that practiced a sort of "counter-culture task force" technique. Every so often, a small group of people would assemble, deck themselves out in elaborate costumes, and spend the day running around, confronting people in the middle of their daily routines with some crazy, funny or provocative shenanigans. The idea was to get the rabble to question their entrenched assumptions and to counteract stagnant thinking.
In other words, I think it's about time the Starbucks crowd got subjected to some Ridazz shenanigans!
angle07.5.07 - 4:02 pm
sounds fun but then again, why harass people with shenanigans when all you have to do to effect change is ride a bicycle and enjoy yourself... people will either see you and want to join in the fun (depending on how much fun you are having) or they will keep on keepin on. to each his/her own.
Roadblock07.5.07 - 4:28 pm
I think Angle was talking about the
Modern prankster groups would be the
improv everywhere and the
Yes Men among others.
In a way Midnight Ridazz is a prank on corporate sports bike riding. We don't have expensive bikes and expensive clothes, no sponsors and most importantly it's not a race. We ride for fun.
It's also a prank on nightclub goers. Don't you love it when you see them on Friday nights waiting patiently on these long lines and we zip by blasting our free music?
Good poster RB.
marino07.5.07 - 5:09 pm
Actually, he may be thinking of the Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping. They were famous on the east coast for doing their circus-tent-revivalist schtick at Starbucks locations (and, of course, for getting kicked out of them).
PC07.5.07 - 11:48 pm
Just to clarify, I didn't mean "shenanigans" as in harassing, scaring or intimidating people - I meant more of the non-threatening, riding around on bikes & having fun kind of shenanigans.
Of course, certain people might be terrified of having fun. Hopefully we can cure them of their "happy-o-phobia".
angle07.6.07 - 3:47 am
right on angle, I'm mis-reading all kinds of shit on here..... I think I've been behind this damn computer for too long..... way too long......
Roadblock07.6.07 - 4:15 am
This on Rev. Billy:
Last Friday
Reverend Billy was arrested again (he was arrested twice in February), this time for reciting the First Amendment in Union Square during New York’s monthly Critical Mass.
The NYPD have arrested and detained Reverend Billy,also known as Bill Talen, claiming his preaching the First Amendment at this month’s Critical Mass of bicyclists constituted “Harassment of a Public Official”. Apprehending Reverend Billy is only the latest in years offrivolous arrests and bogus ticketing by the NYPD at Critical Mass, now with the aid of the recently enacted and highly controversial Parade Laws. These abuses of police power have created an atmosphere of unease at the once family-friendly event.
Joe Borfo07.9.07 - 11:01 am
"while the NYPD surrounded and intimidated last night's Critical Mass cyclists, a line of several hundred shoppers formed just across the street to purchase the new iPhone, blocking pedestrian traffic and forcing people to walk in the street."
PC07.9.07 - 1:51 pm
that marketing campaign is total genius... it works so well!
prendrefeu07.11.07 - 9:36 am