crimanimal mass

Thread started by
Roadblock at 01.31.08 - 10:57 am
hey there, I tried to go in and fix the title of your ride because it was screwing up the page design but I couldnt even edit it. so I had to delete it. go ahead and repost but keep the title free of excessive code and images please. thanks
uber large font with images of dice preceding and following it. It took up more vertical space than the HTML tall bike.
jericho1ne01.31.08 - 2:17 pm
If you're able, when Boogaloo reposts can you add a redirect from the old url to the new one? I sent this out as part of "what's going on" announcement to the 700 strong SMCM mailing list. Here's the old url:
Alex Thompson01.31.08 - 2:53 pm