New Bike Oven Space
Thread started by
Harv at 08.12.07 - 5:40 pm
Yup, the East Los Angeles Bike Oven has moved to a new, better, and larger space. We are now in a commercial store front location at 3706 North Figueroa St. in Highland Park. Mapquest: Just 1/3 of a mile from the Heritage Square Gold Line station, easy walking or riding distance from the station to our front door..
While not quite ready for a Grand Opening party, we will start regular hours tomorrow, Monday, August 13th. Already, we have expanded our facilities (through generous donations of tools and equipment) to four bike stands and additional parts storage. Our suggested donation schedule will be similar to that of the Bicycle Kitchen, from whom we have sought advice and assistance (which they generously provided).
We have our own large welded steel rack for parking bikes; there is a City bike rack in front; and overflow bike parking racks in Greater Oak Park, across the street. There are nearby stores for food and drink, 'La Abeja' restaurant is two doors away.
Exterior of Building
Images below show temporary functional set-up until such time as the book store vacates completely. Actual space will be much larger than appears in photo's. Four work stands and two wheel building stands will be set up. Storage for frames, wheels, and small parts will be set up along wall opposite bookshelves.
Interior View of Space; Books Soon to be Removed
Another Interior Shot
Additional hours of operation will be announced soon, but for now we will continue Monday and Wednesday nights 7:00pm until 10:00pm. For additional info on Bike Oven, go to website:
holy cow, congratulations Josef!
I already miss the old spot, and I can't wait to see the new oven.
spiraldemon08.12.07 - 5:49 pm
We'll see you tomorrow night!
SoapBoxLA08.12.07 - 7:18 pm
I have some stuff I can donate.
Plus I need some help with a ride of my own.
Also, are you looking for volunteers?
I work from home and have a hell of a lot of spare time.
Let me know, drop me an email at "".
Ratt_Bones08.16.07 - 1:08 pm
One more thing.
I just went to your website, and my anti-virus software went nuts!
Have your webmaster look into this.
Ratt_Bones08.16.07 - 1:11 pm
congratulations on the new space.
i hope you remain open and welcoming to everyone in the community.
fear not, i wont visit. i got pretty hurt from getting snowballed and banned from the Bicycle Kitchen. i've spent a lot of time thinking about that experience, and I sincerely appreciate the kind words of support i've heard from many of y'all out there.
It would be nice to have a place to recommend to new friends getting into biking.
ingipet08.17.07 - 12:16 pm
Rad. I'll finally have to drop in some time. Plus I love La Abeja.
Tren Way!
cabhauler08.17.07 - 12:42 pm
What happened at the kitchen?
I tried to get in there, but was ultimately turned away at the door after I spoke with some one there who told me to come in. I don't think it was in bad intent, but still sucked.
Ratt_Bones08.17.07 - 12:43 pm
i hope we keep this thread about the oven .we dont like to bake drama in this oven
mandingo08.17.07 - 1:04 pm
Don't know exactly why you were banned...but I'm assuming it's because you're kind of a nutcase, a high priestess of drama who creates situations wherever she goes. You are also very rude to many people who are just over it....although you do spend alot of time chatting up the cute straight chicks. Yup, we notice.
I'm not affiliated with bike oven or kitchen or even the bike my reasoning is not official. Just know that if I had a place, I'd ban you too.
billybikebob08.17.07 - 1:04 pm
But agree with Mandingo. Let's keep it where the focus should be, on the oven. Haven't been to the new space yet, but it sounds awesome. Good work!
billybikebob08.17.07 - 1:06 pm
well, i suppose enough healing time has passed to be honest...
sometimes when people go to the Bicycle Kitchen, they are treated either with rudeness, disdain and a general "cliquey-bitchyness" as we call it.
then, you have to watch out for some pretty shoddy help jobs on your bicycle....
and lord help you if you are a man and set foot anywhere near the place on ladies night....
i stayed quiet about it for a while, but it is time people know that the Bicycle Kitchen has any number of problems with attitudes and maintaining healthy relationships with patrons etc.
i had tried to complain about being grossly mistreated by several of the volunteers there and ended up getting banned in this grotesque display of high school animosity.
super gross. i was really involved with bicycle advocacy and what not and was making a name for myself as such. the Bicycle Kitchen is woefully mismanaged and i believe they receive way more attention and credit than they deserve.
there, i've said it. There are of course many sides and perspectives and i am only speaking of some isolated incidents, but i will never go there again, let alone suggest that anyone go there, especially after what i have seen and experienced.
ingipet08.17.07 - 1:06 pm
thanks billy bike.
i'll have to use that --- high priestess of drama.....
i'm finally healed!! WHOO HOO!!!! hey, lob some more insults, i can take it!!
ingipet08.17.07 - 1:09 pm
my first act as nutcase and high priestess of drama
(insert psychotic laughter here)
Billy Bike Bob, meet Dingo --- the sweetest rider in the world.
Dingo is my new ambassador of Bicycle baked oven stove kitchen nut jobbery...
together we will rule the bike drama universe....
Oh, Billy Bike Bob. I'm going to start a Bike Hot Plate and have you sit on it, and spin!! WEEEEEEE!!!
ingipet08.17.07 - 1:13 pm
I went to Billybikebob's user page in hopes of a personal email page so that I could call on him private like without diluting this thing further away from the oven, but no such luck. Ironically though his quote on that page begins "Just a friendly bike guy..."
Thank gawd for that because I'd hate to see him when he's being mean.
Too late.
Agent Orange08.17.07 - 3:37 pm
the new space is sweet!!! i went there wednesday and forgot to look up the addy on the site, i kept driving down figueroa and you can't miss it!! the bike rack full of bikes!!! i am still waiting for my frame to be painted, so right now i'm just bumming outside the shop - with goodies of course! next week i will try to bring something else - yes! free food (more like snacks).
fattybombo08.17.07 - 3:39 pm
Wow, went out for lunch and the nutcase had landed 3 emails...trying to mow down the bike kitchen (even though this thread is about the bike oven), and me.
This only proves the point....and I will tell you that I have had this conversation with at least a dozen people who know are a nutcase. People don't like to be around you. You cause drama. I've heard other groups talk about how they wish they could ask you to leave...but they're too afraid of how vindicative you are. And you are known to have caused scenes.
It is also well known that you can walk through a room of people who have tried to be nice to blow them off and focus on the one cute straight girl....sitting her down, giving her 'sisterly' advice. So you also have the rep for being a pervy predator.
And yes....I am a nice guy...but I do call it as I see it. And I've never been banned from anywhere.....admit takes a lot to be BANNED from something like the Bike Oven or Kitchen....has ANYONE ever been banned from these places before? Her nuttiness will blame everyone but herself. But on one ride I talked to someone who knows her in 'real' life and says that her friends feel the same way. I'm not going to afraid of some neurotic who tries to blackmail everyone with her craziness. Glad you can take it....cause you asked.
So I'm sure this will inspire lots of weird emails from the lady herself...she loves to bask in you want to guess how many she'll post here.....three...four...more? People will probably rush to her defense...the same people who I hear complain about her ride after ride....whatever.
If you think I'm making ANY of this up, ask yourself...why did you get banned? Because of the same, rude, stupid people that just happen to let everyone else in? Nah...couldn't be you, could it?
billybikebob08.17.07 - 3:52 pm
awesome. i can't wait to stop by the Oven and see how it looks. NELA is the spot!!
t.bone08.17.07 - 4:09 pm
Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,Bike Oven,
Bombo thanx for the Goldilocks snacks the other night, I'll see everyone at the New Bike Oven next week
iggycortes08.17.07 - 4:13 pm
the bike oven resreves the right to offer friendly service to anyone who needs it.for a very low donation that is. come on guys,and girls, Josef and some other true believers have really worked hard to open up this new joint and i would hate for people to start thinkin that the oven is some sort of place where they might not feel confortable coming into.never been to the bike kitchen and dont know how they run their show,but i can tell you that the rag tag crew that makes up the oven have always welcomed everybody equally since the come down,bring your bike your friends your pets(no pun) and come hang out even if your bike is in perfect working order.who knows you might even leave with a fresh new fade from sexy dave..
mandingo08.17.07 - 4:17 pm
Knittens08.17.07 - 4:19 pm
Pork Buns? - i am not calling anybody that so please don't hate ^_^
I was thinking of bringing some next week to the oven!!!
See y'all there!!!
fattybombo08.17.07 - 4:21 pm
So.........all drama set aside.
Can anyone from the oven answer my original question?
I've asked in here, and emailed. No response yet.
Ratt_Bones08.17.07 - 4:32 pm
Yes. they are looking for some - i am not a designated spokesperson for the oven, but when i was there last wednesday. Arthur - i think that's his name, is asking if we would like to volunteer - i am just learning bout bikes myself so i can't really help out - the people who go there fixing their bike prob know a lot more than i do. hehe
I have his e-mail address at home & will e-mail it to you once i get home from work (i see that you work from home - lucky! ^_^) or i can just post it here (i hope he doesn't mind)
fattybombo08.17.07 - 4:43 pm
better safe than sorry.
I'll wait until you get home.
Ratt_Bones08.17.07 - 4:49 pm
volunteering contact Arthur He's kind of Director of the Bike Oven.
iggycortes08.17.07 - 5:17 pm
thanks iggy!!! i just got home - so yeah that's his info
see ya at the ride tonight - my sister and my friend are goin too so see you guys at the starting and finishing point - cuz i know we'll loose you on the ride! you'll prob see me eating at a restaurant somewhere...
fattybombo08.17.07 - 5:28 pm
Yeah, I'm eating right now, always eating..
iggycortes08.17.07 - 5:44 pm
dayam those pork buns from the picture above look GOOOOOD! Bring em!!! Bring em!!!
t.bone08.17.07 - 5:58 pm
will bring 'em wednesday for sure t.bone! so be there ^_^
fattybombo08.18.07 - 9:15 am
Thanks for the kind words everyone.
We're open on Sundays (1 to 4pm), Mondays and Wednesdays (6 to 10pm) right now. Hopefully, with our crew of bike mechanics and enough people running a support roles (connecting with volunteers, planning and holding events, ordering shop supplies, keeping the shop clean), we'll be able to pay the rent and get bike riders on the East Side the support and bike culture they need. Maybve even open a few more nights a week.
If you want to help out, email me at, I'll forward it on to our main man with the master plans, Arthur.
This was only our first week, and we're nowhere near the capabilities of the Bike Kitchen yet - we'll get there one day (I hope). By the way, I just want to say that the Kitchen ... man those guys have really hooked us up. They have donated stands (expensive!) and have completely opened their books to me - so I could make preliminary plans for how to run this thing so it works.
Having a the advice and support from another group of people who have already gone through this process has made this a lot easier than I thought it would be. The clock is ticking though, and we gots to pay tha rent!
Come git yer bike fixed!
Coming soon: film nights/rides, IlluminateLA publlic policy, parties, races, etc.
ubrayj0208.18.07 - 10:57 am
I talked to Arthur yesterday briefly , he said you guys were not open until Monday.
I emailed you a few days back at "" .
Ratt_Bones08.18.07 - 11:26 am
Ratt... the Oven door will be open tomorrow, Sunday, from 1-4 pm. Things are changing so fast that our volunteer coordinator, Arthur, may have been unaware of it. Regarding your virus checker going crazy on the Bike Oven website, that is probably the pop-ups conflicting with your pop-up supressor.
I don't why all the grousing about the Kitchen. I think their success may have reached the point where they have to limit the people walking in the door. This, of course, has not happened yet at the Oven, but someday we may have to make those kinds of decisions. I am not looking forward to having to turn anyone away. But then I probably won't have to make those decisions.
Ingipet, "Non Illegitimous Carborundum", which is Latin for "Don't let the bastards grind you down". Come on back to the Oven and you will be among good company. If you get too rowdy, we'll get Dio to keep you in line. If that doesn't work, you will have to deal with EddieBoy. hahahaha... just kidding, all in fun, guys!
Harv08.18.07 - 2:46 pm
I bought a bunch of new stuff to put on my bike, so bike oven here I come. Bianca the Bianchi is gone be a-lot hotter.
iggycortes08.19.07 - 9:20 pm
Went to the NEW bike oven Monday night and got my bike fixed up right nice. It rides like 2000 times better now. Thanks to everyone there--you guys are awesome.
Everyone should check this place out--Josef and his crew have set up a very cool place here. Now the bike community has to come out and support it!!!!
Wonderdave08.21.07 - 8:06 pm
I finally worked on my bike at the new oven last night. great community space, cool people, and all the tools you need to fix your ride.
spiraldemon10.9.07 - 4:23 pm