All City Team Race and fixies
Thread started by
Dick Neptune at 06.17.07 - 10:41 pm
Hello bicycle friends...
I have heard of this Wolfpack Hustle's "All City Team Race". It sounds like a knee slappin good time, BUT one member has to be on a fixie. WHY? I love my new fixie, but when I want some sweet speed, it doesn't even compare to my fancy schmancy geared bike.
This fixie rule seems more like a handicap and a limitation. It's like telling a baseball team that one of their players must have only one arm, because having one arm is what's in style.
If you enjoy winning things and getting the bitches, consider joining the dark side - Team Bearclaw.
have no fear Mr. Neptune. it's not about style it's about navigating traffic with a lil extra secret sauce on that Tang's sandwich. Being that Wolfpack has been rolling from the get go with both fixies and roadbikes , we wanted the All City race to be a microcosm of our ride experience.
glad to see that Team Bearclaw is coming out!
Roadblock06.17.07 - 11:39 pm
sounds like the bear hasn't got his claws quit adjusted to riding fixed. might have to step out of the darkside and pickup a ringer to hold onto the title
mateo0706.18.07 - 1:54 pm
Just checked thy race schedule - In order for Team Bearclaw to show up to the all city team race, the date would have to be changed. We have a crit race we have to go win on the 8th. Mr Bearclaw is racing for the Cat 3 Champion Title. Mr Neptune will be throwing pump handles in to rivals wheels to aid in Bearclaws victory.
What other races does ya'lls gots in ther works?
Perhaps Team Bearclaw needs to invite ya'll in to our world by organizing a night time road race. Perhaps a Tour De Angeles Crest? Won't be much for spectators, but will be fun for riders. If enough people are interested, this would not be a hard thing to organize.
Dick Neptune06.18.07 - 7:56 pm
feel free to post a race and we can see who shows up to it.
jtname06.18.07 - 8:36 pm
Ahh fuckin shite. Lemme see what the deal is cause you guys need to be in this race. We might just move it to the 15th or shit how about the 7th? fuck it. Let me know.
Any objections to moving the date?
Is anyone having a hard time finding 5 riders?
Wolfpack has 4 teams so far. Wolpack A
B C and D.
The destination is Dockweiller beach! Oops did I say that?
C'mon Bearclaws lets roll!
Roadblock06.19.07 - 2:19 am
The 15th conflicts with the Vegas Invasion II...
420LaHaRR06.19.07 - 9:30 am
it's gonna have to stay the 8th. too much drama to change it now. too bad Bearclaw we were really lookin forward to competing with you.
Roadblock06.19.07 - 1:49 pm
PS set up an angeles crest! if not a race then a ride at least. that shit sounds like fun.
Roadblock06.19.07 - 3:04 pm