Bike Vandalism

Thread started by
markedge at 03.6.08 - 10:54 am
Ever been the victim?
My first experience was last August. Someone flat out cut off my chain guard on my front derailleur. I have no idea why.
Tuesday night, someone slashed my brand new Armadillos while I was seeing Broadway Calls and Bad Religion at the House of Blues. It was too dark at the time to see what had happened, so I just figured it was a double flat. I took a bus and a cab home and didn't discover the giant cuts in my tire until after work yesterday.
I didn't even cut anyone off this time! Why the fuck would you do that to someone?
Looks like the work of the Fuckin Daylight Crawlerzz. They are mad as hell that the two wheeled breed of humans looks so sexy while the 4 wheeled humans get stuck crawling.
Roadblock03.6.08 - 11:04 am
I know what sort of person does that kind of thing, but I'm really bad at social classification, maybe someone who's better can help us narrow it down.
What I do know is that's the kind of folks who you'll find in abundance around such places as House of Blues, Whisky—west Sunset in general.
My condolences to the wheels.
Eric Hair03.6.08 - 11:07 am
You mean "hipsters?"
skd03.6.08 - 11:10 am
Mark ,sorry to hear this...I cant think of why anyone would do such a thing other than plain jelousy...Gotta watch out for dem Haters.. On this topic I think we should all be connect beyond the if something goes down weather it be a flat a flatout hater....My numba 323 ninetwozero 86fiftyone..anytime...
skano03.6.08 - 11:10 am
What is the penalty for vandalizing a car? Is the penalty the same for vandalizing a bike? We should find out.
skd03.6.08 - 11:18 am
yeah a nice ass wooping..
skano03.6.08 - 11:28 am
I was at the HOB on tuesday, I didn't see you. I got my arm, face and tongue slashed up, but that may have been my fault.
franz03.6.08 - 11:36 am
are you gonna u-lock them the same way you were gonna u-lock alex thompson?
ruinedbyidiots03.6.08 - 11:36 am
Not exactly the same thing, but I experienced another case of hostility towards a cyclist last night. Riding along Silverlake Blvd. about 11pm last night I was hit by a BMW manual thrown at me from a passing (stolen?) car. It bounced off my hip then hit my handlebars.
This is the second time in the last few months that I've been hit by something thrown from a car; the other time it was a plastic water bottle.
mr rollers03.6.08 - 11:41 am
you should see the "how often do you get hated on" on lafixed.
toweliesbong03.6.08 - 11:49 am
Franz, you have to stop kissing the teenagers with braces man.
Drew03.6.08 - 12:03 pm
To the original subject, that's why I avoid the strip. too many fake urban upscale haters.
toweliesbong03.6.08 - 12:05 pm
That area is a magnet for orange county jock types.
Roadblock03.6.08 - 12:18 pm
fuck that is soo not cool, well at least you didn't catch them in the act cause we'd have to all pitch in for your BAIL $$.
dannyzuko03.6.08 - 12:20 pm
Franz, I didn't go last night. How was BR's setlist?
Don, that area blows, but I parked my bike between two buildings on a rack that wasn't entirely viewable from the street. You'd have to go out of your way to cut the tires.
markedge03.6.08 - 12:21 pm
I've had all kinds of vandalism over the years. Tires slashed, cables cut, wheels kicked in, and even some fucker who used something to cut every other spoke on each side of both wheels. But then, I've also had a series of dents kicked into the side of my truck, had a car keyed, and had my truck broken into twice, during one of which, they sliced up all the upholstery and the interior of the roof. There are just a lot of seriously shitty people out there who have nothing better to do than destroy the things that the rest of us work long and hard to afford.
All you can really do is hope to catch them in the act and then apply grievous bodily harm to the culprit. The cops won't do anything, even when you've caught the guy in the act. DAMHIK
ideasculptor03.6.08 - 12:21 pm
markedge03.6.08 - 12:24 pm
My bike's never been fucked with on Hollywood Blvd or on Santa Monica Blvd nor anywhere east of Cahuenga.
Sunset west of Crescent Heights? Been worthless for 2 decades.
toweliesbong03.6.08 - 12:26 pm
The douche who messed with your bike deserves a pummeling. And that dude in London is just asking for a crew of fixie punks to fuck up his shop.
Marbles, rocks, and u-locks!
cabhauler03.6.08 - 12:27 pm
sweet christmas!!
from idea's list it sounds like we're dealing with disgruntled bike mechanics, or similar tradesmen......who the fuck else would just happen to have something capable of cutting spokes and brake cables!?
maybe it's thieves with b-cutters. they can't get through the ulock so they just sodomize the bike out of frustration.....I think we should look into that anti-theft device from Robocop (i think that's where it's from)
Eric Hair03.6.08 - 12:29 pm
"There are just a lot of seriously shitty people out there"
Damn, no one's messed with my bikes (knock on wood), and I've had exactly one hit and run on every single car I've owned. My last car I was just getting ready to sell it and was thinking it was going to make it without getting hit but sure enough I was at Spaceland for one of the best shows I've been to in the last 28 years and when we came out someone had hit my left rear bumper.
Oh, same car not 3 days later was hit on the windshield with a baseball and none of the neighbor kids owned up to it.
toweliesbong03.6.08 - 12:31 pm
A few of us have passed around the idea of carrying aerosol paint stripper to deal a time-release blow to the finish of cars being driven by the disrespectful.
Eric Hair03.6.08 - 12:34 pm
speaking of getting hit by random objects..on my first crank mob ride, i had an egg thrown at me- it hit me in the hip but at least most of it landed on the ground. to top things off, my cat decided to chew up the part of my sweatshirt that the egg left goo on- of course it was my fav sweatshirt.
drivers can be total jerks.
tomato03.6.08 - 12:39 pm
Eric, that idea is so malicious, it just might work.
markedge03.6.08 - 12:53 pm
markedge - yes it would, and it would suck—big time....that stuff is nasty
borfo - why wouldn't LA Fixed love us? I don't visit the site; is there some hip feud raging?
Eric Hair03.6.08 - 1:07 pm
about the "mother of all rides" on lafixed:
"I don't think I've ever been scared of a ride...till now?"
there's a few kiddos over there who are just freaked about this ride.
toweliesbong03.6.08 - 1:12 pm
Being re-birthed is scary.
Anyone know any dependable tires that aren't quite as expensive as Armadillos? Or should I just man-up and save and get them again? I've always loved how ridiculously tough they are.
markedge03.6.08 - 1:14 pm
Sunset Strip = Douchebag District
one time Cubcamp vandalized meandmybluebike's bike outside the Roxy. yeah she was pissed. heh heh.
onethirtynine03.6.08 - 3:01 pm
Hey birthday boy, I remember seeing the pictures. Didn't you guys put porn in the spokes?
Joe Borfo03.6.08 - 3:04 pm
LA Fixed hates us because our bikes have horizontal dropouts (not track ends) and brakes.
cabhauler03.6.08 - 3:22 pm
Ooo I know I know...
How about vandalism while biking ooo..??
theshues03.6.08 - 4:42 pm
Just for the record, brake fluid will eat into auto paint and isn't nearly so toxic to the person doing the spraying. You can neutralize it with water if it gets on your own precious paint job. It has to sit or a few minutes to do any damage, so is definitely a time release kind of thing.
Hypothetically speaking, it is effective to keep a bag of large ball bearings attached to your handlebar, which could be thrown at any vehicle that endangers a rider. They are
rumoured to be particularly effective when dropped from a motorcycle moving at freeway speeds in order to discourage tailgaters.. The don't really do any damage, but make a hell of a racket, causing the tailgater to back the fuck off, usually without even knowing what happened.
ideasculptor03.6.08 - 5:27 pm
"Just for the record, brake fluid will eat into auto paint and isn't nearly so toxic to the person doing the spraying. You can neutralize it with water if it gets on your own precious paint job."
Great suggestion, working on my mtn bike's hydraulics has made me well aware of this fact.
"Hypothetically speaking, it is effective to keep a bag of large ball bearings attached to your handlebar"
How big do they have to be to be effective?
toweliesbong03.6.08 - 5:29 pm
I've heard that rumor Sam. I was at the Bad religion show on opening night, Tuesday. My bruises are starting to come in nicely.
franz03.6.08 - 5:32 pm
"Hypothetically speaking, it is effective to keep a bag of large ball bearings attached to your handlebar, which could be thrown at any vehicle that endangers a rider. They are rumoured to be particularly effective when dropped from a motorcycle moving at freeway speeds in order to discourage tailgaters.. The don't really do any damage, but make a hell of a racket, causing the tailgater to back the fuck off, usually without even knowing what happened."
that was something the Hells Angels use to do back in the day when they were an outlaw bike club. they actually would carry a bunch of nuts and bolts and if you got too close to them or ortherwised pissed them off you got some nuts and bolts on your windshield. particularly effective on the freeway.
leoleo03.6.08 - 8:14 pm