Eradicate Elitism/Social Stratification..
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Jazzy Phat Nastee at 10.14.08 - 10:51 pm
while developing a microcosm of what the world could be like if we were to seek technological advancements over monetary compensation. where there are no color lines and allegiances, just one common interest: the reach ultimate automation and stop working as slaves competing with one another.
but with the development of technology inevitably comes the desire to integrate technological advances in the human body. This would increase competition exponentially.
You see, one day there will be an invasion of technology into the body. Pretty soon human beings will no longer be human beings. They will be machines. Furthermore, technological advances show that one day in the future people will be able to completely design their children. This means that if you have the money, you can make your kid have a higher IQ, be especially talented in something like say music or sports. You will even be able to make your kid look a certain way, if you have the money of course.
This will separate human beings into separate species: Superhumans and Subhumans.
Subhumans, which will be the future version of what we are today will not be able to compete. Everyone will be competing to make their kids the will be a huge competition for money to get the greatest technological advances in your kids. This will eventually lead to the extinction of the subhumans because they will not have the means to compete with Superhumans.
Then as technology advances, people (or people-machines) will start becoming obsolete like computers do. Furthermore glitches could wipe out entire societies.
In my opinion, we need a regression back to less technological days. We are becoming less human by the year. Technology makes life easier, but easy comes at a PRICE. Competition will increase as more advances in technology take place. Everyone will be competing to get the latest updates, etc.
Advances in technology will bring about a man-made jump in evolution. It is unnatural.
Technology = extinction of human race as we know it.
la duderina10.14.08 - 11:05 pm
what the fuck are you guize talking about?
Bionic dongs?
Mook10.14.08 - 11:26 pm
but this is my point... that's all based on the monetary based world we currently are governed and controlled by, where as i'm talking about an altruistic based one where money is obsolete... as well as the barter system, social stratification, even laws, etc etc etc.
i for one... am giving up everything that has to do with consumerism, commercialism, and facism. that includes my car, which i haven't driven in the last 6 months television, and other materials that are really not necessary.
that zeitgeist : addendum video is amazing. and it mentions a lot of the same things i've been preaching about for years now... this is the main reason i find myself in the financial situation i'm currently in - because i never, and will never, respect money the way others have and will continue to do so. it's never made me happy and i realized that at a very young age. an empty stomach is an empty stomach though, and i will not deny that i have stolen from these super conglomerates who could give a shit less about me.
there are other alternatives... but we are so busy worrying about our immediate (and who's to argue) problems and busy working our dead end unsatisfying yet highly demanding jobs that can't raise wages as inflation goes up.
Jazzy Phat Nastee10.14.08 - 11:36 pm
don't forget to get rid of the computer you're typing on
spiraldemon10.14.08 - 11:39 pm
it is. scary if you really stop to think about it. we can change it... but we're either too lazy or too busy and have a tendency to just go with the flow. before we know it we're at the waterfall and it's too late.
Jazzy Phat Nastee10.14.08 - 11:41 pm
i need to get my information... and i can't count on the media... so i think i'll keep this and my ipod. not everything is useless.
Jazzy Phat Nastee10.14.08 - 11:42 pm
so are you going to become freegan, too? To me, that is the ultimate in anti-consumerism.
I see your point, that is why I believe in a regression to our HUMAN roots. I mean consider the Native Americans. They didn't have money...they had it going on!! They knew whats up before anyone knew whats up then the white devil had to come and fuck it all up.
Pretty soon computers will be able to think for themselves. And we will become slaves to THEM instead of to $$.
la duderina10.15.08 - 12:17 am
to be honest i didn't read anything from the top just replying to the post above me.
indians had bartering which in a way is the same as what we have right now. you have multiple products you can choose from to negotiate price, you have your money that represents a good.
and the American Indians were not as technologically developed as the old world because of that system above, if there way of life survived we wouldn't have bikes...but many horses.
what makes us man, or homo sapien sapien, is that we use toooooooooooooools. money is a toooooooooooooooool.
but we can also make decisions and live in nature if we want too :D
aksendz10.15.08 - 12:24 am
@ aksendz
primates use tools. So do a number of species of insects. Does that make them human?
la duderina10.15.08 - 12:43 am
and we may not have had bikes, but if we lived like the Indians do you know what we would have?
la duderina10.15.08 - 12:45 am
I'm sorry...
"Indians is not the preferred nomenclature, Native American, please."
la duderina10.15.08 - 12:47 am
tomato tomatoe.
well those chimps and apes are related to us under hominidae
its a trait that we share with them
i never heard of insects using tools but thats cool
well if the n. american way of life was still here we would have a healthy plant but to what extenct? exponate the indiant population a couple of times. The need for food will destroy the soil, meat and fish would go down, and many more would go hungry.
and yes, thats all assuming that n. american would live beyond their means.
but if they didn't, only way to meet their demands would be with advanced technology.
and it would of been possible for a healthy planet but religion didn't put a high emphasis on western culture compared to n.american culture. if god talked about preserving the garden of eden and bla bla and if there were principles of reincarnation like hinduism and buddhism the earth would of been 'healthier'
aksendz10.15.08 - 12:57 am
There are insects that use "tools" if you consider harvesting another species of being, much in the same way many humans harvest living animals such as cows, a tool. There are however, other tool using animals, such as Dolphins, which have been observed off the coast of Australia using pieces of sponge to protect the sensitive part of their nose as they are rooting around in the sand for a certain type of food.
FuzzBeast10.15.08 - 1:13 am
awww. you didn't get my movie reference lol. I was referring to my own use of the word Indian. I think American Indian is still pc haha
But anyways, what you are describing that "would have happened" to the native americans is exactly what is happening now.
The native american lifestyle, and the lifestyle of ALL peoples before advanced technology, prevented the population from growing out of control as it has today.
What you described as what would have happened to them is happening to us because of technological advances.
And God DID tell Adam and Eve to take care of the Garden of Eden. It says specifically in the book of Genesis that God have humans "dominion" over all the land and animals. Christians have misinterpreted this to mean that we can do whatever we want with the earth. I believe that it means we are meant to protect it and preserve it, much like a parent has dominion over a child. The parent is not allowed to do whatever he wants with the child, but has a responsibility to protect and preserve it, much like our responsibility to the Earth that human beings have collectively forsaken.
la duderina10.15.08 - 1:50 am
And in regards to the title "eradicate elitism"
technology breeds elitism.
unless this society you describe will be communist as well?
la duderina10.15.08 - 1:57 am
Yes, we need to get rid of all that nasty technology right now so that we can get back to staging bizarre Maussian gift competitions like our ancestors did. I'll bet I can give away more bison furs than any of you fuckholes!
PC10.15.08 - 4:09 am
Read a book called collapse by jared diamond. Basically is gives a run down on how Indigenous populations organized themselves into warring empires and hierarchies long before europeans arrived because it is human nature to compete for resources and to advance technology to aid in the aquisition of resources.
Roadblock10.15.08 - 6:49 am
Also from Jared Diamond is this essay called
The Biggest Mistake in the History of the Human Race, basically arguing that we can blame most social inequalities on the invention of agriculture. It makes sense. Once it becomes possible to hoard resources, individuals can hold sway over large groups within their society, and you get entrenched inequality. And a society that still relies on hunting and gathering will easily be crushed by the sheer numbers of an agricultural society.
All I can say is, well it sucks, but what are you gonna do? You can't put that genie back in the bottle any more than you can un-piss on a couch.
nathansnider10.15.08 - 8:21 am
that's a good point about agriculture... looks like a must read.... I imagine that before humans hoarded food they hoarded land hunting rights. Fighting over patches of land that contained a lot of animals nuts and fruit for hunting and gathering no?
Roadblock10.15.08 - 10:09 am
The earth is doomed to end on December 21, 2012 anyway. We're all going to die. fuuuuuck iiiit.
la duderina10.15.08 - 10:50 am
there's too many people.
DONg would agree that compulsory castration is the best solution
spiraldemon10.15.08 - 10:56 am
er how about mandatory vasectomies instead? we wouldn't want to eradicate sex altogether would we? I know I don't lol
la duderina10.15.08 - 11:02 am
Opi apakuni,
Bisa tesa aboba puka! Wam! Fukasi!!!
Bake abuni!
Aboba dinda apakuni!
Joe Borfo10.15.08 - 11:09 am
If all you west-coast liberals wern't eating arugula salads and washing them down with $4 lattes ... elitisim wouldn't be a problem now would it?
trickmilla10.15.08 - 12:10 pm
The earth is doomed to end on December 21, 2012 anyway. We're all going to die. fuuuuuck iiiit.
la duderina
10.15.08 - 1:50 pm
they actually recalculated the mayan calendar and the world actually ended in april or march of 2006.
ruinedbyidiots10.15.08 - 12:24 pm
Whoever pays $4 for a cup of coffee and eats a dish that sounds like a STD are not elite, just perverts with a taste for the tasteless.
If you wanna be elite, then you gotta pay $5 for a strawberry milkshake, and hunt deer with an M1911, not a rifle, a pistol!!!
bentstrider10.15.08 - 12:32 pm
As a l33t, tool-using dolphin, I take some offense, but it is OK. I realize you're not knocking me on porpoise.
My doctor is l33t to my witch doctor when I get in bike-accidents. Society still needs expertise in some sense--maybe they're analogous to elites, maybe not, but are worth having.
hitsthepoles_ow10.15.08 - 2:42 pm
As long as there's any sort of situation where you potentially have "Haves" and "Have-Nots", you will encounter elitism. If those groups aren't there in the beginning, they will eventually develop.
Perhaps given a long enough amount of time, this behavior will eventually dissipate from human nature, but in the shorter term, you can only alleviate symptoms.
tl;dr: people are dicks.
turrican10.15.08 - 2:50 pm
2012 will be the end of the world as we know it. Doesn't necessarily mean we're all going to die. Maybe, tho. One of the books I read talks about how we're so out of tuned with nature, that Gaia, or mother nature, or whatever, will just do a big reset. December 21, 2012 is probably an arbitrary date that relates to the changing of seasons, from Fall into Winter, or placement of earth in relation to the sun, and other planets. Or whatever. The Mayan calendar ending on that day was pretty well thought out. But we'll know soon enough, and maybe in another 100 or 1000 years we'll see the actual significance of 2012.
Personally, I think the change will be gradual, but it will definitely be in our lifetime (at least mine, I plan to live another 4 years, easy.)
Hope you're all ready to lube your bearings with human fat.
the reverend dak10.15.08 - 2:56 pm
that essay was great thanks for sharing Nathan
Roadblock10.15.08 - 3:29 pm
![](/images/forums/small/Caveman Sex Combo_1224110385.jpg)
really.... the root cause of all of our problems is sex. the Jared Diamond essay argues that farming was the cause of all our problems but then goes on to point out that farming arose because of rising population demands which of course is because of boning. so really, had the ancients just kept their dicks in their furs well.... we wouldnt be having all these problems!
Roadblock10.15.08 - 3:35 pm
Sex wasn't the problem.. It was lack of birth control!
la duderina10.15.08 - 3:36 pm
12/12/12 is a just another shit-date that's being used to derive profit from.
All these books and survivalism stores are raking in the dough when it comes to the uber-paranoid.
If anything, the "End" will come when we least expect it.
Whether it's an Ass-teroid, some smart-ass creates and accidentally/or purposefully releases a germ, or another dip-shit flips the nuke-switch, we'll all be blindsided like the loser in a Tyson-fight.
But, if you're lucky enough to survive and the Earth's surface remains relatively un-scathed, then it's PARTY TIME!!!!!!
bentstrider10.15.08 - 3:40 pm
there's too many people.
DONg would agree that compulsory castration is the best solution
10.15.08 - 1:56 pm
spiraldemon10.15.08 - 3:45 pm
I agree... lack of contraception.... that was our biggest mistake.... that's probably why religion gets all funky about contraception. they need more numbers rather than less.
Roadblock10.15.08 - 3:45 pm
there's also a direct correlation between proper nutrition and intelligence.
I eat well and eat often. that's why I'm smarter than everybody.
spiraldemon10.15.08 - 3:49 pm
Technology = you being able to type this bullshit for us to read from the comfort of your chair. Bikes are also technology. So start walkin'.
gundo10.15.08 - 3:52 pm
and spiral believe it or not you are also the product of sex..... or at least the rumor is it was a botched handjob.... but I digress
Roadblock10.15.08 - 3:52 pm
birth control should be passed out like candy.
la duderina10.15.08 - 3:52 pm
If you wanna get really freaked out.
Check out the
Quiverfull movement. An attempt to repopulate the right-wing christian masses by encouraging each family to have 8-12 kids. Even there name quiverfull refers to these kids being arrows for the Lord.
Anybody seen the movie
trickmilla10.15.08 - 3:55 pm
@ trickmilla
I was seriously JUST thinking of that movie
la duderina10.15.08 - 3:59 pm
"I eat well and eat often. that's why I'm smarter than everybody."
People who find it necessary to state that they're intellectually superior - usually aren't.
turrican10.15.08 - 4:05 pm
Well, if you could raise 5-10 kids without making an impressionable footprint on the Earth, then go for it.
The Old Order Amish and farmers in SouthEast Asian countries seem to do this just fine, and they use either buggies, or donkeys to cart their shit around.
As far as Right-Wing, modernized families having kids, no, no, no and Aw Hell Naw!!
Where I live, I see families with 4-8 kids that insist that everyone of their kids must have their own dirtbike, and for each of those toys, a 30'-40' toy-hauler to be poorly driven by their construction-worker daddy!!!
Nevermind the fact that daddy also happens to be a wannabe-trucker that can't even keep an F-350 in a straight-line!!!
bentstrider10.15.08 - 4:07 pm
That wasn't irony or sarcasm. It was merely an observation.
turrican10.15.08 - 4:31 pm
my forum comments are all ironic, including this one
spiraldemon10.15.08 - 4:32 pm
My comments are all SERIOUS. Just like my CYCLING.
turrican10.15.08 - 4:34 pm
You guys are alright.
No spiraldemonburger, or turrican-fillet to be grilled tonight.
My cannibalistic urges remain unfulfilled:(
bentstrider10.15.08 - 4:38 pm
but i thought it took serious money to be a serious cycler and we all know all us riders are broke like some of our bikes.
Jazzy Phat Nastee10.15.08 - 8:43 pm
and when Dec 21st, 2012 (not 12/12/12) arrives and the world ends as we know it... the polar poles would have switched places (documented in volcanic rock throughout the earth's lifespan thus far) making south become north and vice versa causing cataclysmic events that will wipe out 70-75%, if not more, of the world's population. we will lose everything as we know it... and maybe go back to the forests.
Jazzy Phat Nastee10.15.08 - 8:49 pm
and then it can be like that dream I had last weekend...
We, and by we I mean the ridazz, were partying on top of a hill, below us was the post apocalyptic remains of the los angeles basin, and the hollywood hills were burning. there were helicopter like (also very insect like) devices flying by to dump water on the fire that was consuming what was left of the hollywood sign.
then mikey wally rode up on the back of a giant pink beast, something of a cross between smoochy from death to smoochy, and crunkle the hug. swinging his leg over one of the beast's horns he caused it to skid to a stop, doing his little trademarked finger point thing and all.
we continued partying.
I think this dream means one of two things, either we are partying as the world collapses around us and somehow we are the future (we're from there so this could be the truth)...
we're partying BECAUSE the world is collapsing and we couldn't give a shit...
I like option one...
FuzzBeast10.15.08 - 9:44 pm
or option 3. you have a crush on Mikey Wally.... kidding!
Roadblock10.15.08 - 9:53 pm
21st of December in 2012, okay.
All I could say is that this sounds like the biblical story of Noah and his Ark.
So, there could be a way for civilization to survive.
All we got to do is put together a good-sized, flotilla of all the decent people and technologies and wait for the Poles to settle.
And to make this work, we could just use all the ships that exist now, and strategically place them in different corners of the globe.
But, I'm just responding in kind to DoomSayer talk and there probably already is a plan in place to keep the "Black-Helicopter" people around.
bentstrider10.15.08 - 10:15 pm
jazzy? you're full of it....
you don't really make sense and you think too much of yourself....
but i guess thats just who u are, so good luck with that... you wont get far ......
the return of the frenchconn..10.16.08 - 5:55 pm