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illuminateLA at 05.22.07 - 3:21 pm
Tuesday Night!
We gather, we ride, we speak! (UP!)
Join us!
The Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee meets every other month to address cycling issues in the City of Los Angeles. They speak on behalf of the cycling community and advise the Los Angeles City Council, the Department of Transportation, the Planning Departments and the Department of Recreation and Park(ing).
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Gather at Santa Monica/Vermont Red Line Station at 5:30 pm, ride at 6 pm, storm the Bastille at 7 pm.
For more information call 323.962.6540
Tacos on 2nd Street afterwards!
The BAC is starting to become accustomed to having a group of cyclists actually attend every meeting and hold them accountable.
This is starting to get interesting.
trickmilla05.22.07 - 4:10 pm
The minutes from the April meeting are posted in .pdf on and so is the Agenda for the June 5th meeting.
Scroll below the Dark Century Ride and you'll see the Storm The Bastille Ride with the links.
illuminateLA06.1.07 - 12:27 pm
anything we need to bring to this besides our sexy thighs??
Roadblock06.1.07 - 2:46 pm
According to the minutes for the upcoming meeting, there's going to be a presentation on "integrated cycling". I can't find any information about the topic, other than as a general term... anybody know what specifically this is about?
angle06.1.07 - 5:47 pm
Maybe they will finally allow people of different races to ride together?
Nah. Seriously .. integrated cycling might be a reference to the MTA's Bicycle Plan. The MTA gave up on arterial bikeways, or any roadway changes that would slow down cars, or reduce their numbers. So, their new plan is to spend money on train stations and bus depots, adding amenities for cyclists, "integrating" cycling into transit.
That is my best guess.
ubrayj0206.1.07 - 7:35 pm
Okay, let me try that again:
-integrated cycling has something to do with hand-powered bicycle-type things
-about the meeting: Item #5 is a major MAJOR MAJOR item of extreme importance in the daily lives of cyclists. In case you didn't want ot search the City Clerk's site to find out what the deal is, here it is:
The people of the City of Los Angeles do Ordain that it will cost you $70 to block a bike lane or bike path, $140 with a late penalty, and $150 for a second penalty.
All bullshit aside, this is a pretty cool measure, brought up by Wendy Gruel and seconded by Tommy Labonge.
The motion to make this official law is:
"Bike lanes provide dedicated space for bicyclists, as well as ease of passing for motorists. In order to work effectively, however, motor vehicles, including delivery trucks, should not park in bike lanes. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be any specific Los Angeles Municipal Code Section tbat directly prohibits parking in bike lanes. If an individual does so, traffc offcers enforce California Yehicle Code (CYC) Section 22500.H (double parking) or (CYC) 22502.A. If a situation warrants, traffc offcers may impound the vehicle in both situations under (CYC) Section 22651.B (traffc hazard). It seems that as the City encourages residents to use modes of transportation other than the single occupant vehicles, we should do everything possible to support bicyclists."
So, does this mean that the assholes who put their trash cans in the bike lane can be punished legally for that shit?! The cliffhanger coming soon to a BAC meeting nearest you.
Yay Wendy Gruel. I am going to write her a thank-you letter this weekend. I think bike lanes in L.A. tend to suck and be a bad idea, but this is a good law, and I'm surprised nothing existed on the books about this.
ubrayj0206.1.07 - 7:49 pm
The "Integrated Cycling" item on the BAC agenda is actually a misnamed reference to a presentation by Dan Gutierrez entitled "Inclusive Planning and Design."
Dan is known as an "Integrated Cyclist" aka a "Vehicular Cyclist" which is why the agenda item is mixed up.
(Vehicular Cyclists or Effective Cyclists are best known by the John Forester mantra "Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles."
Dan's presentation is designed to establish the different types of cycling behavior and to establish the need to understand how both facilities and laws impact cyclists and cycling behavior.
SoapBoxLA06.1.07 - 10:46 pm
Kind of odd that there's an "integrated cycling" presentation at the BAC, as it's always seemed to me that their agenda has generally been to separate bicycles from auto traffic as much as possible using bicycle lanes or, ideally, bicycle paths. In other words, a mostly non-vehicular approach.
Does this mean the BAC is considering a different strategy?
angle06.4.07 - 3:33 pm
The presentation is not conducted by the BAC but by an individual who comes from a different perspective.
Dan Gutierrez has been giving the presentation to engineers and planners and it includes video that demonstrates different riding styles and how motorists react and accommodate cyclists who control the lane.
I hope to see you all there!
SoapBoxLA06.4.07 - 10:49 pm