seriously, mail this to all your friends that drive
and all your friends that don't
stevestevesteve03.13.08 - 10:58 am
I don't get the analogy, really (though the message is still valid).
If it were saying "watch these dudes throwing balls around", and THEN asked about the bear - sure.
turrican03.13.08 - 11:14 am
Thanks for the spoiler Harwick, thanks a lot....
PS. I don't get it.
the reverend dak03.13.08 - 11:21 am
It worked perfectly on me and several of my co-workers. I think it's a perfectly designed PSA spot that really makes its point without even showing a cyclist.
Somewhat related, I saw something about another study that just came out showing that hands free cell phone use is no less of a distraction than a hand held device when driving.
mr rollers03.13.08 - 11:27 am
I still don't get it. You're essentially instructed to watch the ball (in order to count passes), and not the environment in general.
Funny? Sure.
Sends a message? Perhaps.
A good analogy for what goes on in a vehicular environment? No.
turrican03.13.08 - 11:33 am
I still DO get it. WHILE DRIVING, you're essentially instructed to watch the road (in order to get somewhere), and not the environment in general.
SKIDMARCUS03.13.08 - 11:36 am
Well, I think the analogy is that drivers are so fixated on just getting where they're going in a big hurry that their awareness of the complete environment is compromised.
Half the drivers I see out there aren't even looking out for other cars, forget about cyclists!
mr rollers03.13.08 - 11:39 am
"you're essentially instructed to watch the road (in order to get somewhere), and not the environment in general."
They really instruct you to focus only on the roadway and don't say anything anymore about being aware of the environment in general? They don't mention being aware of, say, side street traffic, cross traffic, pedestrians, bicyclists, etc?
I still say the video is an invalid analogy to the driving environment.
turrican03.13.08 - 11:41 am
Maybe we're talking about two different things here: the way driving is taught (or should be taught) vs. the way its practised. As our city has become denser, traffic has gotten worse and in-car distractions have proliferated, I see fewer and fewer drivers practising what I would consider safe and prudent driving habits.
mr rollers03.13.08 - 11:47 am
The video is a trick, which I think is a bad way to send a message. And for a person like me, it's pretty insulting.
Some of you seem to be so Hurrah! Hurrah! about the message, that you're ignoring the fact that the method is weak, and it is pretty condescending.
the reverend dak03.13.08 - 11:50 am
I'm in total agreement that the general driving public is far less aware than they should be; I don't think anybody here (and most who aren't) would argue against that being fact.
My point is that the video doesn't accurately demonstrate the point that drivers should be more aware of cyclists on the road.
Why? Because not noticing the bear isn't any sort of failure on the observer's part - it simply means that you were focusing on the task given you.
Plus, the bear wasn't even wearing any highly visible clothing, or have a head/tail light mounted.
turrican03.13.08 - 11:54 am
Yes, I'll admit that it's a clever trick, but maybe that's what it takes to make a point a lot of people who unfortunately seem to be beyond the reach of a straightforward and rational approach.
Condescending; not so sure . . . I think what it's saying is, "Oh, you're proud of yourself for getting to work so quick, by the way you just ran someone over".
mr rollers03.13.08 - 11:58 am
Counting the number of passes is more complex than driving. Good or bad, driving takes very little effort mentally. For many it should be second nature, the patterns in driving are predictable. The test was probably at the limit of what the mind can process.
sc_nomad03.13.08 - 12:19 pm
Thanks Borfo, thought you weren't paying attention.
sc_nomad03.13.08 - 12:25 pm
its not a serious a piece of art, people. lighten up. its definitely not meant to be taken literally.
also, its funny to me that this is the third post on MR about this video, and no one here commented the first one, or others..."HOW MANY TIMES DO THEY THE VIDEO?" - don't ignore your forum environment or you will run over the "bikeowave.."
SKIDMARCUS03.13.08 - 12:26 pm
the test worked for me because i drive on the left side of the road.
ruinedbyidiots03.13.08 - 12:26 pm
OMGWTF Turrican Buzzkillican. Over analyze much? You're with the gnarzilla posse aren't you?
Agent Orange03.13.08 - 12:37 pm
Fug it. Where's the delete key. Delete elite delete dancingbear elite delite d'elite delete.
Agent Orange03.13.08 - 12:42 pm
Why ya gotta be the AGITATOR?
sc_nomad03.13.08 - 12:46 pm
Don't blame me for turrican's actions. I just don't understand why that happens! I am not turrican. Turrican is the invisible member of TWBG. He thinks he exists, but he doesn't.
Joe Borfo03.13.08 - 1:12 pm
No, YOU insist that I do NOT exist, yet I continue to DO so.
Prove yourself wrong.
turrican03.13.08 - 1:15 pm
But how can I deny my non-existence, if I don't exist to deny the non-existent existence?
turrican03.13.08 - 1:30 pm
was the Warriorzz Ride the last time you rode with us?!?!! Not that you exist... I just mean in essence.
neverclever03.13.08 - 1:52 pm
Oh, I'm at all the rides. I'm the guy wearing a bear costume and moonwalking right through the center of the pack.
turrican03.13.08 - 2:47 pm
For those who "didn't get it"... did they actually go to school??
Limeyfly03.13.08 - 3:50 pm
....maybe it's just too subtle for this market. watch it in the other country
Limeyfly03.13.08 - 3:51 pm
of course one cannot see (present) what one did (past), it's passed...
Limeyfly03.13.08 - 4:00 pm
Hey Harry, I'm starting to think that maybe it's the accent that's throwing everyone off.
mr rollers03.13.08 - 5:32 pm