Westsidazz to Sadie Hawkins
Thread started by
BunnyBubbles at 02.8.08 - 3:32 pm
So I know everyone hates the ride-to-a-ride threads, but I don't know how else to get it done. Who's riding from the westside? When/where should we meet?
anyone leaving from the eastside, we are leaving Grand at 7:30 to stop by the art thing at Downbeat. Anyone is welcome to join us. Come by early for a drink if you'd like.
brassknuckle02.8.08 - 3:33 pm
Dan, did you just try to hijack my thread!? In the first reply!?
BunnyBubbles02.8.08 - 3:36 pm
more hijacking... if you have borrowed clothes of mine, can i have them back? i'm cold and i'm missing two sweatshirts, a pair of tights, and a skirt (which wouldn't keep me warm but i like it). grand ave is the black hole of material possessions so we should be gaining things, not losing them, right?
yo delicious02.8.08 - 4:01 pm
How do you lose a skirt? That's scandalous.
hatehills02.8.08 - 4:03 pm
i don't know but i think we still have franz's pants.
yo delicious02.8.08 - 4:26 pm
BunnyBubbles, I'd be interested in hooking up with the westsidazz as they come by my place. I'll keep an eye on this thread and make sure I'm ready to roll by the time you're expected to come by, but if someone could shoot me an SMS as you pass Crescent Heights or La Cienega, that'd make it easier.
ideasculptor02.8.08 - 4:29 pm
wait, you're missing a skirt and franz is missing pants...
such a blatant expose, my dear.
vspangle02.8.08 - 4:29 pm
what's the thing at downbeat?
BUNNYBUBBLES: I'd ride with you if i lived on the westside! just so you know. ;)
vspangle02.8.08 - 4:31 pm
vspangle, are you coming to our pad? i'm home now. you should roll down the hill and have a drink with me
brassknuckle02.8.08 - 4:34 pm
The when and the where?
katiepoche02.8.08 - 4:56 pm
clarification greatly needed: brassknuckle has franz's pants. i wasn't even there. riss has my skirt. oh dear... this might be worse.
yo delicious02.8.08 - 5:01 pm
yeah right, fess up. we know you're trying to win over people's hearts to be Sadie Hawkin's Queen. Well, let me remind you, the way to people's hearts is not through their pants...
well, not always.
vspangle02.8.08 - 5:06 pm
How long do you think we need to get there? I have no idea.
BunnyBubbles02.8.08 - 5:11 pm
Took me like an hour 45 to get to Barnsdall Park a few months back, which is really close. But that was when my bike was gimpy = seat too low.
But then maybe we'll want to stop and get beerzz ... I plowed straight through to see how long it'd take. I say we give ourselves two hours.
katiepoche02.8.08 - 5:15 pm
Bring my pants, I miss my belt.
franz02.8.08 - 5:21 pm
My place is about the halfway mark, and BRW to here shouldn't be more than 45 minutes at a pretty easy pace. 2 hours will be plenty, even if you stop. I'm probably going to roll up to Zeke's BBQ for dinner and wait for you to roll past there, but I'll wait if you guys are gonna want a dinner stop (and there are lots of options besides Zeke's - its just close)
ideasculptor02.8.08 - 5:24 pm
^^are those boobs or dimpled ass cheeks? i'm going home. my brain is cheese.
yo delicious02.8.08 - 5:32 pm
So 7:30 at BRW to meet up wif Sam at Zeke's by 8:15? Dick around for a bit, leave by 8:30-8:45? Get to the party by 9:30.
Does this sound good? Also, where the heck is Zeke's?
katiepoche02.8.08 - 5:42 pm
Zeke's is on SM Blvd, at Formosa. Don't worry, I'll either be sitting outside or keeping an eye out for you.
ideasculptor02.8.08 - 6:11 pm
Sam order me some babyback..
skano02.8.08 - 6:14 pm
will do. If someone could SMS me with an approximate bodycount, I'll make sure to have an appropriately sized table available.
ideasculptor02.8.08 - 6:31 pm
Are you guys gonna take SM blvd going east?
hatehills02.8.08 - 6:42 pm
yeah most likely, N on la brea right on sunset left on vine right on hollywood to hilhurst...son doobiest..
Regular Mike02.8.08 - 6:44 pm
Cool. I think I'll meet you guys at Santa Monica & Sepulveda.
hatehills02.8.08 - 6:59 pm