
Thread started by
two wheels good at 08.2.07 - 4:47 am

It’s time to do it in the dirt.
Come get high with the Mountaineerzz!
Saturday, August 18th
(Don’t worry, your fixie friends won’t be there to see you riding that knobby-tire bike you’ve been hiding in the closet).

Yea yea.
I'm just getting healed up from a motorcycle accident, so I'm not sure I'll be okay in time for this one. If not, I'll drive a beer run up to the trailhead for all the thirsty dirt headz. Either way I'm crazy excited about this new frontier, and I hope we can build a strong and happy group of ridazz.
Come on out my ATBretheren and show em' how LA does it!
Adamthelizard saying: "see you in the woods"
Peace and Love
adamthelizard08.3.07 - 3:37 pm
damn, I am planning on being at the san diego midnight madness ride that night a bunch of peps otherwise I'd be there! Bout time for some urban assault on knobbies. Next month, and I'll bring some dirt heads from down south.
digitalvermin08.7.07 - 10:24 pm
So where is the route for this ride? Is the route asking for a full suspension? I have not ridden my hard tail in a while, it would be nice to take that out and crack my skull in a few places.
Rogue Rida08.9.07 - 2:16 pm

digitalvermin: We'll see you in September. adamthelizard is about to post a sick route for our second ride.
We're not publishing our routes. It adds to the suspense, lets some of the semi-secret trails remain secret and keeps the guy pictured away from our pic-i-nic baskets.
A hardtail will be fine for nearly all of our rides--no suspension necessary.
two wheels good08.9.07 - 4:33 pm

Ride number 2 is posted now.
It's a 24 mile ride w/2400 feet up.
At least 75 percent dirt.
I'll just add the caveat that while "no suspension necessary" is technically true it might be misleading. I'd really suggest some kind of suspension fork for ride two. At the very least, I'd run a fat tire up front if no suspension is available.
I should be rolling on ride one, so I'll see you then Rogue Rida.
Thanks for the interest digitalvermin, and ride two should be a good one for you and your buds.
See everyone then.
adamthelizard08.10.07 - 12:53 pm
On a scale of 1 to 10, how technical will this be? I'm just recovering from an mtb crash where I fractured my wrist. I just took off my cast but the doc told me to go easy on trails until the bone is completely healed.
I miss the dirt.
mk452408.13.07 - 12:29 pm
Oh, I dunno. Maybe a 5? The first ride was designed to be pretty non-technical and ease people into trail riding.
There will be one super-technical portion of dirt riding, but for those who want something much mellower, there's an alternate fire road route around that area.
Ride 2 will step up the technicality to around 7 or 8.
Perhaps in time we'll have a Nigel Tufnel ride and take it to 11.
two wheels good08.13.07 - 7:29 pm
if tires strike dirt four miles from fairfax/sunset is it safe to assume the ride is going either go up the nicols canyon fire road or runyon canyon, then along mullholland to a combo of betty dearing/treepeople/franklin canyon?
chunk08.13.07 - 9:38 pm
sorry, kinda slow on the uptake. Did Ride 1 already happen or is that the first ride on the 18th?
Is it posted on this site?
mk452408.13.07 - 10:28 pm
I'm interested. But I sure don't want to drive out to the start point from the west side to ride much pavement. The inaugural ride suggested there was a lot of pavement. Is the ride for this Saturday 18th going to offer more trail time?
0gravity08.14.07 - 1:32 pm
hey 0gravity, if you do drive out and have room for another bike, could you let me know? i can throw a few bucks your way!
richtotheie08.16.07 - 12:37 am
rivhie, you need a bike rack for your motorcycle...
FuzzBeast08.16.07 - 2:59 am
do they exist??
I've searched with no luck :(
richtotheie08.16.07 - 12:44 pm
Chunk - Mountaineerzz rides won't be safe, so assume nothing (and re-read my second posting).
mk4524 - our first ride is this Saturday, 8.18.07 and the
ride info is posted here.
0gravity - embrace the pavement. I want to encourage others to ride to the dirt, cause driving to the trailhead is so last year.
Mountaineerzz 2 on 9.16.07 will have more trail time and starts closer to the westside.
Richietothe-i-tothe-e - hope you can make it. I know you're a ride-to-the-ride kinda rider, but it'd be sweet if 0g gives you a lift.
It's gonna be hot, hot, hot on Saturday so prepare for the heat and dust and bring plenty of fluids since there won't be too many places to get water.
two wheels good08.17.07 - 3:53 am
......Holy Shit. Most intense ride in a LONG ASS TIME. I've never gotten so much air, so many times. The Shale slope was KICKASS
If you're into moutain biking DO THIS FUCKING RIDE. Seriously it has promoted this week to the best biking week EVER!
richtotheie08.18.07 - 8:54 pm
Oh Yea.
That was crazy good fun.
Props to Richard (twowheelsgood) on the killer route and for riding over from Studio City on three hours of sleep.
Props to Richie (richtotheie) for ripping hard and busting the shale slope first; I hope you get a helmet for the next ride..
Props to David for hanging tough and shaking off his crash; way to leg it out man (I know the 35 miles was a lot to ride.)
And, hey.. Props to myself for rolling wish a bruised up right foot and still dragging these guys onto every single stunt and singletrack I could spot along the way.
I think it is fair to say that a good time was had by all.
Next time it's my route: 9-16-07 posted on this site.
Hope everyone likes it.
adamthelizard08.19.07 - 11:52 am
I didnt know your foot was busted. What happened?
and Richard! Post the media!!! puhweeeze!
richtotheie08.19.07 - 12:01 pm
Big ups to the O.G. Mountaineerzz who braved the 100-degree-plus heat for what turned out to be an epic ride. I knew it’d be fun, but it totally exceeded my expectations and made me remember why I love group dirt rides; cause someone always pushes you to try things you might otherwise not. Since I wasn’t riding alone, I was able to get way more air than usual—it was so nice to have someone there to call 911 if things had gone awry.
Richtotheie threw-down the no-granny-gear gauntlet that nobody even dared pick-up. Thanks for coming out, pushing the pace and taking us into undiscovered territories. And you thought we were just gonna ride a flat, leisurely dirt path in a city park. Ha!
And for someone’s very first Midnight Ridazz-related ride, we put David through hell and he met every challenge and kept-up swimmingly. Your brilliant idea for an off-road century may have to become a reality.
Who else but Adamthelizard could drag us all back up the hills we descended to ride even more challenging routes. At first I didn’t want to re-climb anything but I’m so glad you blazed those gnarly trailzz.
I can’t wait for the September ride.
Pics from ride 1 are up in the gallery.
two wheels good08.20.07 - 6:40 pm
what up guys el colombiano david here....took me a couple days but I finally signed onto the site...hey guys thanks for the ride on saturday it was hotter, longer and GREATER than anything I could have expected....somewhere between beating out the cramps, running out of water, falling on my ass, hitting the unridable downhill and watching myself do something I didnt know I could i truly enjoyed...can't wait for the next one gotta let me know if you do any trail rides I might just join even if its not a big group one....
EL COLOMBIANO08.23.07 - 8:11 pm
jesus this ride sounds so fucking sweet. It has the two things I love most bicycles and mountains.
bone_yer_bike09.5.07 - 6:13 pm
¡Hola El Columbiano! Good to see you posting here.
bone_yer_bike: this ride was made for you and me. It is indeed sweet, challenging and fun as hell too.
Time for those of you who've said your MTB is in disrepair to schlep that thing to the Kitchen/Oven/'wave or your LBS for some fixin'.
Hope to see y'all this Sunday for
Mountaineerzz 2. Two days after Swarming the Pier, we're gonna Storm the Pier (and then swarm and storm the mountains).
two wheels good09.10.07 - 6:32 pm

"Sunday, Sunday, Sunday...!"
C'mon back to the Piers and join the Mountaineerzz.
two wheels good09.14.07 - 3:14 pm
Could I get a heads up on which trail(s) we might be starting up? Gracias.
endo verendo09.16.07 - 8:57 am
Loved the ride!!!! More gears would have been nice, but it was well worth the gash of skin I left up on the trail. The cross bike is still in tact and performed exquisitly!
I AM Traffic09.16.07 - 9:35 pm
Everyone kicked ass.
That was so much fun.
See you guys 2nite at Tang's.
adamthelizard09.17.07 - 7:44 am

when's the next mountaineerzz ride????
sorry couldn't make yesterday's...had prior obligations @ sully canyon. how big was the turn out? sounds like you guys rocked the rocks.
cattv09.17.07 - 7:48 am
Whaaat! Ahmed picked up the biggest RattleSnake I've eve seen. PIctures need to be posted! That shit twas crazy.
I AM Traffic09.17.07 - 8:02 am
Epic! That was a fucking blast.
What a great crew we had--thanks to all for coming out. Man, the pack was rolling tight on that long-ass single-track downhill.
Cole killed it on the cross-bike with grace and speed while trading off the lead with super-human Paul--who like a true Mountaineer(zz) rode from Pasadena to the Pier, did 24 miles of dirt and then rode back home!
Ahmed, gave us a mind-blowing snake-handling show, Steve, was flyin' down that hill and Dave was kicking ass until he sadly got a mechanical and had to bail.
Huge thanks to adamthelizard for charting such a great route and for posting those killer photos. Your make-it-look-effortless bombing skills continue to amaze and astound
Our group grew by almost 200% on this ride so I hope the trend continues and more of you will come out for our third ride.
Looks like Rocktober ride will see the Mountaineerzz invade Angeles Crest.
two wheels good09.17.07 - 7:26 pm
someone post a google map o' dat shit
Roadblock09.17.07 - 7:51 pm
Is there a local cycling event that Cole does not attend?
Cole, is that how you got those bodacious gams???
This looks like too much fun. I gotta get out for the next one.
Creative Thing09.17.07 - 10:28 pm

sun oct 14th = corba's 20th annual fat tire fest @ malibu creek state park...there WILL be a beer garden!
i'm in santa monica. let me know if you need a ride, i might have room for one more.
cattv09.19.07 - 11:49 am
Glad to see that people are into it.
That is a pretty sweet map Steve.
I've got a bit more detail here:
Dirt bike riding is alive and well.
adamthelizard09.20.07 - 6:36 pm
Hey, this is Jon from the ride today. Thanks for putting that together. Th For this mountain bike noob, that was both the most terrified I've been on a bike and the most fun I've had on two wheels in a while.
Moto-Velo10.7.07 - 6:07 pm

Thanks to all who came out to ride.
Jon, you kicked ass. I hope the fun outweighed the terror.
Richard, you led a very good ride (despite the directions.)
David, glad to get you back on the dirt. You rock.
Chris, well done man. You are a natural dirt rider.
I had a great time right up until I got DOORED on Sunset... lucky for me I managed to skid my body around the door and only made contact with my back wheel and frame. Dude stopped and took responsibility so it's all good. That's why I never showed up at the finish. Oh well... life in the big city. Most important is that I didn't get hurt. Bike is okay too so it really is all good.
Thanks again to all.
Mountaineerzz Crew Representin'
adamthelizard10.8.07 - 8:26 pm

CORBA's 20th Annual Fat Tire Fest
Sun Oct 14th
Malibu Creek State Park
(1/2 hour from LA)
Jamis Team Pro Rider KATHY PRUITT ----->>
is hosting! she'll be leading an xc ride & teaching you trials tricks & picking your name for raffle prizes like complete bikes and forks and pedals and other deliciously consumerist bikey knick knacks.
i'll be running around with "HELLO MY NAME IS" stickers & an orange/black specialized rockhopper. say HELLO and MY NAME IS.......
cattv10.12.07 - 9:07 pm
I've mountain biked a dozen times and road bike a lot. Overall, pretty comfortable. I just bought a single speed cyclocross bike.
I'd say I'm an average to soft Cat V rider. Based on this reality, think I could hang on these rides? How much experience is needed? Thanks.
dragonfly10.14.07 - 12:59 pm
@ dragonfly: sounds like you should be able to hang with us...depending on how that one gear treats you.
@ S.B.P.: you didn't mention your riding experience, but Jon, who rolled on our last ride on his 1x9 bike, told us--after the ride--it was his first dirt ride ever. We took him on some challenging singletrack and he rode just about everything, save for the stairs.
Despite the fact that we ride hard and fast, we're all about getting more people on the trails; so as long as you don't walk your bike, we'll be happy to wait at the top/bottom for you.
two wheels good10.18.07 - 2:47 pm
hey dirt worshipers-
looks like i'm out on sunday. i'm really pissed, but as i am a head steward in my union, i must attend the joint council meeting up in berkeley this weekend. there is a slight chance that i might finish up on sat night, but it's looking very dubious. i'm really bummed. all y'all considering goin out, i would definitely encourage you to do so. it will be a hoot--even if you suffer and crash...for that's what dirt riding is all about. hopefully, if the interest maintains, we can keep this as a bi-monthly ride. aroo.
dadavida10.19.07 - 9:42 am
Hoping to see some old and new faces at today's Mountaineerzz ride--all of them soon covered in a layer of dirt.
If you're planning on taking the subway to the ride's start point--Memorial Park in Pasadena--adamthelizard and I will both attempt to board the following MTA trains. Look for us in the very last train car.
Red Line - Eastbound (and Down)
1:13 - North Hollywood
1:17 - Universal City
1:21 - Hollywood / Highland
1:23 - Hollywood / Vine
1:25 - Hollywood / Western
1:27 - Vermont / Sunset
1:28 - Vermont / SaMo
1:30 - Vermont / Beverly
1:32 - Wilshire / Vermont
1:34 - Westlake / MacArthur Park
1:37 - 7th Street / Metro
1:39 - Pershing Square
1:40 - Civic Center
1:43 - Union Station
Gold Line - Northbound
1:48 - Union Station
1:50 - China Town
1:52 - Linkin Park / Cypress Hill
1:54 - Heritage Square
1:56 - Southwestern Cheeseburger Museum
1:59 - Highland Park
2:02 - Mission
2:05 - Fillmore
2:07 - Del Mar
2:09 - Memorial Park, Pah-sah-de-na
Due to the erratic schedules of surly transit drivers and our poorly managed public transportation system, please be aware that the MTA's own subway timetable bears the ominous words, "approximate times."
For those of you arriving by gas guzzler, Memorial Park is at 85 E Holly Street at N Raymond Avenue, in Pasadena. We'll be waiting somewhere on Holly Street, near the MTA station, until 2:30pm.
two wheels good10.21.07 - 3:19 am
FIRST TIME I'VE SEEN SOMEONE ROCK a single speed with slicks of a trail
MAN, even a 'cross bike would not have been good for the trail this weekend
She-Wolf10.22.07 - 1:43 pm
I miss mountain biking, it might be time to switch again. Another reason why one should have multiple bikes, when one discipline gets old you can always switch. Keeps you on two wheels. Thanks Richard and Adam for planning a great route. The ride to trail head killed me, it was tougher that the mountain bike ride itself.
For those who haven't ridden with the mountaineerzz, you have to try it. For the regular mountain bikers come out too, the people make it different. I've ridden JPL maybe close to a hundred times, but yesterday was mountain biking MR stylee.
sc_nomad10.22.07 - 1:56 pm
Huge thanks to everyone who came out yesterday. That ride was amazing; as the planner, it totally exceeded my expectations. And it warmed my heart to have six of my Wolfpack bruthas and sistahs out on the trails together; keeping it tight, of course. I've ridden that route about a dozen times, but never climbed it that quickly, nor had so much camaraderie and flat-out fun.
Big ups to Chris and dadavida for being the only two riders (other than myself and my awesome co-conspirator adamthelizard) to complete both the "Nice" and "Rough" rides and for consistentely setting an incredible climbing pace. Thanks to sc_nomad and She-Wolf for making the trek out to Pas-ah-de-nah, pushing the pace and smartly suggesting post-ride Scoops (too bad they weren't open!) Sorry for missing a turn and adding that extra pavement climb, but at least it warmed us up for the forthcoming pain. And congrats and apologies to Eric--I hope we didn't mislead you too much, but it looked like you were having a blast on your singlespeed.
two wheels good10.22.07 - 3:58 pm
The pictures are up now.
Huge respect to everyone.
You all rock very much.
adamthelizard10.22.07 - 9:06 pm
Um, yeah... we are westside mountain riders (and east side, north side and south bay--coming soon), but I hear that Mack 10 rocks a Specialized Enduro and Ice Cube rides a Pacific he picked up at Costco.
two wheels good10.23.07 - 5:04 pm
Yea yea.
Ride number five is posted now.
I look forward to seeing everyone.
adamthelizard10.24.07 - 11:15 pm
Ride five=success.
Thanks to the crew.
We'll do it again soon.
adamthelizard11.12.07 - 11:16 am
Damn. The link didn't work so cut and paste it is:
two wheels good11.29.07 - 10:22 pm
where is the next ride posted? When, where, etc? I'm gonna do a mtn ride this Sunday.
0gravity11.30.07 - 5:22 pm

The next ride will be posted shortly. It'll probably be mid-December.
Looks like the Mountaineerzz might taking a little field trip.
two wheels good11.30.07 - 10:21 pm

December ride has been posted; still working on a few details.
If you need a ride to Cheeseboro or to Chesebro Rd., post it here and we'll try to hook you up.
two wheels good12.13.07 - 1:58 am
When it comes to dirt, I'm more of a "surveyor" when it comes to in rough places like where y'all go.
I mean, you got your fun, yet, technical trails that have plenty of jumps and obstacles.
Then my experience with riding bumpy-ass, dirt roads that compose 25% of the streets in the desert.
So, do these rides contain smooth, compacted dirt?
Or, the rutted, bumpy-mound-every-six-inches-for-10-miles, type of dirt?
Oh, and has anyone ever thought of a ride to explore ghost-towns in Death Valley??
4x4 Jeeps have done, it's time to show them how it should really be done.
bentstrider12.13.07 - 5:14 am
Bummer about the timing. I'll be back East. Otherwise I'd have made this my first Mountaineerzz ride. I've done Chesboro tons and know some good loops so you can hit all the nice stuff.
I'll keep an eye out for the January ride.
0gravity12.13.07 - 9:36 am

@bentsrider. If you’ll drive all they way here for an undie ride (great footage by the way—the skateboarder stripping is classic), surely you can come out for one of these. The trails we hit are either fire roads, hike/bike/horse trails or singletrack so it’s always well compacted, but can still be challengingly gnarly, but nothing like those chunky desert dirtways. I’ve ridden the pavement through Death Valley under a full moon, which is pretty magical, but the whole time I was eyeing all the fire roads. Set up a ride and I’ll go.
@0gravity. That’s a bummer man cause this ride has almost no pavement and you already know how sweet Cheseboro is. The January date should be set and posted soon—hope you can make it.
two wheels good12.13.07 - 6:29 pm
Sounds cool and comparatively easy to deal with.
Not to mention the views look quite epic.
bentstrider12.13.07 - 7:27 pm
Mountaineerzz keep on rollin'
Thanks to all who make it possible.
I look forward to riding with all who roll.
adamthelizard12.14.07 - 8:17 am
Hey bike punk, that 50-miler sounds sweet. I only heard about it a few weeks ago, but it's been sold out for some time. Didn't you ride the continental divide trail? (thought I heard you say so when I rode with you during Bike Winter '06/'07). 50-miles should be cake for you.
Hope to see some new dirt heads tomorrow.
11am at Sunset & Fairfax
Noon at the Cheseboro trailhead (on Cheeseboro Rd.)
two wheels good12.28.07 - 10:59 am
Hey, it's not sold out! There is no maximum number of riders. Jack and Megan are (gasp!) driving down if anyone is inclined to pester them. I mean, if you really want to go. They both plan on riding it fixed, I am hoping to just get through on the cross bike.
bike punk12.28.07 - 6:30 pm

i'd come, but I can't find my mountain bike. i know I left it somewhere...
stevestevesteve12.28.07 - 8:55 pm
Great ride today. You guys kicked my ass but I loved every second. I can't wait to ride with you guys again!
hippy12.29.07 - 8:43 pm
I know I got MY ass kicked ... nice route Richard.
Nice riding everyone, and big ups to Ryan and Andrew the newest members of our mountain gang... you are now officially "jumped in."
Extra super credit to Chris who rolled off the red-eye bus trip from Sacramento and onto the Mountaineeerzz Van to go ride.
Sorry we missed Dennis and Bea... next time.
Hope everyone is getting ready for next month's ride at Alliso Woods.
Details to be posted up shortly.
adamthelizard12.30.07 - 8:13 pm
Can't wait to ride with you guys again. I've ridden chesebro dozens of times before but it was awesome going through all the parts of it I've never seen with such a fun and challenging group!
andrewvc12.31.07 - 4:18 pm

Listen all y'all, it's a
Be careful out there. Apparently the streets aren't the only place where bikes don't belong.
two wheels good01.10.08 - 2:35 am
hey guys, i want to go on this months ride but dont have my own transportation to get down there. is the van full? where does it meet?
kittensandwiches01.16.08 - 1:07 pm
There's been some last minute rearranging.
Partly due to injuries (mine) and partly coordination.
We will update the ride-listing in the next 24hrs.
Looking forward to riding w/ everyone.
adamthelizard01.16.08 - 5:29 pm
Sorry to hear you're hurt adam, what happened?
Lookin forward to the ride on saturday!
andrewvc01.17.08 - 5:53 pm
Sorry for the short notice but we've got some...
Ch, ch, ch, ch, changes!
We're postponing our trip behind the Orange curtain to Aliso Woods and riding in Los Angle-ees instead.
Date: Saturday, January 19th
Meet at: Sunset & Fairfax (in the parking lot behind The Griddle ...mmmmm, pancakes!)
Time: 11:30am
We'll be hitting some local fireroads, singletrack and of course everyone's favorite... asphalt! The ride will end where it begins.
two wheels good01.18.08 - 5:32 am

I cut myself on a piece of sheet metal.
Fifty stitches later, here I am.
adamthelizard01.18.08 - 1:02 pm
Looks like I'm not going to be able to make it out today guys. Have a good ride!
andrewvc01.19.08 - 9:38 am
Hey there guys, I had a great ride last time. Sorry I had to cut out early. Just wondering when the next ride might be? You guys kick my ass, but my ass needs it.
hippy02.1.08 - 8:12 am
Hey you damn hippy. Thanks for kicking our ass into organizing something. We'll post a date soon. In the meantime, do you have a trail light? We *might* hit a little darkness on this one before we spring forward.
two wheels good02.4.08 - 8:07 pm
Yo, I still haven't ridden yet with any of you Mountaineerzz yet but I just saw someone talking about doing a night ride sometime. I regularly do a night mtn ride over here on the West side with a small crew. We'd love to bring in some new riders.
Here's a summary...
We meet at Cynergy Cycles parking lot on 25th and Santa Monica Blvd. around quarter till 8:00, and roll out on the hour after deciding a route.
Rides are almost exclusively in the nearby Santa Monicas but sometimes elsewhere. Most are usually decided on the spot at 8:00 and involve variations off the nearby Will Rogers, Sullivan Canyon, Sullivan Ridge, Westridge, etc, etc. Some rides that require a bit more travel -- such as Backbone via Corral Cyn, Chesboro, others, -- are notified via email (
This isn't a blazing super-fast XC race training ride but it's not slow by any means. There's some socializing while riding up, some regrouping, but generally a consistent and fast pace for about 1.5-2 hours, usually finishing with some gnarly downhills where the trailbikes really shine. For numbers, we've had as many as 20, as few four, but usually around six or eight. Guys and gals both welcome. Bring a decent bike, decent light/s, and maybe a few bucks to have a beer or two afterwards at McCabes, near the orginal meeting spot in Santa Monica.
Maybe I'll post this on the calendar as a recurring event to get the word out and see who shows up.
0gravity02.5.08 - 11:36 am
Hey, It's a shame it's been so long since that first mountaineerz ride, I went on I've been itchin for another. Would enough of you guys want to do a ride on the Backbone between Corral Canyon and Kanan Dume road next week to warrant putting something on the calendar? I'm thinkin saturday afternoon next week. It's a sweet ride 100% singletrack with some great stream crossings, a little slickrock, and after the rains, is even more technical than before.
If anyone's interested post a reply to this thread and maybe we can put it on the calendar.
andrewvc02.15.08 - 12:27 pm
Yeah, man, I'd probably be down. That's one of my favorite local rides. Let's see how many people pipe in with interest.
0gravity02.15.08 - 1:11 pm
I am traveling next weekend or I'd do it.
Hope you'll be doing that one again soon.
adamthelizard02.16.08 - 7:44 pm
Adam, sorry to her you can't make it. If you ever feel like riding it just let me know, I ride it almost every weekend.
andrewvc02.18.08 - 8:05 am
Well, looks like no one's interested, plus it's rainy. So much for riding tomorrow
andrewvc02.22.08 - 6:20 pm
I'm generally interested, but not when it comes to tearing up wet trails, so this week is out.
ideasculptor02.22.08 - 6:34 pm
Get ready mountaineerz.....she's on her way!!!
0gravity03.12.08 - 11:31 am
THe Paris Hilton Hide from the paprazzi in a crowd ride.
someone text her up on the sidekick
Roadblock03.12.08 - 11:33 am
holy crap, i think i have the same bike... lower-end specialized enduro
stevestevesteve03.12.08 - 11:37 am
sweet! A mountain ride that comes with a carpool and the start point is near my house. Couldn't be better. Mountaineerz->C.R.A.N.K. mob should make for a good day!
ideasculptor03.18.08 - 1:42 pm
Sweet! This is the ride I've been waiting for, I ride this trail about 6 times a month, we'll see how far I can go, if at all since I recently sustained some soft-tissue damage (maybe a partial ligament tear) to my right knee.
Today's my first day on the (stationary) bike, I hope to be good enough to get back on the trail by then!
andrewvc03.19.08 - 2:35 pm
I dislocated my thumb twice last night, and now my hand is a swollen mess, so I think I'm out, but you never know. Maybe the swelling will go down.
Let this be a lesson to you all - mechanical bulls are dangerous.
ideasculptor03.19.08 - 2:52 pm

Bummer Sam. I was hoping to see that sweet-ass tandem of yours on the singletrack. Would it be easier for you to join us if you were stoking?
I had to give in to you Andrew--you were gonna drag us out there sooner or later (and it's too nice out now to wait for later). Hope your knee heals up soon.
Wait! One of you has a lower body injury and the other an upper. I think I smell a tandem team...
two wheels good03.19.08 - 4:51 pm
Pssst....All City Bike Wash....Saturday 1-4 PM.
Bike Oven or Bikrowave your choice.
Get em dirty in the morning, get em clean in the afternoon.
C'mon, it's for a good cause.
Team Midnight Ridazz needs your money and you need a clean bike.
Really, go ask yer mom.
Drew03.19.08 - 8:36 pm

^ ^
...what Drew said. C'mon, if he's cool enough to travel from San Diego, surely you can ride to the BRW or BO and support the cause.
Get your bike clean this Saturday.
Come git 'em trail dirty next Saturday.
two wheels good03.22.08 - 1:23 am
Well, looks like I won't be able to make it, it seems that I tore my ACL completely, even though I didn't have many of the usual signs of it after the injury. No biking this weekend, next weekend, or for a while. Chances are I'll have surgery.
Enjoy the ride though guys!
andrewvc03.22.08 - 9:05 am
Wow Andrew,
Sorry to hear about your knee.
I've heard mixed things about the surgical route.
You may want to get a second opinion before any cutting.
A lot of people have told me they had good success by simply building the area around the knee to increase stability.
How did this happen?
adamthelizard03.22.08 - 9:49 am
Adam, thanks for the concern.
I injured my knee running/stopping in the first 5 minutes of the first basketball game I've played in years. I don't technically need the surgery for anything I do right now, since you don't need an ACL to ride a bike or go about daily life, BUT if I ever want to start playing tennis again or take up a new sport I'm probably going to want it. I'm going to talk to the doctor again in a couple weeks, who actually is not a fan of ACL surgery, and keep doing my own research to decide.
I wouldn't have the surgery for a least a few weeks anyway, so I'm still have time to make up my mind. What've you heard as far as the downsides of the surgery? I know two people who've had the surgery and said it was a success, so I'd like to hear the horror stories.
andrewvc03.22.08 - 12:46 pm
Hey Andrew,
No real horror stories.
One friend did the cadaver ligament but never got the relief he thought he would.
I've spoken with a few people who said the surgery helped for ten years or so, but that then things got worse again.
I'm just not big on surgery in general, but I have no idea what Id want to do if I were in your position.
I'm sure you'll do what's right for you.
Good luck and heal well.
adamthelizard03.22.08 - 10:49 pm

Yes, there will be plenty of bumps to fly off of this Saturday.
Meet us at Sunset & Fairfax or on S. Kanan Dume Road.
Just added: as a special bonus, we'll travel to the origin point of the Malibu Bowl fire and fire up a bowl.
If you've any questions, email me at
twowheelsg00d at yahoo dot calm
two wheels good03.25.08 - 6:24 pm

that was a sweet ride thanx for the mtb ride. this is from the turn around spot. i'm hooked
mateo0703.29.08 - 10:32 pm
Adam's "Better Late Than Never Ride" Report:
Yes, that was dope.
Nice riding Matt, you rocked it.
Real Nice route Richard, very fantastic.
Sorry to the two guys we lost/dropped early on.
That course really called for a clipped-in xc type riding style.
I scouted a very cool cross type of loop this weekend.
It will be a future 'eerzz ride for sure, and I know we've got some cross-bike riding heads who won't want to miss this one.
Also, new pics from the Kanan of Doom ride are posted in the gallery now.
Peace, Love, and Dirt.
adamthelizard04.6.08 - 2:56 pm
Nice ride.
Good group.
Glad to be part of it.
Thanks for the map Vince.
adamthelizard04.28.08 - 8:33 am

May 17th at noon.
Just recently posted.
More of a cross ride, so bring your fastest dirt capable bike.
We're gonna roll mondo fire roads and some singletrack too.
Should be around 60 total miles.
adamthelizard05.4.08 - 2:21 pm
I am there for sure, still haven't had my surgery (Fuck Kaiser and their slow asses) but I'm at 90% capacity :-D
andrewvc05.9.08 - 10:52 am
Yet again I cannot make one of your rides. Ugh. Y'all who go on these should post anytime you go off-roading and maybe one day dates will align for me.
Just got back from riding El Prieto and Malliard (via gold line!) on my SS 29er. Super fun.
bike punk05.9.08 - 1:58 pm
I just got a cross bike, so i'll probably start coming out on some of these rides..... sounds pretty fun! (not this month tho...)
e-rock05.9.08 - 2:32 pm
I've never one a ride with you all either, mostly because the timing has never been right. But I do mtn rides quite often. I might do Strawberry Peak this weekend on Sunday, if anyone is interested in meeting up.
0gravity05.9.08 - 3:10 pm
Also, I do a night ride every Wednesday over here with a small regular crew on the West side.
0gravity05.9.08 - 3:19 pm
Hey bike punk (or anyone else), I'm doing a ride tomorrow morning from the bottom of sullivan canyon to reseda blvd, all singletrack. If you're interested just email andrewvc ]at{
andrewvc05.9.08 - 4:29 pm
Kaiser or not, glad you can join us again andrewvc. bike punk and 0gravity, sorry the timing didn't work out yet again (the Mountaineerzz rode El Prieto via the Gold line a few months ago!). A few of us including adamthelizard and dadavida have been doing impromptu weekend dirt and cross rides so the next time something gets thrown together on short notice, we'll post it in this thread.
Hope to see you soon e-rock. We've been doing plenty of monster cross riding of late. And I'm gonna hit one of those Wednesday night rides soon...
two wheels good05.9.08 - 4:35 pm
Richard, I'm always down for an impromptu ride, if you could hit me up at my email address l likely go (except for night rides, I have no lights).
andrewvc05.9.08 - 5:37 pm
Will do andrew! In the meantime, start saving up for some lights. There will be night ridezz!
two wheels good05.9.08 - 9:05 pm
So, what's the parking situation like there? I can't ride to the ride from WH, is there enough local parking on sidestreets?
andrewvc05.14.08 - 9:34 pm
There should be parking around, but you'll have to search a bit for it. Try Fairfax, north of Sunset.
Can't wait to see what adamthelizard has in store for us as we chart new territory...
It should be a lovely, triple-digit degree day. Psycho Cross indeed.
Keywords: pre-hydration, re-hydration.
two wheels good05.15.08 - 5:55 am
It's gonna be f.u.n.
Looks like the 'eerz mob is growing.
And for those who want to go to crank mob after this, don't worry.
The ride will be dropping down onto the west side at the appropriate time, and I've got a place with a nice private bathroom/shower in the marina where anyone's welcome to clean up post-ride.
Just bring yer freak-outfit/dry-shit/towel in a backpack.
adamthelizard05.15.08 - 9:00 am
YEAH! nice to meet you briefly yesterday, Adam...Now I am super psyched to make this ride! I hope you can visit me in the hospital after Mountaineerz!
SKIDMARCUS05.15.08 - 1:29 pm
Whoa! First richietotheie joined us, then stevestevesteve and now Skidmarcus completes the cubcamp triumvirate. Excited!
two wheels good05.15.08 - 2:07 pm
Richard or Adam, Do you think I can hang on my Titus for this one? Will I be the only one on a mountain bike? Ilya
illy05.15.08 - 3:01 pm
The real question is if you show up on your Titus, will we be able to keep up with you?
I believe andrewvc will be on a mountain bike so you won't be the only one, Ilya.
But it's gonna be "Hotter Than July" so be prepared for a heat-down.
two wheels good05.15.08 - 4:59 pm

Ok. I am in then. If I pass out on the side of the road from the heat try not to run me over or deliberately attempt to jump over me.
illy05.15.08 - 5:14 pm
Yep I'll be out there on a mountain bike too, I also, will be passed out quite soon.
andrewvc05.15.08 - 6:54 pm
water, water, water, red-bull, water, water, water, vitamin water, water, water, more water... uh water... and sunblock.
adamthelizard05.15.08 - 11:22 pm

Friday Night Bump Y'all:
I'm looking forward to rolling with everyone tomorrow.
Good meeting you (Skid) Marcus and glad you're down.
Glad your knee is feeling solid Andrew .
For anyone thinking about it: StOp ThInkiNg!
Thinking has been proven to lead to... something.
Well anyway, it'll be a real fun and different ride.
Peace Love and Dirt
adamthelizard05.16.08 - 9:03 pm

Post Ride Update:
Several crashes + Many flats + 6 determined Mountaineerzz =
Psycho Cross Maddness
Worst crash of the day goes to adamthelizard.
Thats what I get for taking up out there.
Worst flat of the day goes to Richard with at least 50 thorns!
Though David gave him a run for his money with 3 flats.
So perhaps they share that prize.
Everyone finished!
Way to go everyone!
Next time won't be so psycho.
Good ride for me, even with the wreck.
adamthelizard05.17.08 - 11:52 pm
Yo, That was a fun ,all day adventure . See you guys again on the next ride...!!!!
Longlivelonghairs05.21.08 - 5:51 pm
I haven't biked with you all before, so is this going to be a crazy hardcore ride? Or just regular hardcore
And, is anyone going to ride over from the west side? Or drive, or need a ride? Or going to take the metro? Or have a place where I can store my slicks for the ride or something?
dudemannerist06.23.08 - 11:27 am
Is there any interest in easier mountain bike rides? I'm leading a few mountain bikers for another group in Cheesboro Canyon on July 13th. It will be all dirt but not too technical. It will be up the Cheesboro Canyon trail to Sulfur Flats and then the Palo Comado connector to the Overlook and back. It will be a 12 mile loop with 1,500 feet of gain. There will be another ride the same day that's more technical, a 17 mile loop with 1,900 feet of gain. I'm not leading that ride but if there is any interest, I can contact the ride leader on that one.
mk452406.23.08 - 11:42 am
Since it'll still be damn hot, we'll probably tone it down to regular hardcore with brief moments of crazy. And we're expecting some newer riders to join us so we may have a sub-hardcore B group. Regardless, we're all about getting more riders on the trails, so we encourage anyone with basic dirt skills and a ton of stamina, to join us.
I think adamthelizard will be riding from the Sunset/Farifax area--the Metro isn't much help for those west of Hollywood / DTLA.
Consider rolling the pavement on your knobbies. The 10 minutes you'll lose in slowness is still better than the 30 minutes it'll take to swap two tires, not to mention the additional weight to carry.
two wheels good06.23.08 - 11:55 am
Beware of Whitting Woods motorway, a steep 3 mile climb with almost 2000 feet of Elevation to the top.....LongliveMountaineerzz: Burbank Hills Boogie
Longlivelonghairs06.24.08 - 4:53 pm
Hey guys, almost recovered now. I'm all over this like a new girlfriend. See ya on Sat!!
hippy06.24.08 - 9:13 pm

Yay easier rides! I'm interested mk, and think you should post it on MR (though I'd probably end up on the harder ride). I lurv Cheseboro.
Welcome back you freakin' hippy. So glad you're joining us again.
Sounds like longlivelonghairs has a long-line with an incline with our name on it.
Thankfully, it'll only be 90-degrees on Saturday...
two wheels good06.26.08 - 6:52 pm
Yay easier rides! I'm interested mk, and think you should post it on MR (though I'd probably end up on the harder ride). I lurv Cheseboro.
Since the ride is organized by another group, I don't know if I can post it on the MR site. But I'll put in a plug for them, it's the North Ranch Mountain Bikers,
Helmets are required and FRS radios are suggested in case you get separated from the group. I lead the least technical of the rides so if you want more challenge, it's there. They're about to release the July calendar of rides.
Since everyone drives to the start point, the ride is pretty much all dirt.
If you have questions, contact me at mk4524 at yahoo dot com
mk452406.26.08 - 7:36 pm

Yo Everyone,
I'm rolling from H'wood tomorrow.
Leaving from Fairfax and Sunset (behind rite aid.)
Rolling at noon sharp, and we'll hit some dirt en'route to the dirt bike ride.
Mountaineerzz Mountaineerzz Mountaineerzz Mountaineerzz...
adamthelizard06.27.08 - 8:27 am
Just in case I'm late. What trail head will you be going up first in Burbank? Stough,Brand Cyn, whatever starts above Hollywood Way or ???
hippy06.27.08 - 8:07 pm
Route to trailhead is N Lankershim, up Vineland into Sunland, right on Roscoe before freeway, Under freeway right Glenoaks, left Lanark up hill, left Edmore Pl (Sunvalley91352), up a little enter fire on right, up a bit more & on right is a Plato where we’ll regroup….From there its up and a few different way to the top^^^^^See you all tomorrow.
Longlivelonghairs06.27.08 - 11:39 pm
Ride Update:
Damn that was a serious ride.
Thanks for a bad-ass route Frank.
Nice job (as always) Richard.
Good hustle Ryan ya' Hippy.
Nestor.. hope you got back okay.
Guy from VA, we hardly knew you.
At least we led/pointed you down the right trail..
Too bad you walked your flatted bike down much of it.
I got my ass kicked by that last climb, but the descent made it all worth it.
Thanks very much to all of you and much Love to the 'eerzz.
adamthelizard06.29.08 - 10:22 am
Also: I was corrected regarding the name of the place we rode.
It is not the "Burbank Hills" but rather the "Verdugo Mountains."
As such, the ride will be known as the Verdugo Mtn. Mangler
I hope everyone had a good time getting mangled.
I sure did.
adamthelizard06.29.08 - 6:39 pm

Hey there guys awesome ride on Sat! Man that was some intense climbing. Tried my best to keep up to your amazing pace but damn haha! Oh well Slow but sure. Already gearing up for the next one.
At around 6:30 I was just 200-300 feet short of the radio towers But decided to suit up and head back down instead.
Nice meeting you all and congrats on a finishing up a hell of a climb Adam, Richard, Ryan, Frank and Ethan (I believe it was).
Zepp06.30.08 - 1:21 am
mountain biking is sooooo 90's................
ill rock the verdugos with ya'll as soon as i get one o' them mtbs
mandingo06.30.08 - 1:28 am
he's amphibious!
Adam, let's go flying next.
we'll leave Annie behind so we won't have to deal with her vomit.
spiraldemon06.30.08 - 9:00 am
Yo Yo Mountaineerzz
Thanks for letting me pick out the route and all that dared to follow. I had fun on our all day adventure and I'm glad we all made it it back(Adam,Richard,Ryan,and Nester)....LONGLIVEMountaineerzz!!!!!
Longlivelonghairs07.2.08 - 2:19 pm
I'm Gonna ride the Verdugos some friends again Friday night to see the firework from all over(The attack of LA) Let me know if anyone lwould like to go too.
Longlivelonghairs07.2.08 - 2:23 pm

Nice route Frank.
I mapped the dirt-part.
That was a mutha'sucka' of a climb.
Didn't include the roads we rode to and fro.
When I say Mountain you say Eerzz!
Mountain Eerzz Mountain Eerzz Mountain Eerzz!!!
adamthelizard07.2.08 - 8:11 pm
Great ride everyone, That last climb was a killer. I had it as 4.5 hours of riding. I can't wait for the next one. I hear that there are great trails above JPL. RIDE ON MOUNTAINEERZZ
hippy07.2.08 - 8:29 pm
This Saturday; come witness cross-bikes, mountain bikes and other assorted knobby creatures living together in harmony...
Meet up is 2pm at Sunset at Fairfax, rolling by 2:30.
two wheels good07.23.08 - 10:06 am
Holy shit I may finally be able to make this. Any reason the meet up is so far west? If I just show up what is likelihood of space in a motor vehicle? And someone above mentioned JPL. I've ridden there quite a bit as it is easily accessible from the city. Here's
an adventure we did there a few weeks ago in case you missed that thread.
bike punk07.23.08 - 3:36 pm
Yea, plenty of all-day parking around there...
That JPL adventure looks like it was bad-ass..
I wanted to go, but had to go to a wedding that weekend.
Hope we'll see lots of new faces on Sat.
Peace and Dirt,
adamthelizard07.24.08 - 7:44 am
By space I meant if I show up without a motor vehicle is there space in one to get to the trailhead. Does someone bring a van or something?
bike punk07.24.08 - 8:25 am
Glad you might finally join us bike punk. I wanted to do your rad Red Box run-and-ride but was out with the Ridazz in SaMo until 6am, the night before.
Our start point is so far *east* because that's our traditional meeting spot. No van--we ride to the trail head. Since Mateo may be joining us from the beach-area, I'll post a Westside (bestside?) meeting point shortly. Maybe something near the VA or near Brentwood.
Looks like we have four cross-bike riders so far and if Rich comes from Lancaster and Matt brings his new Cross-Check, we'll have six (and one hardtail). And I think we'll have thee guys named Matt!
two wheels good07.24.08 - 5:50 pm
i might fit on some cross tires and come out on my poprad... depends on what i get into friday night/saturday morning...
e-rock07.24.08 - 6:01 pm
Yo, I think I can make it. I also want to to the Saturday night Midnight Ridazz Ride. WE NEED TO FIND STEVE!!!!! So I hope we make it back in time. I know Mountaineerzz, be prepard for anything, I'll bring my light.And I might drive my van to the start at fairfax from the vally. If any body else might want a ride, let me know....Long Live Mountaineerzz
Longlivelonghairs07.25.08 - 1:00 am
I've added a Westside hook-up spot to the ride description page.
We'll stop off at the Whole Foods in Brentwood at 11737 San Vicente for a quick break for those riding from the start spot at Sunset & Fairfax.
I'm guesstimating we'll arrive 'round 3:15pm and bail 15 minutes later.
If you think you might meet us there, post it here so we'll know to keep an eye out.
two wheels good07.25.08 - 2:30 am
*****Another Update*****
Laid my motorcycle down yesterday.
So I'm out for this one which is real kick in the pants.
I was really looking forward to this ride.
I posted a forum topic called "Ridaa Dowwwn" with the full description of the events if you want the blow by blow.
Good news: Nothing is broken!
adamthelizard07.25.08 - 10:55 am
***another other update***
mountaineerzzzzzz izzz rad
that's all.
dadavida07.25.08 - 11:31 am
"And I think we'll have thee guys named Matt!"
this makes me want to get a mountain bike. the matts will one day rule the world.
lackflag07.25.08 - 11:37 am
As strong a rider as you are Matt, you'd certainly give us all a run for our money.. get a dirt bike dude.
adamthelizard07.25.08 - 11:40 am
Hey, since this is the MTB thread, does anyone know where I could get a derailleur hanger for a Specialized Stumpjumper?
I'm trying to rebuild this thing after my sister's, boyfriend's, atypical airhead of a sister, left the thing to dry-rot by the beach after two years.
The frames still good, but aside from the aforementioned part, I'm trying to find a build-kit, as opposed to shopping for parts individually.
bentstrider07.25.08 - 12:02 pm
Try WheelWorld for the hanger and the build kit.
They're a specialized dealer.
Some good deals there.
You're out near Jenson tho..
That could be worth a try too.
What year is the stumpy?
I had a 98 (M2) and it rocked.
Great bike.
adamthelizard07.25.08 - 12:49 pm
I'll be rolling out from the westside. See you all at whole foods at 3ish. If you want to call/text me with updates use:
(650) three8seven - 3070
e-rock07.25.08 - 1:12 pm
Hey, my name is Xander, and I'd love to meet up with you all at the Whole foods on San Vicente. I can't get pictures to upload here for whatever reason, but I'll be on a red Hardrock with a white fork. I'm look forward to trying to keep up with you all.
dudemannerist07.25.08 - 1:23 pm
I believe it's either a '99, or a '00.
I simply have the bike as collateral for money I was never paid.
Thing's sitting in my backyard and I want to press that thing into action!!
bentstrider07.25.08 - 2:05 pm
I'll probably be riding from somewhere in Santa Monica (it depends on what I get into tonight and where I end up parking my car). Most likely it will be from the Bikerowave (Olympic and Stewart).
e-rock07.25.08 - 2:08 pm
Oh, okay. I'll be riding from mar vista so I'll probably just go straight up barrington or bundy to the whole foods. Its really not too far.
dudemannerist07.25.08 - 3:26 pm
from mar vista, i'd say lincoln to broadway to bundy to sunset...
e-rock07.25.08 - 4:34 pm
Maxtheheathen and I will be at Whole Foods by 3pm. He's got a 2ft high red mohawk and the exploited dude tattooed on his neck. You should be able to find us.
bike punk07.26.08 - 12:51 am
It'll be about 95-degrees out there today. Keyword: fluids. There's only one water stop on our route, but we may re-route to include two.
Thanks e-rock. Gots your digits and will call you if we're running late.
See you at either Sunset & Fairfax before 2:30 or Whole Foods in Brentwood round 3:15.
Professor Longlivelonghairs, I wouldn't mind shaving a few miles off of this epic. Hope there's still room in the van.
two wheels good07.26.08 - 11:50 am
Finely getting home. Fun long ass Moutntaineerzz ride (Happy I brought my lights again), fun partying Midnight Ridazz ride, good eatin at Twain's and passed out in my van for a few hours at the park. Cant wait to do it again next month. And Thanks for all the great bunch of strong Mountaineerzz for coming out.......Long Live Mountaineerzz
Longlivelonghairs07.27.08 - 8:06 am
holy shit, that was the toughest ride i've done in a long time. way more punishing than wolfpack. thanks for an epic first cross bike ride!
post that gmap!
cerro torre07.27.08 - 9:13 am
What a great ride. Sorry if we caused any confusion when we split off at the Hub. I probably should of brought it up with the group before right when we were leaving (instead of goofing off the whole time we were stopped).
We took the Backbone single track all the way down to Will Rogers and then back to Brentwood from there. Definitely any epic day and we didn't even ride to the ride that the majority of you did! What was the total mileage for y'all? Probably close to 75?
bike punk07.27.08 - 10:46 am
Damn, That was so much fun. Definately the hardest I've ever ridden my bike, and with such a cool crew too.
I clicked away on gmaps, and I think this is sort of possibly the route that we took:
I really hope I can make it to the next one, and lets see some of those pictures.
dudemannerist07.27.08 - 11:40 am
Way to own it E-Rock!
Excellent Route, I never would have rode that without you guys!
Definitely harder than the times I cruised Wolfpack, but that was a while ago...
Mountaineerz is Tough Guy Status, Thanx Mountaineerz!!!
tallcans4tallbikes07.27.08 - 3:24 pm
Yea Alex.. you came back.
Sounds like it was a great ride..
adamthelizard07.27.08 - 5:45 pm

What an epic day! Thanks to everyone who came out--so nice to have a crew of kick-ass riders to roll with.
I'm still too exhausted to post a ride report or pictures so until then, here's my favorite photo of the day.
two wheels good07.28.08 - 2:17 am

effing awesome! crosses on techy singletrack!! backbone to will rogers just before sundown is always epic; saturday was no exception.
next time..
asparagus07.28.08 - 10:48 am
This one was really fun last year.
Looking forward to the rerun.
Hey hey hey
adamthelizard08.20.08 - 8:23 am
According to your publicity materials, there are Outrageous jumps. Define Outrageous. Should I be nervous?
tallcans4tallbikes08.20.08 - 10:08 am
Outrageous = no jumps taller than your tall bike. It's really not about the size of the jumps but the sheer volume of them. It's easy enough to ride through if you don't wanna jump, but if you know how to handle your shit, there's lots of opportunities for big air.
two wheels good08.20.08 - 4:18 pm

hey, hey, in!! Im going to bring my lights this time.
illy08.21.08 - 12:15 pm
Fueling up for some Mountaineerzz^^^^^^Any 818s thinking of riding and might need a ride to the start????
Longlivelonghairs08.22.08 - 9:31 pm
I want to go, i might red line it with the yeti.
I hope i can keep up.
Tall Cans you driving in the police car?
Yetiman08.23.08 - 10:04 am
I am Driving there in the van and taking Illa and Richard,I have romm for 2 more...Jeff and Alex?
Longlivelonghairs08.23.08 - 10:56 am
I'm in. See you guys there.
tallcan08.23.08 - 11:56 am
Sorry Eeerrzzz.. I F#@*!ed up..
I rolled 60 minutes of tape thru the helmet camera..
And managed to capture exactly 0 minutes of footage.(
On a lighter note: it was good practice...
.. for when I'm, you know, actually shooting.
I'll just have to bring it along on the next few rides.
Also, the ride and route were great.
Excellent Group.
Everybody rocked it.
No serious get offs or injuries.
I have to say it's been a killer first year.
adamthelizard08.23.08 - 10:10 pm
on my behalf that is...
I crashed hard into the ground wednesday and hurt my hand and knees and when i sneeze my ribs hurt so I got to miss out on these jumps OY VEY
Please post pix... pweeze!
tallcans4tallbikes08.24.08 - 12:59 am
Shit, sorry to hear that Alex.. hope you're not too hurt.
Feel well and heal well.
adamthelizard08.24.08 - 12:35 pm
@ thelizard - you mean my five perfect jumps in-a-row won't be on video? Oh well, at least I didn't crash doing 'em. Thanks for shooting, even if it was blanks.
At least we had the O.G. tallcans with us--thanks for coming out and kiilling it Paul! Sorry to hear the tallbikes one got a bruisin'. And thanks for attempting to ride with us Yetiman (what's with all the roadrashed 818 Ridazz?)
Year one has been awesome. Hope to see more Ridazz hitting the dirt during year two.
two wheels good08.25.08 - 2:06 pm
Saturday was another fun, fast and long Mountaineerzz ride. I look foward to making it to next year.Good job Richard and Adam for keeping it going..... LogLiveMountaineerzz!!!!!!!
Longlivelonghairs08.27.08 - 8:18 pm
No problemo, we'll be off the dirt before sundown.
A tail light wouldn't hurt though.
We may need to roll back thru WLA/BH/WEHO at dusk.
I'll have an extra tail flasher if someone needs one.
Mountianeerzz.. all the way live!
adamthelizard09.18.08 - 8:19 pm
Eerzz iz red 2 go.
Who's coming with me?
adamthelizard09.20.08 - 10:18 am
adamthelizard09.20.08 - 11:34 am
Another Dirty day in the Dirt!
Adam yer routes rule the mountains, the whole trip was awesome, the singletrack, J-Drop aka 'the Black Belt' trail was intense I could barely hang with that!
Can't wait til next month, I hope every ride is this awesome! WIthout you gaise I wouldnt know where any of the sick trails are and my mountain bike would be lonely instead it got to pwn the mountain!
And just so the rest of you ridazz know, mountain biking is 3x harder than road riding, it's like a concentrated form of biking it!
tallcans4tallbikes09.22.08 - 1:52 pm

adamthelizard's ride report:
What a good time we had last weekend.
Alex and Matt Killed IT!
Nice job guys.
We will do it again real soon.
@ Matt: Let's see those pics you took..
@ Alex: I need your email address..
hit me at: adamthelizard at g mail dot calm
adamthelizard09.27.08 - 12:56 pm
damn this ride sounds fun. If only my mtn bike hadn't been stolen...
onelessfixie09.27.08 - 1:54 pm
Ride posted for this weekend.
Hope to see some old faces and some new ones.
We ride to live and we live to ride.
Much Love and Respect.
adamthelizard10.23.08 - 10:03 pm
Won't be making it to this one, as I'll be driving back from death valley. Next ride though, I should have my dinglespeeed 29er built up. Super stoked on riding to trails.
maxtheheathen10.23.08 - 11:47 pm
It says Saturday the 26th. The 26th is a Sunday. So which is it? Saturday or Sunday? Do tell. I hope its Saturday.
illy10.24.08 - 3:09 pm
D'Oh.. I'm a genius.
Has now been fixed to read "Sunday."
Alex: You can meet me at Mullholand.
I'll be going over Lauren Canyon.
adamthelizard10.24.08 - 6:43 pm
how are we getting there? I'm need a ride the wife needs the car. anyone have room?
mateo0710.25.08 - 3:41 pm
Traveling by van.
You are assuredly in there Matt.
I guess you'll need to bike over to h'wood.
Or can your wife drop you over this way in the AM?
I'm shooting to drive out from Sunset/Fairfax at 10ish.
Give me a call if you need to coordinate further.
If you need my # shoot me an email
adamthelizard at gmail dot calm.
Woo hoo dirtbikes!
adamthelizard10.25.08 - 6:30 pm
We do a ride every month.
I'm about to post up a new one for this weekend.
Probably leaving from Fairfax+Sunset around 11am.
Come on out.. we're going to try a new trail.
adamthelizard11.18.08 - 5:46 pm
Shit, I don't think I can make it this Saturday, I have to be on top of Baldy.
Do you know where you're headed?
(btw Adam, I think I know you from Wolfpack)
zombiefiesta11.20.08 - 1:09 am
I do but it's not really dirt worthy these days.... I would love to get a Jack -sized mtb with 29's for xmazz and join y'all someday soon.
Roadblock11.20.08 - 2:15 am
RB, the Mountaineerzz will make it dirt-worthy. I've got parts, adamthelizard's got wrenching skills. We can still hook it up in time for Saturday...
C'mon, you know you wanna roll on the only ride that's listed in this thread as, "...way more punishing than Wolfpack."
two wheels good11.20.08 - 5:03 am
Yea, let's get Don on the mtb..
Tallcans: You should coordinate w/ Twowheels since he is also meeting us at the top. We will be at the little park on Mullholland Dr at Laurel Pass Rd. around 12:30. Please just get there a little early so we don't have to wait too long.
It's gonna be a fun one.
adamthelizard11.20.08 - 8:01 pm
hey Mountaineerzz!! were are you guys at? i've been waiting for the next ride? let me know, i need to get off the pavement for a while to break the monotony!! knobbies for life!
junior11.26.08 - 5:22 pm
we just did a ride last weekend..
a new one should happen sometime in Dec.
stay tuned.
adamthelizard11.27.08 - 11:28 am
Anyone have an 18-20 inch mtn bike a sista could use for this ride?
my mountain bike got stolen and I miss the dirt. :(
la duderina11.28.08 - 1:32 pm
yeah duderina, but it weighs a good amount. a hardtail. 5" front travel with medium/soft springs
junior12.12.08 - 5:26 pm
18-20 in?
Are you serious? 20 in is too big for me, and I am pretty sure I am way bigger than you. I ride 18.
zombiefiesta12.12.08 - 5:49 pm
zombie - I am sure. 17-18 inches would be ideal. But I can handle bigger. (that's what she said, anyway)
joonya! - can you clarify what you mean by "good amount"? As in, is it heavier than a typical mountain bike should weigh or just heavy compared to what road bikes weigh?
la duderina12.12.08 - 10:38 pm
zombie - you are absolutely right. 20 in would be too big.
I was going off the fact that I rode my dad's bike 25 miles and it wasn't all that bad. For some reason I thought his bike was 22 in. He informed me it is 20 in. I also just considered the fact that this 25 miles was the LA bike tour and riding on the street and riding on the dirt are two completely different animals. I could totally do it, but that's like doing wolfpack on a single speed (doable, but not very smart).
so good call.
la duderina12.13.08 - 7:10 pm
it weighs about 34 lbs which is alot for a hardtail. it's an azonic evolution 2 with a 2002 marzocchi drop off 20mm axle. the wheelset is an azonic outlaw with maxxis minion dh tires with dh casing. i have a pair of singletrack wheels. the hubs are a little shot though on that wheelset. anyway, the bike is burly, i weigh over two bills, so it can take ay punishment you can throw at it.
junior12.16.08 - 9:39 am
anybody want to do el prieto trail at jpl? good decent short climb and a great dh coming down. maybe two loops? ( that would be killer!)
junior12.16.08 - 9:41 am
whats been happening with you guys? Adam?
SKIDMARCUS01.16.09 - 2:01 pm
more bike camping with twowheelsgood " - tern
damnit where are these guys? Richard, Adam? Well, like a cubbie scampers off to the forest, I'm alt-tabbing off to Facebook.
SKIDMARCUS01.22.09 - 3:45 pm

Hello muchachos! I ride every weekend and pretty much my reg ride buds have droped out of the face of the earth .so im looking for new people to ride the trails with! my buddie has a shuttle servie! he can hold 21 people and 21 bikes on the trailer and its 10 bucks per person! i can peddle up or down! whens the next ride im in!
pporras01.22.09 - 6:27 pm
Next ride posted now (thanks to Mr. twowheelsgood.)
Marcus! Yea, come on out bro.
adamthelizard01.22.09 - 7:01 pm
hEY, I want to ride my Surly Cross Check with 700x33's, do you think it'll be ok? Plus, I've never ridden off-road (other than bmx kid stuff)..I dont wanna die (but maybe this is a good way to go)... ;)
SKIDMARCUS01.23.09 - 11:41 am
You'll be fine on 700x33s and I can't think of a better way to get started on the dirt than a trial-by-fire.
Tell you what, to keep it even I'll bring my Cross-Check and maybe adamthelizard will ride his Cross-Check too.
Now if we can get cerro torre to show up on his Cross-Check then we will Surly have a great ride!
But anyone with a dirt-worthy bike is still welcome too.
two wheels good01.23.09 - 12:31 pm
I was just trying to (unsuccessfully) reply right as Richard was doing the same thing. I guess great minds think alike cause I said I would bring my 'check and maybe he'd bring his. Cross Check Party!
@RB - Mud can be a lot of fun, but some like it more than others.
adamthelizard01.23.09 - 12:37 pm
I would love to get a cross check and join ya... what a good brand / equipment... do I want clip in? I have some mtb shoes I use for clipins
Roadblock01.23.09 - 12:39 pm
SKIDMARCUS01.23.09 - 12:48 pm
Rhode Blot, why don't you just get your old mountain bike fixed up? I might have some parts, Adam's got some tools and may have parts too and there's always the Kitchen/Oven/Wave.
Most dirt riders I know swear by clipless pedals and I use my MTB shoes on both my dirt and road bikes. It's usually the freestyle riders and guys doing big jumps that prefer toe clips/cages or just using platform pedals.
two wheels good01.23.09 - 4:11 pm
Sweet. I'm gonna try to make it on my cross bike.
bike punk01.23.09 - 7:33 pm
SS Rigid 29ers are the new fixed gear.
Just don't ride them fixed cause that is stupid.
bike punk01.25.09 - 1:42 pm
me wants mountain biiiiike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
la duderina01.25.09 - 1:57 pm
Yet another reason why I just own 1 MTB, and keep different tires around.
As soon as I get more funds, I may just keep separate wheel-sets lying around for chosen action.
bentstrider01.25.09 - 2:07 pm
DUDE the architecture ride was postponed til next Saturday. I regret to say that I won't likely make this MNTNRZZ....I'm bummed but the ride will be once a month, right?
SKIDMARCUS01.26.09 - 12:14 pm
Damn, I wanted to do the architecture ride too. Hmmmmm, wonder if I can do both (or at least a part of the arch. ride).
We ride monthly, so maybe we'll see you in February, Skidz.
two wheels good01.29.09 - 2:41 am
Yo kids. Anything new about this ride tomorrow? Is there a route? Is it going to be more of a Cross ride? Anyone riding out to Brentwood from DTLA?
bike punk01.30.09 - 12:48 pm
IM riding red box to jpl on sunday morning! Then maybe a mt wilson ride to the ruins then the horse trail after! any one want to roll?
pporras01.30.09 - 2:43 pm
Neither adamthelizard nor I will be on our crossbikes, but anyone on 700s or 29s are still welcome.
We'll be climbing up some singletrack near the coast, taking the fireroads into Topanga and probably coming down the Backbone through Will Rogers.
thelizard and I might be meeting up around Beverly Hills if you wanna roll west with us.
two wheels good01.30.09 - 5:30 pm
see y'all there. I hope I'm not late.
Max: bring my vest yo!
bike punk01.31.09 - 7:53 am
no show, have to work in afternoon.
Will be riding the road again on sunday morn. around 9:00
Dedicated81801.31.09 - 8:28 am
Great ride everyone! Thanks for the route and guidance. I saw lots of photos being taken, any up somewhere?
And if you are thinking about getting out there I highly recommend it. But it ain't no joke, you got to be pretty strong and be able to ride a bike off-road with some skill.
bike punk02.1.09 - 3:06 pm
dude, you can ride my coaster brake singlespeed next time. Worked pretty well this time.
I could even put v-brakes on it if you don't like skidding down stairs.
zombiefiesta02.1.09 - 11:50 pm
are you serious? coaster brake single speed mountain bike?
idk bout that one
la duderina02.1.09 - 11:51 pm
all the mountaineerzz know bout it cause I schooled their asses on it.
j/k, it was a lot of fun, and Frank from niner even gave it a shot and rode some technical singletrack on it. Anyway, if you want to borrow my ss feel free, the frame is too small for me, so it might fit you.
zombiefiesta02.2.09 - 12:05 am
hahaa...I'm good man, but idk if I'm THAT good..especially since I don't know the terrain we'd be riding and haven't actually ridden on dirt in a while. I will definitely mull it over and if I'm feeling a little crazy next month I'll take you up on that! lol
la duderina02.2.09 - 12:08 am

this is the future of mountaineeeerrzzzz
pporras02.2.09 - 3:15 pm
double post and let alone a whole thread about it, then posted again.....FAIL
parlorbikes02.2.09 - 3:20 pm
man, i doubt i'd even be able to stay alive, let alone keep up, hahah.. I think I might need to get some experience before I commit to flaking on the next MTNRZZ!
SKIDMARCUS02.2.09 - 3:23 pm
As discussed last night with the Pasadena branch of the Mountaineerzz:
The February ride has been posted for Saturday 2.28.09
We'll be riding in the Angeles Forest.
If you know of a route off-of, near, or better than the Mt. Lowe railway, post it here.
two wheels good02.10.09 - 10:33 pm

I can reserve a shuttle for us it will take us to the top of mt wilson then from there we can go to the red box to swtizers to either JPL or add some and climb up to colby canyon to strawberry peak back down to red box to switzers then to JPL or just do mt lowe to merrils to sunset to el prieto! the shuttle can hold 20 bikes and 20 people 10 per person!
pporras02.11.09 - 12:49 pm
Do you want a ride to palm springs on friday morning?
Here is the deal:
"I only have 2 spots on the roof rack for bikes, but if we put a trunk rack on too it could work (if you or your MR friend has/can get one). EIther that or
-Have someone sit in the backseat under a bike frame (not that bad if the bike isn't too big)
-MacGyver some sort of bungee cord/ducttape situation on the roof."
Send me an email.
zombiefiesta02.11.09 - 1:41 pm
You could do this from JPL:
Ride up El Prieto single track
Fire road through that campground (cant remember name!)
Single track to pavement
left up Sunset Ridge fire road (steep!)
turns into Mt Lowe fire road (less steep)
to Inspiration Point
Upper Sam Merril to Echo mountain
Echo mountain single track back to Sunset ridge fire road
Sunset ridge single track (dope!)
Single track to campground
Fire road
El Prieto single track down
About 3-4 hours of riding.
bike punk02.11.09 - 3:19 pm
thats a good route! hope fully all the snow will be gone by this trip! i was up there on the weekend and this slush snow ice crap is not fun to ride/hike on !
pporras02.11.09 - 3:33 pm
zombiefiesta +1. Yeah PP, shutting ain't our thing. We like to ride to the ride. But that does sounds like a fun way to hit some hard-to-bike-to trails.
Nice route Bike Punk. I might want to substitute the first El Prieto climb for a mid-point stop at the Mt. Wilson snack bar / vending machine. It sounds great on paper, but starting at the campground is a hard enough climb, plus don't forget we've got some asphalt to cover from the Metro stop to the trailhead. But perhaps I'll be overruled on that. El Prieto is so nice it is worth riding twice.
Any suggestions on routes a little more east, like near the Sturtevant Falls / Big Santa Anita Reservoir area? Sunset / Mt. Lowe / Echo is rad and could end up being our route, but I've done that before and am hoping to ride some new trails.
two wheels good02.12.09 - 1:46 am
FUCK YA!! Mt Wilson sounds great!! I will be on my new Niner. WooHoo. Lets ride up MtLowe fireroad!!
illy02.12.09 - 8:48 am

Well whatever ride you guys choose post it and if it's anywhere in the san gabes me and my crew are in for sure! we are even down for the la tuna climb and down via single track!
pporras02.12.09 - 10:36 am
Still working on the route. Zombie and I talked about incorporating the Idlehour trail along with Sam Merrill to try to get more singletrack into our upcoming ride.
Does anyone know the condition of the Mt. Wilson Toll Road? I've seen a few postings mentioning that it's been closed because of a mudslide last season, but haven't been able to find out if it's officially reopened or at least rideable.
two wheels good02.18.09 - 9:21 pm
It might be open, there has been a freeride shuttle group that rides out of a store in Pasadena, My friend said he's been doing it on the weekends. Heneger flats is the camp ground a few miles up the toll road. That can be a hard climb depending on weather conditions, 9 miles. I've done it in the snow and 100 deg summer heat.
The observatory at the top has been closed recently, no food / water.
@ two wheels
there might be Lions , Tigers, and Bears.
Dedicated81802.18.09 - 9:31 pm
all i know is there is lots of snow and it's mostly HAB! plus if you drive up the crest prob have to park at red box trail head! The mt wilson toll road i do remember when there was a mud slide and if im correct is that on the eaton canyon trail as well!
pporras02.19.09 - 10:17 am
some thing to think about while going the the cliffs!
"Divinity lies within." Don’t look to the churches or to the big marble institutions. Your divinity lies within. You must learn to operate your brain, operate your soul"
First and greatest American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson
pporras02.19.09 - 12:35 pm
@pporras: Repost!
That quote was so important you had to post it in two threads?
And let me repeat, there will be no driving up the Crest. Mountaineerzz ride to the ride, thankyouverymuch.
two wheels good02.19.09 - 1:00 pm
Looks like they won't finish the work on the toll road until May.
zombiefiesta02.19.09 - 1:36 pm
But that doesn't need to stop us:
"Trail is clear except for the landslide just beyond the bridge. Also, minor landslide just before the flats so hike a bike is required. All in all, this trial is a wonderful workout and a good endurance training trail. "
Looks like there should just be a couple hiking sections. Nothing to stop Mountaineeerrzzz, right?
zombiefiesta02.19.09 - 1:40 pm
Hey whens the ride happening we could still access it via lake!double post so what did it hurt you ? dang meng calmado! I might just ride the single speed jumper up to give myself a little more work!
pporras02.19.09 - 1:44 pm
Yo Dirt Ridazz,
Just going to head out on an impromptu mtb ride in the Hollywood Hills.
I know it's a long shot, but if anyone wants to join me, you're welcome.
I'll be at the corner of Gardner and Hollywood Bl at three pm.
Just a few hrs ride.. wanting to get back for C.M.
adamthelizard02.21.09 - 2:19 pm
Are you Mtn bikers going to destroy the Toll rd ?
Decimating the wilderness with erosion from those knobby tires ?
If so I'm in. Just put some Disc brakes on the hardtail,
Ready to lay down some broadies.
Dedicated81802.25.09 - 8:19 am
hhhmmmm the 28th is this saturday what time do you think youll be at the trail head? Im doing a ride to the queen mary saturday morning with the crew but still want to make it in time for this nice little trip!
pporras02.25.09 - 9:19 am
I've never been up the toll road. Am curious. I heard it gets hot, especially later in the day.
Any firm-ish plans hatched yet?
I'm tempted by Caturday...
bike punk02.25.09 - 2:25 pm
lizard, will u be taking the van? i might need a ride. either way, we should meet up and roll together.
mateo0702.26.09 - 9:09 pm
yea, I was thinking about driving up there.
dadavida may want to carpool too.
let's coordinate.
with mr twowheels out of commission I'm responsible.
I also don't know the area super-well, so I'll need help.
I am down for the Toll Rd.. It's a long dirt climb huh?
and it takes us up to Redbox on the Crest, right?
that sounds good to me.
nice loop.
what does everyone else think?
adamthelizard02.26.09 - 9:54 pm
he hit a car.
I'll try to preride the Toll road/idlehour section tomorrow.
Bike Punk: Screw Caturday.
zombiefiesta02.27.09 - 2:36 am
I've never ridden the toll road, so I can't say for sure, but I think it's just a boring, long, hot climb on a fire road. There are better options in the San Gabriels!
If you go from the JPL parking lot (which isn't exactly at JPL, it's just called that) it's only a 20-minute ride from the Gold Line.
And is there an email list for Mountaineerz? If so, can I get on it? If not, can there be one? Would make this a little easier...
bike punk02.27.09 - 12:23 pm
I appreciate the feedback.
We've ridden the trails above JPL on past mountaineerzz.
And I've personally done a fair bit of riding in that area.
Just wanting something new.. I know it's a long ass climb.
It's about 4000 feet's worth to be precise.
[rubs hands together and laughs maniacally]
I think we should do it because it's there and we can ride up it.
Plus, once we do the work we get to ride back down redbox to switzer which actually drops us out above JPL.
It sounds like an epic loop.. giant climb followed by amazing downhill.
I know people shuttle up to ride redbox, so it must be dope.
I'd even shuttle my 6" travel Rock Mtn, Switch up there with my full face and armor.. just not on a mountaineerzz cause we ride up shit.
I'm sure I'll regret my bravado when I'm gasping for air as we struggle to get above the smog level.. but since I'm sort of in charge of this ride I'm saying Mt Wilson Rd to Redbox to Switzers.
As far as an email list goes, would an email with everyone's address work? And we just hit "reply all" and do that?
Or is a proper email group thing better?
Never set one up, but I'm sure it's easy.
We can figure that out in the future.
PS-Guess it goes without saying: Bring plenty of FOOD/WATER.
adamthelizard02.27.09 - 8:23 pm
Adam, I have done RedBox and Switzers many times. RedBox is reall fun, Switzers is cool but it has alot of water / river crossings. Anyways, Im cool with whatever we do. Is the meet time / spot still the same?
illy02.27.09 - 9:18 pm
Yea, I've done Switzer from Brown Mtn rd.
I figured the water crossings would be worth the loop.
I'm thinking we should meet here:
View Larger Map
adamthelizard02.27.09 - 9:43 pm
So let's say 10:30 at the pin on Pinecrest Dr?
Yee Haw Mutha Funkers!
adamthelizard02.27.09 - 9:44 pm
So I did the Wilson toll road -> idlehour -> inspiration pt. area.
Or tried to. It got dark on me, and I ended up hiking most of the way out.
Anyway here are my comments:
- All of the trails require extensive climbing to access them. It's a matter of where you want that climbing to be.
- We could do idlehour, but it has a large section along a creek that is mostly hike-a-bike. Other than that it was the greenest trail I've been on in the san gabes, and it had some good riding.
- We could take the toll road all the way to Wilson. It might kill us, but if not, there might be some sweet descents after.
I'll make an email list if people email me. My email is like my username, but siesta instead of fiesta.
zombiefiesta02.27.09 - 10:08 pm
Mountaineerz, have fun tomorrow. Sorry I won't be there to join you. Still recovering from getting tagged by a car.
I don't know that an email list is necessary. seems to be a fine way of putting together rides.
two wheels good02.27.09 - 10:16 pm
Adam, that is cool. See you there.
illy02.27.09 - 11:05 pm
Shit I might be out, I got a tick bite yesterday and now my leg feels fucked.
zombiefiesta02.28.09 - 9:30 am
Ugh, sorry.. take care of yourself John.
Ride was awesome, and Chris, Illa and I all worked our asses off.
It was so worth it, and I'm down to do it again.
Thank god for granny gears!
Three hours of straight climbing with a couple breaks.
We hit some serious snow at the top.
Had to hike about a quarter mile on snowed in trails.
I'll post a more complete ride report later.
Many thanks to twowheelsgood for helping coordinate.
Heal up soon man, you were missed.
adamthelizard02.28.09 - 7:30 pm
So it must be tick-country up in the Angeles Forest.
After my last post, I felt some pain between my shoulders.
Thought it was muscle soreness, but reached up a little while later and felt something foreign. Long story short, I pulled it out early enough that I got the whole thing including the head. Seems okay, but I'll monitor it.
That was an awesome ride.. thank you again.
Pictures just posted.
adamthelizard03.1.09 - 11:48 pm
damn, so pissed I missed it.
What route did you take going down?
adam: yeah, these ticks are nasty. Most tick bites don't cause this muscle pain, but I guess there are some with toxins. My leg is feeling better now, but on saturday morning I couldn't walk right.
zombiefiesta03.2.09 - 12:09 am
Have anyone done the goatcamp? I saw it on this calendar and I wnet to it, but no one was there.
CrazyPenis03.2.09 - 12:34 am
So I was thinking today, if Zombie can do this ride on a single speed coaster brake, there is no reason I can't pull out the hybrid for this ride. I should just woman up, say fuck the suspension. I got 700x35cs and from what it seems, some of you guys run that size too?? let's do this.
la duderina03.18.09 - 10:42 pm
The March ride is posted now.
LaDuderina.. just saw this post..^^^^
We're going to descend Backbone to Will Rogers.
It's actually the same exact descent zombiefiesta did on his coaster brake one speed bike.. tho it did have a nice suspension fork..
Several people have done this on rigid/cross bikes.
It's a little slower, but a lot more exciting and demanding.
Let me know if you are planning to ride this on your 700s.
Maybe I'll join you on my cross bike with the 700x32c knobbies.. maybe.
Right now I'm a little banged up from a local dirt ride.
Hoping I'm back to full mojo by next weekend.
Oh.. and I'll have a helmet cam on board.
Prepare to be recorded ridazz.
adamthelizard03.22.09 - 10:13 pm

Ive had 3 ticks on me this weekend from riding the GAbes.Yall keep a check on your self's and watch out for all that Poison oak!
pporras03.23.09 - 11:29 am
dammit. I was finally going to hit up the Mountaineerz and now I can't. god damn moot court. what a fuggin bummer.
la duderina03.25.09 - 10:31 pm
@ la duderina: don't sweat.. there's plenty of dirt to be ridden.
@ pporras.. that is disgusting dude..
adamthelizard03.26.09 - 8:42 am
I might in fact just make it to this one. Rode Backbone the other day... not as flowy as it used to be but still fun.
endo verendo03.26.09 - 11:18 am
^^^ That flick is fukin gnarly.
tallcan03.26.09 - 1:30 pm
so where is this ride going ?
pporras03.27.09 - 10:06 am
Any chance we could make the ride earlier?? There are all these 238 rides in the afternoon, it would be nice to be able to do some after.
pretty please?
zombiefiesta03.27.09 - 11:46 am
Hope we'll see you tomorrow Ron.
Up Sullivan should be a challenge, and backbone too.
That part of backbone is usually pretty rocky and demanding.
I just spoke with a new mountaineer who's rolling over there too.
Santa Monica Mountains, here we come.
The most exciting part of 328.. dirt!
adamthelizard03.27.09 - 8:10 pm
The downtube on my SS is bent. That is the 3rd dead mtb frame in 3 years.
Who knows what monstrosity I will conjure up for tomorrows ride in its stead??
zombiefiesta03.27.09 - 10:33 pm
...ffffrrraaaammmeeesss...must have delicious frames..
adamthelizard03.28.09 - 1:53 am
I'll be there! Are we climbing Sullivan canyon? Cuz that makes a rad loop.
maxtheheathen03.28.09 - 11:23 am
Fu*kin siick ride yesterday for sure.
tallcan03.29.09 - 9:36 pm
Awesome Ride! That shortcut through rustic canyon at the end was rad.
maxtheheathen03.30.09 - 2:06 pm
When will this happen again? My first love is a MTB, but I've never taken him on a proper trail and I feel I must fulfill his destiny.
HappyLand03.30.09 - 11:02 pm
sorry to say it may be a few months.
both twowhelsgood and I are on injured-reserve-status.
I'm going for orthopedic hand surgery on Wednesday.
I'll post rides again as soon as I get the cast off..
adamthelizard03.30.09 - 11:17 pm
Adam, Did you get hurt on the ride??? Cast?? WTF??
illy04.1.09 - 12:22 pm
Adam: So did your thumb turn out to be broken??
You were playing it off like it wasn't serious!
Sorry to hear that.
zombiefiesta04.1.09 - 12:49 pm
No breaking involved.
I actually did the damage on Friday and kept going.
Torn ligament that got re-attached this morning.
I'll be back in action pretty soon.
adamthelizard04.1.09 - 8:57 pm
Good news = Ilia agreed to lead the ride until Richard and I return.
We'll plan and post a ride for April, which I will be sad to miss.
Maybe we will get some new heads out on the trail.
adamthelizard04.2.09 - 9:39 pm
I'm riding for a couple of hours at the west end of Vanowen (sfv) this Saturday if anyone wants to join me let me know, I should be there by 8 am. Look for the Orange Schwinn cruiser, single speed.
Atomic Cycles.
rev10604.3.09 - 10:25 am
Awww yea.. impromptu mountaineering.
Wish I could join ya' Rev..
adamthelizard04.3.09 - 6:49 pm
My work only allows shorter rides on my work days and one long one on my day off.
rev10604.4.09 - 8:06 am

New ride posted for this weekend.
Details for the meeting-spot to follow shortly.
Can't wait to ditch this cast and join you all again.
Big ups to Ilia for leading this ride.. thank you man.
The Mountaineerzz are in good hands.
adamthelizard04.23.09 - 7:58 pm
Its gonna be a fun ride. And the weather is going to be perfect.
illy04.24.09 - 12:11 am
Demo day this weekend at JPL . plus new shuttle bus that can hold 30 if interested! ill be riding both days 6 and 730 shuttles!
pporras04.24.09 - 9:11 am
The mountaineers dont ride shuttles, we ride up the hill.
illy04.24.09 - 10:41 am
Shuttling is for thread trolls.
Tomorrow 11am: coffee and Mountaineerzz - two of my favorite things.
Props to Illy for planning/leading an endo verendo ride!
two wheels good04.24.09 - 5:17 pm
A good route for a cross-bike or SS?
What are y'all riding?
bike punk04.24.09 - 7:15 pm
And they're off!
Have fun.. please report details.
The injured guys need to know.
adamthelizard04.25.09 - 11:43 am
Mountaineerzz Slow Ride is happening this Saturday.
Beginners wanted and experienced riders too.
Come out for a mellow dirt day. 1:30pm at the Universal City Red Line Station.
two wheels good05.28.09 - 2:40 pm
Hey, would love to get out on the dirt again!!
I'm from Austin Texas, and these monster hills here in Cali are intimidating! I only rode single track trails in Austin (loved it), and since I have been here, I mostly ride the streets with my Knobby Fire Road Tires. Since ya'll are taking it easy this round... and I am a beginner to dirt trails here in Cali, maybe I could join you this saturday.
P.S. Don't be fooled by my name, I am of the female species. EEEEEK!
ticklicker responding to a
comment by two wheels good
05.28.09 - 3:46 pm
Yea for female species dirt riders and Austineerzz.
You sounds like a perfect candidate for the ride, ticklicker. Hope you can join us this weekend. If not, come to one of our monthly rides and we'll try to ease you into the local trails.
two wheels good responding to a
comment by ticklicker
05.28.09 - 6:12 pm
I am feeling it! See ya tamari!
ticklicker responding to a
comment by two wheels good
05.29.09 - 8:25 pm
Where are we riding?
illy05.30.09 - 11:19 am
aww I found out my old hard rock still works a few hours too late for the beginners ride. Who wants to show me some trails anyway?
mitch responding to a
comment by adamthelizard
05.30.09 - 3:14 pm
What a great off-road dirty/bushy/twisty turn/up hill/down hill/4 hour ride made for beginners that was! Thanks to the Moutaineerzz for being so paitent, showing us beginners a KICK ASS time yesterday. May the slow ride force be with you!
ticklicker responding to a
comment by two wheels good
05.31.09 - 8:40 am
for all dirt lovers or newbs , Im leading the Weekly sunday LA Tuna Loop ride. It's about 1800 feet in 3-4 miles . then we hit the steep Shoots and single track then back up the road. Meet at 7:45 start at 8 am sharp. Challenge your self and improve your bike skills.
Also every Saturday me and some friends Hook up with other MTB clubs and ride new trails. let me know if you want more info...The weekend of the 21st we are doing an all day shuttle fest event at The San Juan capistrano trail. 12 miles of Down HIll. There will be a begginers group and an advanced intermidiate group. hit me up for info.
This saturday might be doing GMR or Suicide trail ....
pporras11.9.09 - 1:24 pm
Peter: your ride is not a Mountaineerzz ride.
Why don't you make your own thread and post it there and/or on the calendar?
two wheels good responding to a
comment by pporras
11.9.09 - 2:40 pm
Tall cans and I were just talking about doing another one of these.
I gotz a temporary new roomate for 6 months who brought his 69er 9 spd with him from Reno, He brought lights and is convincing me to go ride my clean Yeti.
parlorbikes11.9.09 - 2:53 pm
Parlorbikes, TC4TB/JOKER and all other Mountaineerzz:
Our unannounced Summer hiatus will be ending soon. Stay tuned to this thread for info on our next ride.
two wheels good responding to a
comment by parlorbikes
11.9.09 - 3:00 pm
mitch11.9.09 - 3:54 pm

Shed your gears and get ready.....
rev10611.10.09 - 8:59 am
Hey 2 wheels, we Mountaineering again tonight?
illy11.10.09 - 9:03 am
parlorbikes responding to a
comment by rev106
11.10.09 - 12:04 pm
more appropriate here:
oh lord, won't you buy me a mountain bike,
my friends are all roadies,
but it's the dirt that I like
studied hard all my lifetime
all I got's a road bike
oh lord, won't you buy me a mooouuntaaain biiiiiiiike?
-janis joplin
la duderina11.13.09 - 12:10 pm
Got my frame, parts on order, just need the wheels from frank and I'm ready!
mitch11.13.09 - 12:20 pm
Is this a weekly ride? I've been wanting to try La Tuna but can't do it this weekend. I've done the road part of it a few times. I'm not a real strong rider and as I get older and get banged up on crashes, I like to stay at beginner level rides.
If anyone is interested in trying a novice / beginner ride in Sycamore Canyon inside of Pt. Mugu State Park, I'll be leading a ride on Sunday at 9:30am, roll out at 9:45am. Yeah, I know it's the same time as your ride but I had to commit and put it on a club schedule last month. It's a 13 mile loop with maybe 800 feet of gain. Some single track, some fire road and a short paved section. The ride ends with a fast run down Wood Canyon with maybe a couple of hundred feet of elevation loss over maybe a mile but with six or seven stream crossings.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by pporras
11.13.09 - 12:27 pm
Thanks. Yeah i lead the weekly sunday la tuna ride. Feel free to join us any time you want.....I ride the Giant reign xo with the white full face helmet.
pporras11.13.09 - 1:59 pm
Love to join you some time. I will probably be on a Trek Fuel but too chicken to do the kind of ride where I'd be wearing full face. I have a hard tail but I put thin slicks on it for road use for rides like climbing the paved part of La Tuna. That rear casette is better on hills than my road bike.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by pporras
11.13.09 - 3:27 pm
theres a begginers route on this ride. I had ea few begginers show up this sunday and saturday who had tons of fun and will be coming back for more. Feel free to join any time.
pporras11.16.09 - 3:54 pm
working on getting my mtn bike...cant wait.
Huey55511.16.09 - 4:44 pm
What time do you take off and where do you meet? I'd love to do a group ride but can only do early morning rides as I have to be at work by 11. Let me know.
Atomic Cycles
rev106 responding to a
comment by pporras
11.21.09 - 7:45 am
yes we have to open the shop by 11 am as well. this would be a great ride for you. join us if you can. we meet at 730 ride at 8 am. ....pardon the thread jacking ridazzz...
pporras11.21.09 - 1:25 pm
hey mountaineerz i invite you guys to ride tonight with us at la tuna canyon. Bring yer lights and water. meet at 6:30pm start at 7pm sharp....this night ride is going to kick ass......
pporras11.23.09 - 10:45 am
damn...I just got out-bid on this SWEET Ventana. bummerrr. but I'm not giving up..
there is wayyyy too much mtb porn on ebay. I'm going to come out of this a broke girl with a BITCHIN mountain bike.
See you on the trails soon!!
la duderina11.24.09 - 1:02 pm
Hey Mountaineerzz, start a new thread. This thing's a pig.
0gravity11.24.09 - 6:44 pm

when will you know the location? I'd like to try to get some peeps to roll...
Hit La Tuna Canyon around 1:30pm... its was really nice and cold too... at the Verdugo Motorway Junction, I sat there and watched the fog start to rise over the hill... it was nice to be out there... met some new riders too...
it was cold... and too bad the trail still looks burnt at spots.... the canyon is really nice still...
peace love and gap
md2 responding to a
comment by two wheels good
12.5.09 - 6:46 pm

still dont understand why apple preview doesnt save a rotated image in the correct rotation... i hate all things.
md212.5.09 - 7:21 pm
Ok cool, I'm there
Doing a tour of Franklin park ?
Betty B. ?
or ?
A major loop up Cabalero trail and around Topanga state park ?
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by two wheels good
12.11.09 - 1:01 pm
I going to go ahead and request that the route be about intermediate level.. haha
la duderina12.13.09 - 11:31 am
oh man, I want to do mountaineers but i cant miss my saturday ride :( do you guys ever go later in the afternoon?
mitch12.13.09 - 4:54 pm
oi mitch!
fuck yo saturday ride foo!
ay tho, let's ride next sunday ya? i'm done with finals wednesday AND YOU KNOW WHAT DAT MEANZ!!!!!!!!!
la duderina responding to a
comment by mitch
12.13.09 - 5:15 pm
yo guys! This is not a mtb ride, but since I've no other way to get in contact with you, I'm using this forum to invite you to our road rides part of Swarm!'s Dont Get Fat training camp this Wed-Sun:
(first time is coffee, second is rolling, estimated mileage in parentheses)
Dec16 Wed 8/830am- Intelligensia, riding Beachwood through the Hollywood Hills onto Mulholland (50), eat at Flore – MAP
Dec17 Thur- 8/830am- Trails Cafe, riding Griffith and Elysian (40), eat at Pure Luck - MAP
Dec18 Fri- 8/830am- CycleWay Coffee, riding the hills of Mt Washington, South Pas and some other little-known roads (50), eat at Hugo’s tacos in Atwater
Dec19 Sat-7/730am- Peet’s on Larchmont, riding Palos Verdes with two options of difficulty (60/75), eating at India Sweets and Spices on Venice Blvd
Dec20 Sun-7/730am- Cafe Tropical, riding Big Tujunga, Angeles Forest/Crest. (75-100), eating at Carousel
link above has all the hyperlinks. Hope you can make it. Please pass on to people you think may be stoked.
bike punk12.14.09 - 8:10 pm
are there any good places to park at the start or should I make alternate arrangements?
la duderina12.15.09 - 9:21 pm
You can park in the public lots located on the north side of the street,
or park at the market next to my place. I will be rolling about 15 minutes
before the ride.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by la duderina
12.15.09 - 10:41 pm
THIS is the 420th post!
can you tell I'm procrastinating?
la duderina12.16.09 - 1:04 am
Cool, I will be there unless I decide to go actual mountaineering (ie, freezing ones ass off, wearing spiky shoes and such).
zombiefiesta12.16.09 - 1:51 am
sounds fun, been several months since i was on a group ride, still need a helmet lol
natefrogg12.16.09 - 7:50 am
I gotta work this Saturday for a few hours. Where are you guys riding, I may meat uphalf way.
illy12.16.09 - 3:42 pm
Not meat, meet. Duh!
illy12.16.09 - 4:12 pm
yo Saturday heading down to Palos Verdes leaving from the Peet's on Larchmont. Email me if you have any questions bikeswarm on gmail
bike punk12.16.09 - 8:55 pm
any reason you're not posting the trail options?
Just curious where you're headed from Peets Coffee on Ventura
Maybe I'm unfamiliar with the area, but the only ride I can imagine you're doing is fryman canyon loop, or coldwater cnyn for an easier loop... or heading west past the 405....
Fryman canyon and coldwater loop is not really a MTB ride, so I dont think you're going there....
If heading west.... maybe you have an all day epic in mind in the SM Mts. Which is all the more reason to give us the heads up (but I err on the side that you dont have to do anything)...
Either way.... is there a reason to NOT post the routes?
md2 responding to a
comment by two wheels good
12.17.09 - 7:46 am
For anyone interested, parking up to about 3 spots at my place. 5-7 minute ride to start. I will have free coffee, much better than Peet's ready to go. Welcome to all.
parlorbikes responding to a
comment by la duderina
12.17.09 - 10:21 am
Dang i m riding Chantry to MT Zion this day....and sunday Trail work...
pporras12.18.09 - 10:56 am
pporras: with what group do you do trail work?
zombiefiesta responding to a
comment by pporras
12.18.09 - 12:40 pm
Im joining Corba for a little bit tomorrow the ndoing some of my own work over at the Verdugos... I finally bought a chainsaw..... There will be many people from many diffrent clubs helping on the middle merril
pporras12.18.09 - 1:58 pm
My plan is to ride up chantry to MT ZIon with the F Bike club then loop it over and ride to middle merril where the work will be at...Then ride back to the car drive to The La tuna single track and remove that downed tree near the teetter totter thats been there for years and years....
pporras12.18.09 - 2:00 pm
Great ride,good group and a nice day to out..... It was cool to see everyone and look forward to the next ride...
LongLive Mountaineerzz.......
Longlivelonghairs12.19.09 - 4:01 pm
that kicked so much ass. SO much ass.
MTNeerz 4 lyfe
la duderina12.20.09 - 2:43 am
+ 1
Thanks for putting on a great ride.
You got me out on my Mtn bike after months of neglecting it.
can't wait till next time......
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by la duderina
12.20.09 - 11:03 am
Unless im completely wrong...whats with the teeter totter not being balanced in the right direction. I mean i was coming down and it was up in my direction. I tried for a bot to get it to stay down im my directions but short of putting a rock to weigh it down it wasnt working....
So yeah in short nevermind my complaining and awesome work on LA Tuna. People complain about that singletrack but i love it....SOOOOO much fun!
bicioso responding to a
comment by pporras
12.20.09 - 9:13 pm
Did you know that it is illegal to ride a bicycle on dirt trails in the City of Los Angeles? Would you like to have local options to ride on the trails? Do you think kids who can't drive to the local mountains should have trails nearby? The City's current Draft Bicycle Plan makes no changes or improvements to off-road cycling within the City. This plan sets the guidelines for the City for the next 25 years and public comment ends January 8, 2010.
We want to make sure cyclists' concerns are heard in this process. Equestrians are rallying their troops to ensure cyclists continue to not have access to off-road options. We need voices! Please take a few moments and sign this online petition. Please forward this to everyone you know who rides a bike.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by pporras
12.21.09 - 8:17 am
I still find it a little hard to believe that recreational horseback riding exists within LA city limits in this day and age.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by mk4524
12.21.09 - 8:23 am
Yes, because there are still extremely wealthy people who live here.
Palisades's is one of the wealthiest communities in the world.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
12.21.09 - 9:20 am
And then there are the neighborhoods just north of Griffith Park.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
12.21.09 - 9:38 am
i was too tired to post anything until now...
GREAT RIDE !!! Thanks Rich and all the great people who rode.
I hadn't been on a group mountain ride in forever, thanks for the wake up call, whens the next one?!?!?
ChaosRR12.21.09 - 12:12 pm
bicioso the teetter totter needs some work. I was up there 2 weeks ago and some one had stolen the copper rod in the middle so i finally went back up there with a replacemnt rod and someone had put some sticks to try and make it swivel. but they did damage and one of the planks fell off which makes the weight uneven. i need to go up there with a hammer and some nails to fix it. but:
Im currently out of the game. I took a bad spill that broke my full face helmet broke my ribbs split my lips i had to get stitches mneck and back are messed up and i can barely hold up 20 pounds. i will get to it soon as i can recover enough... ive had a headache for the last 3 days....
pporras12.28.09 - 10:28 am

im glad you guys like that trail, ive been doing lots of work with friends up there. did you hit the gap jump or the moto whip section? There is a huge fire road gap jump up there its like 60 feet....
pporras12.28.09 - 10:33 am
Ouch..hope you feel better soon.
See you maniacs on Saturday.
adamthelizard responding to a
comment by pporras
12.28.09 - 8:41 pm
hour of riding to the trail, then long endurance climbs? sounds brutal...what if we want to meet along the way?
onelessfixie12.29.09 - 9:53 pm
Yup, glad you caught the asphalt disclaimer
before the ride. Mountaineerzz is kinda brutal by nature; if the climbing doesn't kill you, the pace just might. But this ride should only be about 45 minutes of riding to the trailhead.
two wheels good responding to a
comment by onelessfixie
12.31.09 - 2:22 am
So, it should be more or less like last time? or worse?
onelessfixie responding to a
comment by two wheels good
12.31.09 - 1:55 pm
Some parts will be easier, others worse. There won't be as much climbing on the road, but there will be some longer, steeper climbs on the dirt. Should be a little more focus on endurance riding than on speed, but it also depends on who shows up to ride.
Come out and give it a shot. While we do sometimes leave slower riders behind, we always try to regroup and point them home--or through the rest of the route--before taking off.
So everyone should be sure to bring whatever you'll need to be self sufficient out on the trail including a patch kit, tools, food, water and a cell phone.
two wheels good responding to a
comment by onelessfixie
01.1.10 - 11:26 am
we're all gonna die.. seriously
probably not tomorrow though
hooray for another day of biking
adamthelizard01.2.10 - 12:18 am
we're all gonna die.. seriously "
except those of us who are already dead
zombiefiesta responding to a
comment by adamthelizard
01.2.10 - 12:31 am
WOW! What an amazing day. Thanks for letting me ride with you guys today. What a way to start the new year. GO GO MOUNTAINEERZZ!!!
sancho101.2.10 - 7:53 pm
Bump. (Actually there will be a shitload of bumps, some of 'em jumpable).
Past, present and future 'eerzz, you got three weeks to get your shit together for what promises to be our best ride ever!
ride posting has been updated with a new meeting point (thanks for the idea rev106) and a few photos.
If you wanna really be car-free, ride where no cars go.
two wheels good01.14.10 - 9:54 pm
Damn!!! Image too big lost all the text (reposting)
MOUNTAINEERZ - (no one else on this site would care but you).
If you have transpo and no work tomorrow (the next storm Mon/Tues might wipe it out) an awesome snow ride is there for the taking.
Drive to the top of Little Tujunga Canyon (north from Osborne & Foothill) park at Dillon Divide (the left turn summit where the road become Sand Canyon).
Ride EAST on the fire road and stay right at all the junctions. (Mendenhall Ridge). About 30-40 mins of climbing and you'll be in totally ridable snow zones (the snow is 1-2 inch of powder and wont stick to your tires).
I'll post some pics in a sec...
ChaosRR01.24.10 - 7:21 pm
If I could skip work tomorrow I would :(
If you want to go nuts up there bring a map. The route goes all the way to Mt Gleason along the North side ridge of Big Tujunga Cyn.
It goes into the burn area but there are ABSOLUTELY no signs at the trailhead or along the route indicating anything is closed.
ChaosRR01.24.10 - 7:35 pm
any early morning Sunday rides planned?
rev106 responding to a
comment by ChaosRR
01.25.10 - 3:54 pm
As a matter of fact I'm thinking about taking some non-ridazz friends up there on Sunday morning. Hopefully no later than 9am departure at the trailhead. (Rollout from Burbank in cars by 830).
Don't know what will be left of the snow by then, most if it is on the backside of the ridge not exposed to sunlight, don't know what the snow level predict for tomorrow's storm is.
There's an endless array of fire-roads and wicked alpine single tracks up in there. This ride is the beginners introduction to the area. (fire roads only).
If you want to google and poke around search on
Dillon Divide, Mendenhall Ridge, Mendenhall Truck Trail, Trail Canyon, Condor Peak, Indian Ben Saddle .......
its all there :)
ChaosRR01.25.10 - 6:41 pm
meet point and possible return time? I have to open up at noon on Sundays but I'd love to ride with you guys!
rev106 responding to a
comment by ChaosRR
01.25.10 - 10:02 pm
Meet Point is Dillon Divide at 9am. Its an out and back, the first hour is uphill. I anticipate the ride beng 2-3 hours, but hard to predict. You could turn back at any point safely on your own.
ChaosRR01.28.10 - 11:10 am
Hey ChaosRR
I was wondering if you wouldn't mind using
this thread to talk about mtb rides that are not Mountaineerzz rides. Or make your own thread if you like. It's just that I get all excited to see that this thread has been bumped to see that the new post has nothing to do with Mountaineerzz, then I get bummed out and confused. Thank you for your cooperation.
la duderina responding to a
comment by ChaosRR
01.30.10 - 10:16 pm
I'm typically bummed out and confused.
mmaceda responding to a
comment by la duderina
01.30.10 - 11:38 pm
Is this Saturday rain or shine?
ChaosRR02.1.10 - 8:56 am
Attn: Mountianeerzz !
Reseda to the Sea Challenge !
Sunday March 7th 10:00 A.M.
Coaster, BMX, Single speed, Old school
Dedicated81802.1.10 - 8:23 pm
Where's the meet point?
rev106 responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
02.1.10 - 8:33 pm
Meets in the SFV at Reseda blvd. and Ventura blvd.
Ends at the Beach.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by rev106
02.1.10 - 9:13 pm
i'm bummed out and confused :(
ChaosRR02.1.10 - 10:04 pm
In order to elevate spirits and eradicate confusion:
M O U N T A I N E E R Z Z !
That is all.
adamthelizard responding to a
comment by ChaosRR
02.2.10 - 12:40 am
Saturday's ride has been postponed but will be rescheduled soon. Apologies for the short notice.
two wheels good02.5.10 - 1:30 pm
Good idea
Look at the pictures of the last Coaster race #4
Totally muddy guew
Next Sat ?
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by two wheels good
02.5.10 - 1:39 pm
I am heading to Mt. Pinos (McGill trail) for some shuttle runs this weekend. Please have an AM(All Mountain) rig. Dual suspension preffered, we are fast and would like you to keep up. Be able to handle the trail I would say its medium to hard difficulty. Have a current drivers liscence and insurance(we will take turns driving the truck back to the top)
Make sure your tires and brake pads are in good order. You barley need a chain for this trail, thereis one small sustained climb.
Truck and room for up to 3 more.
riders who can handle their bikes at good speed downhill, no climbs
drivers liscence/insurance
bring working bike and all parts to make your bike work, I AM NOT A BIKE SHOP(shut it Junu and LaDude)
Contact me at three 1 seven 5 0 6 too seven 5 one please text me first, please include your Ridazz name and real name, we leave in the early mid mornings.
parlorbikes02.18.10 - 5:04 pm
Hey ChaosRR
I was wondering if you wouldn't mind using this thread to talk about mtb rides that are not Mountaineerzz rides. Or make your own thread if you like. It's just that I get all excited to see that this thread has been bumped to see that the new post has nothing to do with Mountaineerzz, then I get bummed out and confused. Thank you for your cooperation.
la duderina
responding to a comment by ChaosRR
ChaosRR02.18.10 - 11:00 pm
Actually your initial post about your ride didn't really bum me out or confuse me. Then you got about 8 posts in and with the pictures and all I just completely lost my bearings.
la duderina responding to a
comment by ChaosRR
02.19.10 - 12:12 pm
I thought pictures were worth a thousand words and this was where the real MTB'ers congregate on this site but what do I know I'm old.
Rev has hooked us up with a thread, hope the Mountaineerzz check it from time to time.
see I dont even know how to post a hyperlink on here
ChaosRR02.21.10 - 6:16 pm

No more confusion.. it is time to ride dirt bicycles. New ride posted now. May 8th it's on.
adamthelizard05.2.10 - 4:00 pm
just as a heads up, if anyone wants to ride ahmanson ranch this tuesday night (5/4) come to tuesday night special.
mmaceda responding to a
comment by adamthelizard
05.4.10 - 12:26 am
Bump(s). Lots of 'em. TOMORROW.
11:30am on Saturday
Peet's Coffee, 11750 West San Vicente Boulevard Brentwood 90049
two wheels good05.7.10 - 12:14 am
Attending 4130 ride instead.
Whats up with meeting at the Westside snob headquarters ?
Expect some evil eye looks from the La Grunge team, lol........
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by two wheels good
05.7.10 - 12:34 am
La Grunge huh? That's the new hot dirt team? Me'h.. we'll give em' a run for their lattes.
adamthelizard responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
05.7.10 - 8:34 am
Hey, I had a blast! Very fun, a shower never felt so good. Actually it hurt a lot but anyways awesome ride!!
DamanC05.8.10 - 6:16 pm
BTW were you talking about this race on La Tuna??
DamanC05.8.10 - 6:25 pm
Just got me a mountain bike, after years of not having one. Now, if only I could shake my last epic fail and the eventual trauma that still persists. I really miss riding the SLO trails and Morning Glory in particular.
Bikekowski05.8.10 - 6:34 pm
Yesterday was an awesome ride..
Daman, you kicked ass dude.
Sorry you crashed.
Glad you're okay.
Twowheelsgood kicked ass too, of course.
Way to shred it brother.
Somehow nobody shot any pics.
It still happened though.
And it was rad.
adamthelizard05.9.10 - 12:52 pm
Yes! That's the race I was talking about AND the footage I was dying to see. Thanks for finding that!
And great riding with you and adamthelizard--what an ass kicker of a day!
two wheels good responding to a
comment by DamanC
05.10.10 - 6:32 pm
Wow, that video is dope. Tuna Canyon is a sick rd.
adamthelizard responding to a
comment by two wheels good
05.10.10 - 7:07 pm
So.. when and where are we doing the next ride and who's with us?
Mr Twowheelgood, I believe you promised us an epic-route back in Feb that ended up getting rained out. How's about some rain-date-rescheduling-action?
adamthelizard05.13.10 - 9:49 pm
I want a 29er full suspension. where's bike god when you need him...
Roadblock05.13.10 - 11:37 pm

Bike God likes it when you call Him "Bike God" in caps.
Now may He provide you much 29erish bounty.
adamthelizard responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.14.10 - 6:57 am
@adamthelizard, request granted! I'll reschedule the West Valley epic for June. Eyeing June 5th.
@bikepunk, nothing planned for this Saturday. You got a ride planned? Anything for next weekend?
@Roadblock, I can't hook you up with Bike God, but if that's your wish, you should talk to longlivelonghairs. Perhaps he can hook you up or maybe get you a 29er to test-ride. In the meantime, you should take your troubled MTB to Cassidy at the Bike Kitchen and get it in shape to join us in June.
two wheels good responding to a
comment by adamthelizard
05.14.10 - 2:53 pm
Anyone interested in doing a early morning SFV ride this Sunday?
rev106 responding to a
comment by two wheels good
05.15.10 - 9:49 am
We ride Alliso canyon park every thursday at 7pm. ON Rinaldi between reseda and zelzah ave.
rev10606.1.10 - 7:52 am
Aliso is only about 2 miles long and is essentially a walking path. Is this ride only up from Rinaldi to Sesnon and back on dirt? There are other nearby interesting trails. Limekiln canyon, Mormon/Moonshine Canyons, and Palisades trail.
Aliso to Moonshine/Mormon to Limekiln to Palisades and back to Aliso is a loop of decent length with a little singletrack thrown in.
Namlak responding to a
comment by rev106
06.1.10 - 9:42 am
Sorry 'eerzz, June 5th is looking more like June 26th right now. Planning to be off the injured list by then.
two wheels good responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
06.1.10 - 4:44 pm
man. why you gotta pick a race day :(
I'll prob have to wait until August. Because yeah, there's going to be a mtnrz in August.
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by two wheels good
06.1.10 - 5:23 pm
we take part of it and then down tampa and sesnon to chatworth on the trail, it's a short ride but good for single speed and less experienced riders. The whole thing takes about and hour and 1/2.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Namlak
06.1.10 - 10:26 pm
Cause I didn't get the memo that was a race day. Ride date moved!
Actually that was really just a random date I threw out there. If I knew I'd feel better by the 12th, I'd have written that instead.
So does this mean schools out and Monday nights are back on?
two wheels good responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
06.1.10 - 10:34 pm
The 12th is 4130 BMX ride
Are Sundays out ?
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by two wheels good
06.1.10 - 11:28 pm
actually, as of today, school is back in session! but I'll probably still make a monday night here and there.
get well soon!
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by two wheels good
06.2.10 - 9:10 am
I'm down for sfv based rides early morning or night.
rev106 responding to a
comment by bike punk
06.7.10 - 4:06 pm
What's the word on all y'all mtb kids? Is there a newer thread I am unaware of? Any email lists for people going out for some dirt? Get at me bikeswarm @ gmail
bike punk01.12.11 - 11:17 am
Try the S.C.U.M.B.A.G. MTB thread, and coaster brake challenge.
Avi responding to a
comment by bike punk
01.12.11 - 3:16 pm
No, bike punk has the correct thread. Those other threads are weak. Especially the S.C.U.M.B.A.G.Z.Z. thread.
two wheels good responding to a
comment by Avi
01.12.11 - 7:26 pm
It takes a SCUMBAG to know a SCUMBAG, you SCUMBAG.......
Longlivelonghairs responding to a
comment by two wheels good
01.12.11 - 7:44 pm
What are Mountaineerzz? Did I miss them at the coaster brake challenge?
Avi responding to a
comment by Longlivelonghairs
01.12.11 - 8:10 pm
Mountaineerzz was one of the first Midnight Ridazz mountain bike rides, lots of fun and good Ridazz. It WAS hosted by Two Wheel Goods and AdamTheLizard. Mountaineerzz has been MIA(missing in action) for some time now. Hopefully with all the new interest in MR mountain bike events, maybe it will come back in full force.
Longlivelonghairs responding to a
comment by Avi
01.12.11 - 8:18 pm
theres no Z in SCUMBAGS buddy!!
next SCUMBAG ride will be superbowl sunday.
.maybe you mtnrzzz can make it!
mandingo responding to a
comment by two wheels good
01.13.11 - 1:17 pm
I put the ZZs in S.C.U.M.B.A.G.S.! And you forgot your own punctuation, homey.
Sweet. Maybe I'll make it out on commonrider's next ride.
And maybe you'll come out to the next Mountaineerzz ride.
two wheels good responding to a
comment by mandingo
01.13.11 - 2:25 pm
Can't we all just git along ?
I would like to see the Scumags join the Mountainiers for a group ride.
Wait ! isn't it all the same people doing both rides ?
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by two wheels good
01.13.11 - 3:05 pm
We should have a locals only spot called ScuMountain.
markd responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
01.13.11 - 3:14 pm
mandingo02.4.11 - 7:40 pm
Nope, because I've never ridden a mountaineers ride. Nothing against it, just have to work on Saturdays. I like the idea of MountainScums and think it should be a Saturday night ride, right in between the usual Mountaineers and S.C.U.M.B.A.G start times. Anyone else down for MountainScumzz?
Avi responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
02.5.11 - 12:07 pm
no idea about the crews and whatnot, but mountain biking rocks, i'm hitting up the jpl area around 3~4ish, short white guy on a blue kona with red sidewalls on the back tire lightly playing some breakbeat techno stuff from my portable speakers, hit me up and say hi or something if you see someone like that and are riding in the area, man what a lovely day it is today, peace!
natefrogg02.5.11 - 12:27 pm
Let it go, Avi.
While your excitement and enthusiasm is appreciated, dont let playfulness, pseudo-camaraderie, and exercise fool you, mandingo and two wheels are not being friendly and this has little to do with bike riding.
Just stay a SCUMBAG for now and slowly, slowly, slowly find your way back to the life you knew before.
markd responding to a
comment by Avi
02.5.11 - 1:00 pm
****************Mountaineerzz ALERT*************
JPL This Sunday......JPL - El Prieto Meet Point,N+Windsor+Ave+%26+Mountain+View+St,+Altadena,+CA+91001&gl=us&ei=kd_iTZrvArHbiALI-PjMBg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBoQ8gEwAA%20%3Cbr%20/%3E
What time is best for all? I lthink 8:30 am meet up, ride by 9am. will work for me. If anybody needs a ride and can make it to NoHo, there is room in my van.
Beware...You meet be riding with some SCUMBAGS!!!!!
LongLive Mountaineerzz!!!!!!
Longlivelonghairs08.16.11 - 2:29 pm
****************Mountaineerzz ALERT*************
JPL This Sunday......JPL - El Prieto Meet Point,N+Windsor+Ave+%26+Mountain+View+St,+Altadena,+CA+91001&gl=us&ei=kd_iTZrvArHbiALI-PjMBg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBoQ8gEwAA%20%3Cbr%20/%3E
8:30 am meet up, ride by 9am.. If anybody needs a ride and can make it to NoHo, there is room in my van. Hit me up....
Beware...You meet be riding with some SCUMBAGS!!!!!
LongLive Mountaineerzz!!!!!!
Longlivelonghairs08.17.11 - 2:52 pm
i m down n need a ride
PP08.17.11 - 5:34 pm
Yo PP, can you make it to Whitsett and Erwin street by 8am? Where you coming from?
Longlivelonghairs responding to a
comment by PP
08.18.11 - 1:49 pm
I'll be there!
I'll try my best not to slow you guys down too much...
gado_gado responding to a
comment by Longlivelonghairs
08.18.11 - 2:10 pm
Looks like mandingo is in....
mandingo responding to a
comment by gado_gado
08.18.11 - 3:20 pm
JPL This Sunday......JPL - El Prieto Meet Point
(at the Windsor Parking Lot)
This is the official word from Frank.
gado_gado08.20.11 - 7:06 pm
PP08.25.11 - 5:06 pm