Folding Wheels...

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Purp at 03.24.08 - 10:39 am
the guy that hit that dog in the tour de france last year was riding on some folding wheels.
ruinedbyidiots03.24.08 - 10:42 am
Boy, there's an engineering solution in search of a problem if I ever saw one.
His justification is that small wheels on folders are slow (which isn't true until you get up over about 33mph, according to bike friday and my own seat of the pants speedometer), but then he demonstrates a wheel that doesn't even have a pneumatic tire, and probably weighs 4-5 times what a 20" folding bike wheel weighs! Someone should explain to him about rotational inertia.
ideasculptor03.24.08 - 10:51 am
Someone should tell him to stop wasting his time
SPOOK03.24.08 - 10:52 am
Sometimes there's a problem that is best left alone, or solved with a tallbike...
e-rock03.24.08 - 10:55 am